Sponsored Development: WebService

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Project Team


  • Lukasz Kolczynski of 3E
  • Maciej Lizewski of 3E

Functional Specs

  • Lukasz Kolczynski
  • Maciej Lizewski


  • Lukasz Kolczynski
  • Maciej Lizewski




Export the AD via Soap using Codehaus XFire and Apache jetty. Additionally they build a delphi client (win only) to use the service. Works even over very slow internet connections and doesnt have such security flaws like the Adempiere java fat-client. Of course it it possible to build custom applications on basis of this webservice.


Hong Nguyen submitted some screenshots here AD-ext-open line.JPG AD-ext-main interface.JPG

Howto run

Basically it works the same as the "example webservice" by 3E. To check it out use the following command:

svn checkout https://adempiere.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/adempiere/contributions/3E

Now follow the howto from the example:

If you experience problems compiling and running it look here: [2]. If you want to start developing a Soap client for this service use this Tutorial. --Jab doa 14:12, 5 July 2007 (EDT)


Webservice WSDL


This project is the father of a bigger project described here Adempiere_Web_Services - thanks to 3E for this great big initial contribution.


  • Red1 21:53, 3 July 2007 (EDT)
  • mutha 14:15, 4 July 2007 (CET)