RPM - Configuration Parameters

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General Settings


The name of the resulting package

default: adempiere

example: %global name adempiere


The name of the packager (your company)

default: custom

example: %global company Some Company, Inc.

Compile Settings


whether quick fixes should be applied

Sometimes the source does not compile and some quick fixes or workarounds must be applied. The script SOURCES/s041_quickFix.sh is called to apply such workarounds.


  • 0 = do not apply quick Fixes

  • 1 = apply quick Fixes

default: 1

example: %global applyQuickFix 1

Version Settings


the Adempiere version to download and compile


  • current, head = download newest files of the current Adempiere version

  • release = download original files of the current Adempiere version as it was originally released

  • previous = download newest files of the previous Adempiere version (just before it changed to the current version)

  • version = specific Adempiere version to download

Note that versions are relative to the current branch (see hgBranch) in the Mercurial repository.

When comparing the Adempiere version with tags in the Mercurial repository, both are converted to lower-case, all non-alphanumeric characters are stripped, and any "adempiere" or "release" prepending the version number are removed. Thus release-2.5.3b-initial becomes 253binitial, adempiere340-trunk-frozen becomes 340trunkfrozen, and Adempiere360LTS becomes 360lts.

default: current

example: %global version 360lts

Alternatively, it is possible to directly specify a Mercurial revision. In this case it is assumed that you know what you are doing, and no further sanity checks are performed. This also overrides any settings in the hgBranch parameter.

  • tip = download the current Mercurial tip

  • hgrevision = download specific Mercurial revision

Mercurial Settings

Mercurial is needed to download the source code as well as gather information on the version.


general options to use with the hg command

default: --noninteractive --encoding utf8

example: %global hgOptions --quiet --noninteractive --encoding utf8


URL of the source code repository

default: http://adempiere.hg.sourceforge.net:8000/hgroot/adempiere/adempiere

example: %global hgRepository http://adempiere.hg.sourceforge.net/hgroot/adempiere/adempiere


Named branch in the source code repository


  • master = the main stable branch containing official releases

  • development = the main development branch with newest features and bugfixes

  • release/name = temporary branch with "frozen" code of the next release candidate

  • hotfix/name = temporary branch for fixing bugs found in live production version of master branch

  • name = any other named branch

default: master

example: %global hgBranch master


the file from which to read version information

default: base/src/org/compiere/Adempiere.java

example: %global hgVersionFile base/src/org/compiere/Adempiere.java

Adempiere User Settings

OS level environment settings for the 'adempiere' user


the home directory of the adempiere user

(this will be the parent directory of ADEMPIERE_HOME)

default: /opt/adempiere

example: %global userDir /opt/adempiere


the location of ADEMPIERE_HOME

If starting with a /, it is the absolute path to ADEMPIERE_HOME. Otherwise it will be a subdirectory under %{userDir}.

Note that %{adempiereHome} will not actually be a directory, but a symbolic link.

The package will be installed under %{userDir} with version information, for example

  • /opt/adempiere/adempiere360lts for the pristine package

  • /opt/adempiere/server360lts for the server package

  • /opt/adempiere/client360lts for the client package

Then a symbolic link will be created from the package directory to %{adempiereHome}, for example

ln -s /opt/adempiere/server360lts /opt/adempiere/adempiere

This way it is possible to have different packages and versions installed on the same machine, and by changing the symbolic link you can choose which version to run.

default: adempiere

example: %global adempiereHome /opt/adempiere/adempiere


the name of the adempiere user

default: adempiere

example: %global userName adempiere


the user ID number for the adempiere user

If the requested user ID is already taken, the next available system ID will be used.

values: 200 <= x < 500

default: 215

example: %global userID 215


the adempiere user's private group name

default: same as %{userName}

example: %global groupName adempiere


the primary group ID number for the adempiere user

If the requested group ID is already taken, the next available system ID will be used.

values: 200 <= x < 500

default: 215

example: %global groupID 215

Pristine Package Settings

The pristine package is the release as distributed by Adempiere without any extensions or patches. It can be used for testing before filing support requests or bug reports.

It contains both server and client, and it is not pre-configured.


whether to build the pristine package


  • 0 = do not build the pristine package

  • 1 = build the pristine package

default: 0

example: %global buildPristine 0

Client Package Settings

The client package is installed on remote machines.

It includes desktop menu entries for connection to the server.

The client package is a custom release to which patches and extensions are applied.


whether to build the client package


  • 0 = do not build the client package

  • 1 = build the client package

default: 1

example: %global buildClient 1

Server Package Settings

The server package is the live server. It also includes its own client.

The server package is a custom release to which patches and extensions are applied.


whether to build the server package


  • 0 = do not build the server package

  • 1 = build the server package

default: 1

example: %global buildServer 1


whether to pre-configure the server so that it will run out of the box without executing ./RUN_Setup.sh


  • 0 = do not pre-configure the server package

  • 1 = pre-configure the server package

default: 0

example: %global preconfigureServer 0

Server Configuration Parameters

These parameters are used for pre-configuring the server

Certificate Configuration


The fully qualified domain name of the server

This string is used to identify the application server as well generate default entries for mail and database server.

default: localhost.localdomain

example: %global serverFQDN myAppServer.mydomain.com


the server's keystore file (relative to ADEMPIERE_HOME)

default: keystore/myKeystore

example: %global keystore keystore/myKeystore


the password for the server's keystore

default: adempiere

example: %global keystorePass adempiere


The CN (common name) component of the DN (distinguished name) for the server's keystore.

default: name portion of serverFQDN

example: %global keystoreCN myAppServer


The OU (organizational unit) component of the DN (distinguished name) for the server's keystore.

default: name of currently logged-in user

example: %global keystoreOU myName


The O (organization) component of the DN (distinguished name) for the server's keystore.

default: AdempiereUser

example: %global keystoreO AdempiereUser


The L (location) component of the DN (distinguished name) for the server's keystore.

default: myTown

example: %global keystoreL myTown


The ST (state) component of the DN (distinguished name) for the server's keystore.

default: myState

example: %global keystoreST myState


The C (country) component of the DN (distinguished name) for the server's keystore.

default: country from system's LANG setting in /etc/sysconfig/i18n

example: %global keystoreC US


the certificate alias for code signing on the server

Note that although this is a configurable parameter, the alias 'adempiere' is hardcoded in some source files, so it might be a bad idea to change it.

default: adempiere

example: %global keystoreCodeAlias adempiere


the certificate alias for secure web connections to the server

Note that although this is a configurable parameter, the alias 'adempiere' is hardcoded in some source files, so it might be a bad idea to change it.

default: adempiere

example: %global keystoreWebAlias adempiere

Java Configuration


the Java type installed on the server

Note that ibm is not implemented yet, and there are still some issues with openJDK.

values: sun, mac, ibm, OpenJDK

default: OpenJDK

example: %global javaType OpenJDK


the Java path on the server

default: /usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk

example: %global javaHome /usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk


options with which to start the virtual machine under which Adempiere is run

(see Java documentation)

default: -Xms64M -Xmx512M

example: %global javaOptions -Xms64M -Xmx512M

Application Server Configuration


the type of application server

values: jboss, glassfish

default: jboss

example: %global serverType jboss


the application server deployment directory (relative to ADEMPIERE_HOME)


  • jboss/server/adempiere/deploy for JBoss

  • glassfish/glassfish/domains/domain1 for Glassfish

example: %global deployDir jboss/server/adempiere/deploy


the JNP port (whatever that is)


  • 1099 for JBoss

  • 3700 for Glassfish

example: %global jnpPort 1099


the TCP port to be used by the application server for HTTP

default: 8888

example: %global webPort 8888


the TCP port to be used by the application server for HTTPS

default: 8443

example: %global sslPort 8443


which facility to use for the system logger

values: local0local7

default: local1

example: %global logFacility local1


the minimum severity level for messages to be logged


default: INFO

example: %global logLevel INFO

Database Configuration


the name of the database server

default: name portion of %{serverFQDN} (assuming that Adempiere is installed on the same machine as the database)

example: %global dbServer myDatabaseServer


the type of database (database vendor)

values: oracle, oracleXE, postgresql

default: postgresql

example: %global dbType postgresql


the database port


  • 5432 for PostgreSQL

  • 1521 for Oracle

example: %global dbPort 1521


the name of the database


  • adempiere for PostgreSQL

  • orcl for Oracle

  • xe for OracleXE

example: %global dbName adempiere


the url for the jdbc driver to connect to the database


  • jdbc:postgresql://%{dbServer}:%{dbPort}/%{dbName} for PostgreSQL

  • jdbc:oracle:thin:@//%{dbServer}:%{dbPort}/%{dbName} for Oracle

example: %global dbUrl jdbc:postgresql://myDatabaseServer:5432/adempiere


the name of the adempiere database user

default: adempiere

example: %global dbUser adempiere


the password of the adempiere database user

default: adempiere

example: %global dbPassword adempiere


the user name of the database system administrator


  • postgres for PostgreSQL

  • system for Oracle

example: %global dbSystemUser postgres


the password of the database system administrator


  • postgres for PostgreSQL

  • manager for Oracle

example: %global dbSystemPassword postgres


When using Oracle, the adempiere user needs to have access to the Oracle client on the local machine.

This is the ORACLE_HOME environment variable pointing to the oracle product directory.

To keep the adempiere packages independent of the installed Oracle version, if the Oracle product directory contains a version in its name, it is recommended to create symbolic link from the Oracle product directory to a version-free name such as /opt/oracle/oracle at the time of Oracle installation.

This can be done with the command

# ln -s /opt/oracle/product/10.2.01 /opt/oracle/oracle

default: /opt/oracle/oracle

example: %global oracleHome /opt/oracle/product/10.2.01


When using Oracle, the adempiere user needs to have access to the Oracle client on the local machine.

This is the TNS_ADMIN environment variable pointing to the location where Oracle Net Services look for configuration files.

default: %{oracleHome}/network/admin

example: %global oracleTnsAdmin /opt/oracle/product/10.2.01/network/admin

FTP Configuration


name of the FTP server

default: name portion of %{serverFQDN}

example: %global ftpServer myAppServer


the FTP prefix to use

(no idea what this does)

default: my

example: %global ftpPrefix my


the FTP user

default: anonymous

example: %global ftpUser anonymous


the FTP user's password

default: user@host.com

example: %global ftpPassword user@host.com

E-Mail Configuration


the mail server to use

default: mailserver.(domain portion of %{serverFQDN})

example: %global mailServer mailserver.mydomain.com


the default administrative mail address to use

It can be overwritten on client level

default: adempiere@(domain portion of %{serverFQDN})

example: %global mailAddress adempiere@mydomain.com


the user of the default mail account

default: adempiere

example: %global mailUser adempiere


the password of the default mail account

default: adempiere

example: %global mailPassword adempiere

Corporate Format Settings

Some sites may want to enforce their own corporate formats, i.e. no matter what locale the user is working in or what language a business partner has defined, always the same decimal point, date format, and paper size are used, regardless of what the locale conventions are.

(And the locale conventions are often wrong in Java, anyway).

This is technically a patch, but as the target file may change frequently, it would be very cumbersome to always keep the patch file up to date.

It has therefore been incorporated as a script in the %prep section.


whether to apply the corporate format patch

Note that this changes the locale conventions for the complete installation and thus affects all clients.


  • 0 = do not use corporate formats

  • 1 = use corporate formats

default: 0

example: %global useCorporateFormat 0


whether to use a point as decimal separator


  • 0 = use a comma as decimal separator

  • 1 = use a point as decimal separator

default: 1

example: %global formatDecimal 1


the date format to use

The formats are probably described somewhere in Java documentation. Have a look at looks/src/org/compiere/util/Language.java for examples.

default: yyyy-MM-dd

example: %global formatDate yyyy-MM-dd


the paper size to use.

The formats are probably described somewhere in Java documentation. Have a look at looks/src/org/compiere/util/Language.java for examples.

values: ISO.A4, NA.LETTER

default: ISO.A4

example: %global formatPaper ISO.A4