The ADempiere World

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Revision as of 04:08, 2 August 2010 by Peanutblake (Talk) (What CAN we do?)

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What is the Internal Environment of the ADempiere Project?

This section is about us. Its purpose is to document who we are, what are we good at, what we are NOT good at, and what available resources we have at our disposal.

The Internal Environment

The ADempiere Project has:

  1. Project Leaders: Ie, who are they? What are they good at?
    1. The Project Leaders are able to..
  2. People: Ie, who are they? What are they good at?
    1. The people that take part, are able to..
  3. Marketing: Ie, what do we do to keep up to date with what is going on? (The open source innovation in marketing is that since the developers are the users, they can find out what is going on and code it a lot faster than traditional organizations)
    1. ADempiere 4P's
      1. Product: ADempiere is an ERP and CRM software, having multiple languages, accounting schemmas, companies and branch offices, and able to run in most well-known OS's.
        1. ADempiere is not productized yet, and this slows widespread adoption considerably.
        2. Cutting-edge features are just starting to be developed for ADempiere
        3. Integration with mature OSS (OpenOffice, Evolution, Mailman, Postfix) would bring the most in features with the less effort
      2. Place: Distributed through Sourceforge
      3. Price: Being OSS, helps lower TCO
      4. Promotion: There is only one Press Release yet, but there is a site and a Wiki
  4. Production: Ie, how do we produce the code? Do we use the same methodologies? the same environment? What is the 1-tier Compiere architecture?
    1. The output of ADempiere Project is..
  5. Research & Development: Ie, what are we working on? Why? Where this is going to be used? What about Database Independence, Upgrade tool and 3-tier architecture?
    1. The roadmap is focused on bug fixing first and adding new functionality later. The community contributions work in the other way :-)

What CAN we do?

We are very good at:

  1. Adding cutting-edge features: New features are proposed all the time, and the community is gearing up to speed
  2. Lowering TCO software costs to the customer

We have weaknesses in:

  1. Selling to the typical customer: ADempiere, due to lack of productization can not appeal to the large majority of customers - only to early adopters
  2. Few cutting-edge features
