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This Wiki is read-only for reference purposes to avoid broken links. was the url maintained by the first project manager of the ADempiere project, Redhuan D. Oon. It was also the site where the idea of ADempiere was first proposed to the community. On September 1st 2006 in the forums of the idea of a fork was brought to the compiere community because many people in the community felt like the compiere project was becoming less open and free. Over the next week the proposal was discussed and the result was the start of the ADempiere project.

What is relevent from for ADempiere are the Compiere tutorials and forums' knowledge base from the community.

(The forums which was locked due to spam in October 2006 is reopened in March 2011. after a successful upgrade to phpBB3).

Red1 also crystalise the Open Source philosophy with a 3-line principle of:

 Information Is Free
 People Are Not
 Contributors Are Priceless

Guide to Red1's Tutorials

  • Most of red1's famous tutorials are housed in this directory and is targeted to the developer community. Its written as a series with step-by-step detail, generously illustrated with screenshots, punctured with humour and anecdotes, progressing from the simple to the more advanced. They have their own history.
  • Here, you should start with the POSred.pdf where you learn the beginnings of
    • Compiere source codes setup
    • Concept of Application Dictionary
    • a simple case of hardcoding under the hood.
  • A follow up tutorial from the POSred.pdf is CallOut.pdf which delves deeper into
    • Eclipse setup of the source
    • Handling a Callout, a Compiere tool for extending functionality
    • More changes to the Application Dictionary
  • A debugging tutorial using Eclipse - ZeroPrice.pdf
    • Bugs error tracing
    • Subject Matter on Accounting practice
    • Step by Step till resolution of bug
  • An extending of the Import functionality - ImportPriceSetup.pdf 6th Aug 2004, PDF, 10 pages commentary, code snips and screen shots.
  • A expose of 3 way matching of PO/Invoice/Shipment - MixMatchInv.pdf
    • Resolving of an ommission bug
  • Remote Debugging of Application Server for the web-based client - RemoteDebug.pdf
  • An advanced tutorial introducing the XML2AD - GodFather Series
    • 2 tutorials pdf in one pack
    • Source codes for actual use
    • Introducing use of Druid in DB development work
    • Introducing Marco Lombardo's Compilo and Trifon Trifonov who eventually progress further with his own project at ComXE
  • An attempt at guiding the new entrant into Compiere - CompiereSource 101
    • Encyclopedia but brief approach
    • Not necessary deep and accurate technical treatment
    • Fair for a quick expose

Lesser Tutorials

  • The versatility of AD (Application Dictionary) and BOM (Build of Materials) in addressing many commercial practice:
    • For the Car Sales/Tradein Business - VehicleSales
      • Uses Sales Order Window and BOM for Accessories Tab
      • Uses AD-Window to organise the related forms handling the sales process
    • For a queer cooking kitchen that is highly scalable CalorieYield
      • Uses BOM in most marvelous way to act as a calorie calculator
      • Shows how you can carve new fields and processes around the BOM frame
  • My maiden article for the Construction Industry ProgressClaims
    • Extending Material Receipts as a Progress Work Done module
    • Setting UOM to percentage rule on work done and oustanding measure.

Tutorials Zip Download

  • Get the whole lot at one go here

Red1 Forums Forums are organised for easy and efficent access to share information on the experience of Open Source usage. The welcome line at the top of the PHPBB page is latin for "This is nothing - I was a Roman Emperor in my previous life".

Note, all of these forums were locked closed in 2006. Current forums are on SourceForge.

The forums relevant now to ADempiere are titled:

  • Open Forum
 Create your own tidbits here. Drinks on the house. Ash-trays provided.
  • Compiere Case Workshop
 All Case Experiences in Topic format. Easy reading mode for contextual understanding. 
 Quickie snapshot and howtos Files are linked into
  • Contributor's Corner
 For those who got the Open Source fever, sharing only makes you hot!
  • PreSales Bites
 Before you even think of trying Compiere. What you should worry about. What are the issues? 
 These are stuff that our prospects and clients went through. No holds barred. We tell it like it is.
  • Growing Pains
 Ouch!! Open Source ERP & Compiere beginners WILL have Teething Pains. 
 This is where you rumbled thru like Rasputin, cry like a babe, and grin like a chimp! :D
  • BUGS Galore!
 Whenever bugs are encountered they are quashed and reported. 
 Here you can see their quashings up close.
  • Strictly Technical
 For those who ventured too far - just hope they know their way back :)
  • Accounting Process
 The Financial Integration (FI) aspect of Compiere means Accounting Consequence, 
 and stuff that makes Accountants rule. Well, IANA.
  • Ask RED1 personally
 To err is to be human, to help each other is joy.
 Tell your Compiere needs in your own words.  Let's figure out together.
  • Reality Strikes
 It is here where business functions and pains hits you in the face. 
 Do we extend and weave requirements into Compiere? 
 Or do we just tweak hardly a code with smart thinking and a full grasp of Compierology?
 You’ll see lots of both in making your business grow.

See Also

  • My YouTube Movies on ADempiere here.
  • Crystal clear movies (large but zipped) in the Educational Movies section (look for *.7z) here.