Talk:PMC:QA:Research Sahi

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Original text from Sunny

This detail has been overtaken by updates to the Sahi software.

Start Sahi

now you can start Sahi in console

first time for start Sahi

workbox bin # ./
SAHI_USERDATA_DIR: ../userdata
Sahi properties file = /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/config/
Sahi user properties file = /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/config/
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi0
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi1
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi2
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi3
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi4
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi5
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi6
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi7
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi8
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi9
>>>> Sahi started. Listening on port: 9999
>>>> Configure your browser to use this server and port as its proxy
>>>> Browse any page and CTRL-ALT-DblClick on the page to bring up the Sahi Controller

then you can access http://localhost:9999/ via your browser

you can see follow interface:


test Sahi

Configuring Firefox to use Sahi's proxy

install FoxyProxy can see it in the lower right corner of Firefox


click it,then configurate it. FoxyProxy


2.add new Proxy


select ok.

3.use Sahi's proxy(localhost:9999)



after configuration, you can see we are using Sahi's proxy now


Sahi Controller

start Sahi,access http://localhost:9999 and put in start URL(eg.


then will pop up Sahi Controller and open

Script Examples


// A collection of common functions to use in
// ADempiere sahi tests.
// Release: 3.6.0LTS

//login with given user and password, language english and default role, client
//org and warehouse
function login($usr, $pwd) {
	_setValue(_textbox(0), $usr);
	_setValue(_password(0), $pwd);
	_setValue(_textbox(1), "English");
	//use default role and org

//login using the given values
function loginWithRole($usr, $pwd, $language, $role, $client, $org, $warehouse) {
	_setValue(_textbox(0), $usr);
	_setValue(_password(0), $pwd);
	_setValue(_textbox(1), $language);
	_setValue(_textbox(0), $role);
	_setValue(_textbox(1), $client);
	_setValue(_textbox(2), $org);
	_setValue(_textbox(3), $warehouse);

function logout() {
	_assertExists(_link("Log Out"));
	_click(_link("Log Out"));


var $orderno = null;

function openOrderWindow($orderno) { 
	_click(_div("Sales Order"));
	if($orderno != null) {
		 _setValue(_textbox(/Field_DocumentNo/), $orderno);

function addChatMsg($msg) {
	_setValue(_textarea(1), $msg);

function checkChatEntryExists($entry) {
	var $expression = "/.*";
	$expression = $expression.concat($entry);
	$expression = $expression.concat("/");
	_assertExists(_div($expression), _in(_div(/Chat/)));

login("GardenAdmin", "GardenAdmin");
 _set($orderno, _textbox("/Field_DocumentNo/").value);


login("GardenUser", "GardenUser");





_assertExists(_div("System Admin"));
_click(_div("System Admin"));

_assertExists(_div("Organization Rules"));
_click(_div("Organization Rules"));

_assertExists(_span("Organization Info"));
_click(_span("Organization Info"));
_assertExists(_span("CashBook for transfers"));
_assert(_isVisible(_span("CashBook for transfers")));

_assertExists(_span("Bank for transfers"));
_assert(_isVisible(_span("Bank for transfers")));

_assertExists(_span("Receipt Footer Msg"));
_assert(_isVisible(_span("Receipt Footer Msg")));


Test BPartner Balance


var $openBalance = null;
var $grandTotal = "100.00";
var $bpartnerName = "Joe Block";

function openBP($bpName) {
	_click(_div("Business Partner"));
	_setValue(_textbox(/Field_Name_/), $bpName);

function createInvoiceCustomer($bpName, $grandTotal) {
 	_click(_div("Invoice (Customer)"));
 	_assertExists(_span("Invoice (Customer)"));
	_assertExists(_span("Target Document Type"));
 	_setValue(_textbox(0, _near(_span("Target Document Type"))), "AR Invoice");
 	_assertExists(_span("Business Partner", _near(_span("Target Document Type"))));
	_setValue(_textbox(0, _near(_span("Business Partner", _near(_span("Target Document Type"))))), $bpName);
	_click(_span("Invoice Line"));
	_setValue(_textbox(0, _near(_span("Price"))), $grandTotal);
	_assertExists(_span("Total Lines"));
	_assertEqual($grandTotal, _getValue(_textbox(0, _near(_span("Total Lines")))));

 function createPaymentCustomer($bpName, $grandTotal) {
 	_assertExists(_span("Document Type"));
  	_setValue(_textbox(0, _near(_span("Document Type"))), "AR Receipt");
  	_assertExists(_span("Business Partner", _near(_span("Document Type"))));
	_setValue(_textbox(0, _near(_span("Business Partner", _near(_span("Document Type"))))), $bpName);
	_assertExists(_span("Payment amount"));
	_setValue(_textbox(0, _near(_span("Payment amount"))), $grandTotal);


login("GardenAdmin", "GardenAdmin", "English", "GardenWorld Admin", "GardenWorld", "HQ", "HQ Warehouse");

//open bpartner Joe Block and get actual balance
_assertExists(_span("Open Balance"));
//the nearest textbox is the credit status - that's why we need to find the nearest number textbox
_set($openBalance, _textbox(/z-decimalbox/, _near(_span("Open Balance"))).value);

//create a new invoice and get the invoice grand total (can be different because of standard tax)
createInvoiceCustomer($bpartnerName, $grandTotal);
_assertExists(_span("Grand Total"));
_set($grandTotal, _textbox(0, _near(_span("Grand Total"))).value);

//refresh Joe Block and check balance
_click(_span("Business Partner"));
_assertEqual(parseFloat($openBalance) + parseFloat($grandTotal), parseFloat(_getValue(_textbox(/z-decimalbox/, _near(_span("Open Balance")))).replace(/,/g, "") ));
//problems with numbers greater than 1000 because of the format parseFloat("1,000.23") will give 1 as result
//that's why we have to removes all ',' with the replace function

//create a payment with grand total
createPaymentCustomer($bpartnerName, $grandTotal);

//refresh Joe Block and check balance -> should be back to original open balance
_click(_span("Business Partner"));
_assertEqual(parseFloat($openBalance), parseFloat(_getValue(_textbox(/z-decimalbox/, _near(_span("Open Balance")))).replace(/,/g, "") ));



 * common_functions.sah
 * A collection of common functions used in multiple scenarios.
 * Requires the following variable declarations in the scenario
 * var $server = "";
 * var $release = "Release 3.6.0LTS";
 * var $usr = "GardenAdmin";
 * var $pwd = "GardenAdmin";
 * var $client = "GardenWorld";
 * var $org = "*";
 * var $rememberMe = "No";

// Function declarations

function verifyLogin($usr, $client, $org){
	// Test the login id that appears in the top right corner of the browser
	var $zkLoginID = "zk_comp_109"; // The zk ID of the login id
	var $loginID;
	$loginID = $usr + "@" + $client + "." + $org;
	_assertEqual($loginID, _getText(_span($loginID)));
	//_assertContainsText($loginID, _span($loginID));

function login($usr, $pwd, $org, $rememberMe){
	// Used from the main login screen.  Assumes default role
	// $rememberMe can be "Yes" or "No"
	_setValue(_textbox(0), $usr);
	_setValue(_password(0), $pwd);
	if ($rememberMe == "No") {
		if (_condition(_checkbox(0).checked)){
			_click(_checkbox(0)); // Remember Me check box is selected. Deselect it.
	else {
		if ($rememberMe == "Yes") {
			if (_condition(_checkbox(0).checked)){
				// No change required
			else {
				_click(_checkbox(0));  // Remember Me check box is deselected. Select it.
	_click(_image("Ok24.png")); //Login - Connection
	// TODO: Add sets/tests for Role and Org
	_click(_image("Ok24.png")); //Roles and Organization
	_wait(2000) // Wait for the page to load
	verifyLogin($usr, $client, $org);  //check that the correct login occured

function versionTest($Version){
	// Used on login screen to test the version number
	_assertEqual($Version, _getText(_cell($Version)));
	_assertContainsText($Version, _cell($Version));
// End of common functions


// tf_sample_create_order.sah
// Tests that an order can be created, a line item added and the order saved.
// Verifies that the grand total is correct.	

function test_create_order(){
	// Run from the main menu
	_click(_span("z-tree-ico z-tree-root-close[3]")); //Quote to invoice
	_click(_span("z-tree-ico z-tree-tee-close[18]")); //Sales Orders
	_click(_div("Sales Order"));
	_click(_link("New Record"));
	_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_AD_Org_ID/), "Fertilizer");
	_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_C_DocTypeTarget/), "POS Order");
	_setValue(_textbox(/^zk/,_in(_div(/^Field_C_BPartner_ID/))), "Joe Block");
	_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_M_Warehouse_ID/), "Fertilizer");
	_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_M_PriceList_ID/), "Standard");
	_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_SalesRep_ID/), "GardenAdmin");
	_click(_div("Save Changes"));

	_click(_submit("Order Line"));  //Open the order line tab
	_click(_image(/^Product/, _in(_div(/^Field_M_Product_ID/))));  //Open the product window
	_click(_image("Refresh24.png[1]"));  //Refresh the list of products
	_wait(1000); //Wait for the page to load
	_click(_div("Mary Consultant"));  //Select Mary
	_click(_image("Ok24.png")); // Confirm
	_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_C_Tax_ID/), "Standard");
	_click(_link("Save changes"));  // Save

	_assertEqual("90.00", _getValue(_textbox(/^z-decimalbox/, _in(_div(/^Field_GrandTotal/)))));
	_click(_link(/close$/, _in(_div("z_tabs_header"))));  // Close the window

	_log("Test Completed", "info") // Test Completed.
// End of test_create_order


// Variable declarations

//var $server = "";
var $server = "http://dev-pc/webui/";
var $release = "Release 3.6.0LTS";
var $usr = "GardenAdmin";
var $pwd = "GardenAdmin";
var $client = "GardenWorld";
var $org = "*";
var $rememberMe = "No";

// Includes - common functions

// Includes - test flows

// Setup	
function setUp(){
login($usr, $pwd, $org, "No");

// Tear down
function tearDown() {
_click(_link("Log Out"));

// Run the tests

_log("Test Completed", "info") // Test Completed.

// End of test