From ADempiere
This Wiki is read-only for reference purposes to avoid broken links.Please don't modify the content, because this index is automatically generated by a script.
This index is based on ADempiere 3.4.0s menu. As an aggregated value you will find:
- in second column the program type: Workbench, WorkFlow, Process, Report, Task, Window, Form, Menu.
- in third column the name of involved tables, and the name of reports and/or processes inside that option.
This information is already a good technical help, i.e. if you want to know which window is used to maintain a table, you can find that table on this page and it will show you which is the corresponding maintenance window. Same if you want to find which window executes a process, you find it and it will show the window/process/report.
System Admin
General Rules
System Rules
.......System | Window | AD_System (org.compiere.process.SystemValidate) |
.......System Registration | Window | AD_Registration (org.compiere.process.RegisterSystem) |
.......Language Setup | WorkFlow | |
.......Language | Window | AD_Language (org.compiere.install.LanguageMaintenance) |
.......Synchronize Doc Translation | Process | org.compiere.process.TranslationDocSync |
.......Translation Import/Export | Form | org.compiere.install.TranslationDialog |
.......System Translation Check | Window | AD_Language (org.compiere.install.LanguageMaintenance) +AD_Element_Trl +AD_Message_Trl +AD_Window_Trl +AD_Tab_Trl +AD_Field_Trl +AD_FieldGroup_Trl +AD_Process_Trl +AD_Form_Trl +AD_Task_Trl +AD_Workflow_Trl +AD_WF_Node_Trl +AD_Menu_Trl +AD_Ref_List_Trl |
.......Menu | Window | AD_Menu +AD_Menu_Trl |
.......Tree | Window | AD_Tree (org.compiere.process.TreeMaintenance) |
.......Replication Strategy | Window | AD_ReplicationStrategy +AD_ReplicationTable |
.......Tree Maintenance | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VTreeMaintenance |
.......Task | Window | AD_Task +AD_Task_Trl +AD_Task_Access |
.......Replication | Window | AD_Replication (org.compiere.process.ReplicationLocal) +AD_Replication_Run ++AD_Replication_Log |
.......System Color | Window | AD_Color |
.......System Image | Window | AD_Image |
.......Error Message | Window | AD_Error |
.......Notice | Window | AD_Note (org.compiere.process.NoteDelete) |
.......Country Region and City | Window | C_Country +C_Country_Trl +C_Region ++C_City |
.......System Configurator | Window | AD_SysConfig |
.......User | Window | AD_User +AD_User_Roles +AD_User_Substitute +C_OrgAssignment +AD_User_OrgAccess +AD_UserMail +AD_UserQuery +AD_LdapAccess |
.......Reset Password | Process | org.compiere.process.UserPassword |
.......Role | Window | AD_Role +AD_Role_OrgAccess +AD_User_Roles +AD_Window_Access +AD_Process_Access +AD_Form_Access +AD_Workflow_Access +AD_Task_Access +AD_Document_Action_Access |
.......Role Access Update | Process | org.compiere.process.RoleAccessUpdate |
.......CopyRole | Process | org.compiere.process.CopyRole |
.......Role Data Access | Window | AD_Role +AD_Table_Access +AD_Column_Access +AD_Record_Access |
.......Session Audit | Window | AD_Session +AD_ChangeLog (org.compiere.process.ChangeLogProcess) (org.compiere.process.ChangeLogProcess) |
.......Process Audit | Window | AD_PInstance +AD_PInstance_Para +AD_PInstance_Log |
.......Change Audit | Window | AD_ChangeLog (org.compiere.process.ChangeLogProcess) (org.compiere.process.ChangeLogProcess) |
.......Archive Viewer | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.ArchiveViewer |
.......Scheduler | Window | AD_Scheduler +AD_Scheduler_Para +AD_SchedulerRecipient +AD_SchedulerLog |
.......Alert Processor | Window | AD_AlertProcessor +AD_AlertProcessorLog |
.......Request Processor | Window | R_RequestProcessor +R_RequestProcessor_Route +R_RequestProcessorLog |
.......Workflow Processor | Window | AD_WorkflowProcessor +AD_WorkflowProcessorLog |
.......Accounting Processor | Window | C_AcctProcessor +C_AcctProcessorLog |
.......LDAP Server | Window | AD_LdapProcessor +AD_LdapProcessorLog |
.......Request EMail Processor | Process | org.compiere.process.RequestEMailProcessor |
.......Workflow Responsible | Window | AD_WF_Responsible |
.......Workflow | Window | AD_Workflow ( +AD_Workflow_Trl +AD_Workflow_Access +AD_WF_Block +AD_WF_Node ++AD_WF_Node_Para ++AD_WF_Node_Trl ++AD_WF_NodeNext ++AD_WF_NodeNext +++AD_WF_NextCondition |
.......Workflow Editor | Form | |
.......Workflow to Client | Process | |
.......Workflow Activities (all) | Window | AD_WF_Activity ( |
.......Workflow Activities | Form | |
.......Workflow Process | Window | AD_WF_Process ( +AD_WF_Activity ( ++AD_WF_ActivityResult +AD_WF_EventAudit +AD_WF_ProcessData |
.......Print Paper | Window | AD_PrintPaper (AD_PrintPaper_Default) |
.......Print Color | Window | AD_PrintColor |
.......Print Font | Window | AD_PrintFont |
.......Print Table Format | Window | AD_PrintTableFormat |
.......Print Format | Window | AD_PrintFormat (org.compiere.print.MPrintFormatProcess) +AD_PrintFormatItem +AD_PrintFormatItem +AD_PrintFormatItem ++AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl ++AD_PrintGraph |
.......Print Format Detail | Report | |
.......Print Form | Window | AD_PrintForm |
.......Label Printer | Window | AD_LabelPrinter +AD_LabelPrinterFunction |
.......Print Label | Window | AD_PrintLabel +AD_PrintLabelLine +++AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl |
.......Chat Type | Window | CM_ChatType +CM_ChatTypeUpdate |
.......View Chat | Window | CM_Chat +CM_ChatEntry +CM_ChatUpdate |
.......Web Project | Window | CM_WebProject +CM_Container ++CM_Container_Trl ++CM_Container_Element +++CM_Container_Element_Trl ++CM_ContainerTTable +CM_CStage ( ++CM_CStage_Trl ++CM_CStage_Element +++CM_CStage_Element_Trl ++CM_CStageTTable +CM_Template ( ++CM_TemplateTable ++CM_Template_Ad_Cat +CM_Media ( +CM_WebProject_Domain +CM_Media_Server |
.......Web Ad Management | Window | CM_Ad_Cat +CM_Ad +CM_Template_Ad_Cat |
.......Web Access | Window | CM_AccessProfile +CM_AccessListRole +CM_AccessListBPGroup +CM_AccessStage +CM_AccessContainer +CM_AccessNewsChannel +CM_AccessMedia |
.......Web Broadcast Server | Window | CM_BroadcastServer |
.......Deploy Web Project | Process | |
.......News Channel | Window | CM_NewsChannel +CM_NewsItem |
.......Media Item | Window | CM_WebProject +CM_Media ++CM_MediaDeploy |
Knowledge Base
.......Text Index | Window | K_Index |
.......Text Index Stop | Window | K_IndexStop |
.......Text Search Log | Window | K_IndexLog |
.......Rebuild Index | Process | org.compiere.process.KIndexRerun |
.......Knowledge Category | Window | K_Category +K_CategoryValue |
.......Knowledge Source | Window | K_Source |
.......Knowledge Synonym | Window | K_Synonym |
.......Knowledge Base | Window | K_Type +K_Topic ++K_Entry +++K_EntryCategory +++K_EntryRelated +++K_Comment |
..Test | Window | Test |
..Java Version | Task | java -version |
..SQL Process | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VSQLProcess |
..Database export | Task | @ADEMPIERE_HOME@@/@utils@/@RUN_DBExport.@bat@ |
..Database transfer | Task | @ADEMPIERE_HOME@@/@utils@/@RUN_PutAdempiere.@sh@ |
..Synchronize Terminology | Process | org.compiere.process.SynchronizeTerminology |
..Recompile DB Objects | Process | DBA_Recompile |
..Sequence Check | Process | org.compiere.process.SequenceCheck |
..Cache Reset | Process | org.compiere.process.CacheReset |
Client Rules
..Initial Client Setup | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VSetup |
..Initial Client Setup Review | WorkFlow | |
..Client | Window | AD_Client (org.compiere.process.EMailTest) +AD_ClientInfo AD_ClientShare |
..Web Store | Window | W_Store +W_Store_Trl +W_MailMsg ++W_MailMsg_Trl |
..Merge Entities | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VMerge |
..Position Category | Window | C_JobCategory |
..Position | Window | C_Job +C_JobAssignment +C_JobRemuneration |
..Remuneration | Window | C_Remuneration +C_JobRemuneration +C_UserRemuneration |
..ASP Subscribed Modules | Window | ASP_ClientLevel ASP_ClientException |
Organization Rules
..Organization | Window | AD_Org +AD_OrgInfo +C_InterOrg_Acct +C_OrgAssignment |
..Dashboard Content Edit | Window | PA_DashboardContent |
..Organization Type | Window | AD_OrgType |
..Bank | Window | C_Bank +C_BankAccount ++C_BankAccountDoc ++C_PaymentProcessor ++C_BankStatementLoader ++C_BankAccount_Acct |
..Bank Statement Matcher | Window | C_BankStatementMatcher |
..Cashbook | Window | C_CashBook +C_CashBook_Acct |
..Recurring | Window | C_Recurring (org.compiere.process.Recurring) +C_Recurring_Run |
.......Attachment | Window | AD_Attachment +AD_AttachmentNote |
.......Location | Window | C_Location |
.......Preference | Window | AD_Preference |
Data Import
.......Import Loader Format | Window | AD_ImpFormat (org.compiere.impexp.CopyImportFormat) +AD_ImpFormat_Row |
.......Import File Loader | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VFileImport |
.......Import Product | Window | I_Product (org.compiere.process.ImportProduct) |
.......Import Business Partner | Window | I_BPartner (org.compiere.process.ImportBPartner) |
.......Import Account | Window | I_ElementValue (org.compiere.process.ImportAccount) |
.......Import Report Line Set | Window | I_ReportLine (org.compiere.process.ImportReportLine) |
.......Import Inventory | Window | I_Inventory (org.compiere.process.ImportInventory) |
.......Import Order | Window | I_Order (org.compiere.process.ImportOrder) |
.......Import Invoice | Window | I_Invoice (org.compiere.process.ImportInvoice) |
.......Import Confirmations | Window | I_InOutLineConfirm (org.compiere.process.ImportInOutConfirm) |
.......Import Currency Rate | Window | I_Conversion_Rate (org.compiere.process.ImportConversionRate) |
.......Import GL Journal | Window | I_GLJournal (org.compiere.process.ImportGLJournal) |
.......Import Payment | Window | I_Payment (org.compiere.process.ImportPayment) |
.......Load Bank Statement | Process | org.compiere.process.LoadBankStatement |
.......Import Bank Statement | Window | I_BankStatement (org.compiere.process.BankStatementPayment) (org.compiere.process.ImportBankStatement) (org.compiere.process.BankStatementMatcher) |
.......Delete Import | Process | org.compiere.process.ImportDelete |
System Issue Report | Window | AD_Issue (org.compiere.process.IssueReport) |
Application Dictionary
Entity Type | Window | AD_EntityType (org.compiere.process.EntityTypeRegister) +AD_Modification |
Element | Window | AD_Element +AD_Element_Trl +AD_Column (org.compiere.process.ColumnEncryption) (org.compiere.process.ColumnSync) |
Table and Column | Window | AD_Table (org.compiere.process.TableCreateColumns) (org.compiere.process.CopyColumnsFromTable) +AD_Table_Trl +AD_Column (org.compiere.process.ColumnEncryption) (org.compiere.process.ColumnSync) ++AD_Column_Trl +AD_Table_ScriptValidator |
Field Group | Window | AD_FieldGroup +AD_FieldGroup_Trl |
Window, Tab & Field | Window | AD_Window (org.compiere.process.WindowCopy) +AD_Window_Trl +AD_Window_Access +AD_Tab (org.compiere.process.TabCopy) (org.compiere.process.TabCreateFields) ++AD_Tab_Trl ++AD_Field ++AD_Field +++AD_Field_Trl |
Info Window | Window | AD_InfoWindow (org.compiere.process.InfoWindowValidate) +AD_InfoWindow_Trl +AD_InfoColumn ++AD_InfoColumn_Trl |
Form | Window | AD_Form +AD_Form_Trl +AD_Form_Access |
Workbench | Window | AD_Workbench +AD_Workbench_Trl +AD_WorkbenchWindow |
Desktop | Window | AD_Desktop +AD_Desktop_Trl +AD_DesktopWorkbench |
Reference | Window | AD_Reference +AD_Reference_Trl +AD_Ref_List ++AD_Ref_List_Trl +AD_Ref_Table +AD_Column (org.compiere.process.ColumnEncryption) (org.compiere.process.ColumnSync) |
Validation Rules | Window | AD_Val_Rule +AD_Column (org.compiere.process.ColumnEncryption) (org.compiere.process.ColumnSync) |
Model Validator | Window | AD_ModelValidator |
Message | Window | AD_Message +AD_Message_Trl |
Report View | Window | AD_ReportView +AD_ReportView_Col |
Report & Process | Window | AD_Process +AD_Process_Trl +AD_Process_Access +AD_Process_Para ++AD_Process_Para_Trl |
Rule | Window | AD_Rule |
Window Customization | Window | AD_UserDef_Win +AD_UserDef_Tab ++AD_UserDef_Field |
Reapply Customizations | Process | org.compiere.process.ChangeLogProcess |
Migration Scripts | Window | AD_MigrationScript (org.adempiere.process.ApplyMigrationScripts) |
Prepare Migration Scripts | Process | org.adempiere.process.PrepareMigrationScripts |
Application Packaging
..Common Package Details | Window | AD_Package_Exp_Common |
..PackOut - Create a package | Window | AD_Package_Exp (org.adempiere.pipo.PackOut) +AD_Package_Exp_Detail |
..PackIn - Import a package | Window | AD_Package_Imp_Proc (org.adempiere.pipo.PackIn) |
..Packages Installed | Window | AD_Package_Imp_Inst |
..Package Maintenance | Window | AD_Package_Imp (org.adempiere.pipo.PackRoll) +AD_Package_Imp_Detail ++AD_Package_Imp_Backup |
Partner Relations
Business Partner Rules
..Business Partner Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Business Partner Group | Window | C_BP_Group +C_BP_Group_Acct (org.compiere.process.BPGroupAcctCopy) +C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) |
..Greeting | Window | C_Greeting +C_Greeting_Trl |
..Payment Term | Window | C_PaymentTerm (org.compiere.process.PaymentTermValidate) +C_PaymentTerm_Trl +C_PaySchedule |
..Invoice Schedule | Window | C_InvoiceSchedule |
..Withholding (1099) | Window | C_Withholding +C_Withholding_Acct |
..Dunning | Window | C_Dunning +C_DunningLevel ++C_DunningLevel_Trl |
..Business Partner | Window | C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) +C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) ++C_BP_Customer_Acct +C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) ++C_BP_Vendor_Acct +C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) ++C_BP_Employee_Acct +C_BP_BankAccount +C_BPartner_Location +AD_User ++AD_UserBPAccess ++R_ContactInterest +C_BP_Withholding |
..Validate Business Partner | Process | org.compiere.process.BPartnerValidate |
..Business Partner Organization | Process | org.compiere.process.OrgOwnership |
..Partner Relation | Window | C_BP_Relation |
..Counter Document | Window | C_DocTypeCounter (org.compiere.process.DocTypeCounterValidate) |
..UnLink Business Partner Org | Process | org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgUnLink |
..Revenue Recognition | Window | C_RevenueRecognition +C_RevenueRecognition_Plan ++C_RevenueRecognition_Run |
..Click | Window | W_ClickCount +W_Click |
..Clicks Monthy | Report | |
..Clicks Unprocessed | Report | |
..Counter | Window | W_CounterCount +W_Counter |
..Advertisement | Window | W_Advertisement |
..Resource Type | Window | S_ResourceType |
..Resource | Window | S_Resource +S_ResourceUnAvailable +M_Product (M_Product_BOM_Check) ++M_ProductPrice ++M_Product_Acct +S_ResourceAssignment |
..Expense Type | Window | S_ExpenseType +M_Product (M_Product_BOM_Check) ++M_ProductPrice ++M_Product_Acct |
..Time Type | Window | S_TimeType |
..Expense Report | Window | S_TimeExpense +S_TimeExpenseLine |
..Expenses (to be invoiced) | Window | C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) +S_TimeExpenseLine |
..Create Sales Orders from Expense | Process | org.compiere.process.ExpenseSOrder |
..Expenses (not reimbursed) | Window | C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) +S_TimeExpenseLine |
..Create AP Expense Invoices | Process | org.compiere.process.ExpenseAPInvoice |
..Service Level | Window | C_ServiceLevel +C_ServiceLevelLine |
..Training | Window | S_Training +S_Training_Class |
..Request Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Request Type | Window | R_RequestType +R_RequestTypeUpdates |
..Request Group | Window | R_Group +R_GroupUpdates |
..Request Category | Window | R_Category +R_CategoryUpdates |
..Request Resolution | Window | R_Resolution |
..Request Status | Window | R_StatusCategory +R_Status |
..Request Standard Response | Window | R_StandardResponse |
..Request (all) | Window | R_Request +R_RequestUpdate +R_RequestAction +R_RequestUpdates +RV_RequestUpdates |
..Invoice Requests | Process | org.compiere.process.RequestInvoice |
..Reopen Request | Process | org.compiere.process.RequestReOpen |
..Interest Area | Window | R_InterestArea +R_ContactInterest +AD_LdapAccess |
..Issue Status | Window | R_IssueStatus |
..Issue Recommendation | Window | R_IssueRecommendation |
..Issue Project | Window | R_IssueProject |
..Issue System | Window | R_IssueSystem |
..Issue User | Window | R_IssueUser |
..Known Issue | Window | R_IssueKnown |
Request | Window | R_Request +R_RequestUpdate +R_RequestAction +R_RequestUpdates |
Business Partner Info | Window | C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) +C_Order (org.compiere.process.CopyFromOrder) +M_InOut (org.compiere.process.InOutCreateInvoice) (org.compiere.process.InOutCreateConfirm) (org.compiere.process.PackageCreate) +C_Invoice (org.compiere.process.InvoiceCreateInOut) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromInvoice) +C_Payment (org.compiere.process.PaymentOnline) +A_Asset +R_Request |
Business Partner Detail | Report | |
Business Partner Open | Report | |
Sales Rep Info | Window | AD_User +C_Order (org.compiere.process.CopyFromOrder) ++C_OrderLine +C_Invoice (org.compiere.process.InvoiceCreateInOut) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromInvoice) ++C_InvoiceLine |
Mail Template | Window | R_MailText +R_MailText_Trl +AD_UserMail |
Send Mail Text | Process | org.compiere.process.SendMailText |
Sales and Marketing
..Sales Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Sales Region | Window | C_SalesRegion |
..Commission | Window | C_Commission (org.compiere.process.CommissionCopy) (org.compiere.process.CommissionCalc) +C_CommissionLine |
..Commission Run | Window | C_CommissionRun (org.compiere.process.CommissionAPInvoice) +C_CommissionAmt ++C_CommissionDetail |
..Commission Run Detail | Report | |
..Marketing Channel | Window | C_Channel |
..Marketing Campaign | Window | C_Campaign |
Sales Orders
.......Update Role Menu | Process | org.adempiere.process.UpdateRoleMenu |
.......Web POS BlackListCheque | Window | U_BlackListCheque |
.......Web POS Properties | Window | U_Web_Properties |
.......Web POS Role Menu | Window | U_RoleMenu |
.......Web POS Menu | Window | U_WebMenu |
.......Setup Web POS | Process | org.posterita.process.SetupWebPOS |
Market Place
.......Auction Topic Type | Window | B_TopicType +B_TopicCategory |
.......Bid Topic | Window | B_Topic +B_Bid ++B_BuyerFunds +B_Offer ++B_SellerFunds +B_BidComment |
.......Auction Seller | Window | B_Seller +B_BuyerFunds +B_Offer |
.......Auction Buyer | Window | B_Buyer +B_BuyerFunds +B_Bid |
..Sales Order | Window | C_Order (org.compiere.process.CopyFromOrder) +C_OrderLine +C_OrderTax |
..Order Detail | Report | |
..Quote convert | Process | org.compiere.process.CopyOrder |
..RePrice Order/Invoice | Process | org.compiere.process.OrderRePrice |
..Generate PO from Sales Order | Process | org.compiere.process.OrderPOCreate |
..Reopen Order | Process | org.compiere.process.OrderOpen |
..Order Batch Process | Process | org.compiere.process.OrderBatchProcess |
..Open Orders | Report | |
..Order Transactions | Report | |
..Distribution List | Window | M_DistributionList (org.compiere.process.DistributionCreate) +M_DistributionListLine |
..Distribution Run | Window | M_DistributionRun (org.compiere.process.DistributionRun) +M_DistributionRunLine |
..Subscription Type | Window | C_SubscriptionType |
..Subscription | Window | C_Subscription +C_Subscription_Delivery |
..POS Key Layout | Window | C_POSKeyLayout +C_POSKey |
..POS Terminal | Window | C_POS |
..POS | Form | org.compiere.pos.PosPanel |
..Generate Shipments (manual) | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VInOutGen |
..Generate Shipments | Process | org.compiere.process.InOutGenerate |
..Shipment (Customer) | Window | M_InOut (org.compiere.process.InOutCreateInvoice) (org.compiere.process.InOutCreateConfirm) (org.compiere.process.PackageCreate) +M_InOutLine ++M_InOutLineConfirm ++M_InOutLineMA |
..Shipment Details | Report | |
..Package | Window | M_Package +M_PackageLine |
..RMA Type | Window | M_RMAType |
..RMA | Window | M_RMA (org.adempiere.process.RMACreateOrder) +M_RMALine |
Sales Invoices
..Generate Invoices (manual) | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VInvoiceGen |
..Generate Invoices | Process | org.compiere.process.InvoiceGenerate |
..Invoice (Customer) | Window | C_Invoice (org.compiere.process.InvoiceCreateInOut) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromInvoice) +C_InvoiceLine +C_InvoiceTax +C_InvoicePaySchedule (org.compiere.process.InvoicePayScheduleValidate) +C_AllocationLine |
..Invoice Payment Schedule | Window | C_Invoice (org.compiere.process.InvoiceCreateInOut) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromInvoice) +C_InvoicePaySchedule (org.compiere.process.InvoicePayScheduleValidate) |
..Print Invoices | Process | org.compiere.process.InvoicePrint |
Invoice Inquiry
..Invoice Transactions (Acct) | Report | |
..Invoice Transactions (Doc) | Report | |
..Invoice Detail & Margin | Report | |
..Daily Invoice | Report | |
..Weekly Invoice | Report | |
..Weekly Invoice Prod Cat | Report | |
..Monthly Invoice | Report | |
..Monthly Invoice Prod Cat | Report | |
..Monthly Invoice Vendor | Report | |
..Monthly Invoice Product | Report | |
..Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor | Report | |
..Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product | Report | |
..Quarter Invoice Product | Report |
RfQ Topic | Window | C_RfQ_Topic +C_RfQ_TopicSubscriber ++C_RfQ_TopicSubscriberOnly |
RfQ | Window | C_RfQ (org.compiere.process.RfQCreateSO) (org.compiere.process.RfQClose) (org.compiere.process.RfQCreatePO) (org.compiere.process.RfQCreate) (org.compiere.process.RfQCopyLines) (org.compiere.process.RfQResponseRank) +C_RfQLine ++C_RfQLineQty |
RfQ Response | Window | +C_RfQResponse (org.compiere.process.RfQResponseInvite) (org.compiere.process.RfQResponseCComplete) ++C_RfQResponseLine +++C_RfQResponseLineQty |
RfQ Unanswered | Report | |
RfQ Response | Report | |
Requisition | Window | M_Requisition +M_RequisitionLine ++C_OrderLine |
Create PO from Requisition | Process | org.compiere.process.RequisitionPOCreate |
Open Requisitions | Report | |
Purchase Order | Window | C_Order (org.compiere.process.CopyFromOrder) +C_OrderLine ++M_MatchPO (org.compiere.process.MatchPODelete) ++M_RequisitionLine +C_OrderTax |
Material Receipt | Window | M_InOut (org.compiere.process.InOutCreateInvoice) (org.compiere.process.InOutCreateConfirm) (org.compiere.process.PackageCreate) +M_InOutLine ++M_InOutLineConfirm ++M_MatchPO (org.compiere.process.MatchPODelete) ++M_MatchInv (org.compiere.process.MatchInvDelete) |
Material Receipt Details | Report | |
Expense Invoice (Alpha) | Window | C_Invoice (org.compiere.process.InvoiceCreateInOut) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromInvoice) C_InvoiceLine |
Invoice (Vendor) | Window | C_Invoice (org.compiere.process.InvoiceCreateInOut) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromInvoice) +C_InvoiceLine ++C_LandedCost (org.compiere.process.LandedCostDistribute) ++C_LandedCostAllocation ++M_MatchPO (org.compiere.process.MatchPODelete) ++M_MatchInv (org.compiere.process.MatchInvDelete) +C_InvoiceTax +C_AllocationLine |
Invoice Batch | Window | C_InvoiceBatch (org.compiere.process.InvoiceBatchProcess) +C_InvoiceBatchLine |
Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VMatch |
Matched Purchase Orders | Window | M_MatchPO (org.compiere.process.MatchPODelete) |
Matched Invoices | Window | M_MatchInv (org.compiere.process.MatchInvDelete) |
Open Items
Cash Journal | Window | C_Cash +C_CashLine |
Cash Journal Detail | Report | |
Invoice Tax | Report | |
Open Items | Report | |
Aging | Report | org.compiere.process.Aging |
Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss | Report | org.compiere.process.InvoiceNGL |
Dunning Run | Window | C_DunningRun (org.compiere.process.DunningRunCreate) +C_DunningRunEntry ++C_DunningRunLine |
Print Dunning Letters | Process | org.compiere.process.DunningPrint |
Payment | Window | C_Payment (org.compiere.process.PaymentOnline) +C_PaymentAllocate +C_AllocationLine |
Payment Details | Report | |
Payment Allocation | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VAllocation |
View Allocation | Window | C_AllocationHdr +C_AllocationLine |
Allocation | Report | |
UnAllocated Invoices | Report | |
UnAllocated Payments | Report | |
Reset Allocation | Process | org.compiere.process.AllocationReset |
Auto Allocation | Process | org.compiere.process.AllocationAuto |
Receivables Write-Off | Process | org.compiere.process.InvoiceWriteOff |
Payment Selection | Window | C_PaySelection (org.compiere.process.PaySelectionCreateCheck) (org.compiere.process.PaySelectionCreateFrom) +C_PaySelectionLine +C_PaySelectionCheck |
Payment Selection (manual) | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VPaySelect |
Payment Print/Export | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VPayPrint |
Payment Batch | Window | C_PaymentBatch +C_Payment (org.compiere.process.PaymentOnline) |
Bank Statement | Window | C_BankStatement (org.compiere.process.BankStatementMatcher) +C_BankStatementLine (org.compiere.process.BankStatementPayment) (org.compiere.process.BankStatementMatcher) |
UnReconciled Payments | Report |
Material Management
Material Management Rules
..Product Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Warehouse & Locators | Window | M_Warehouse +M_Locator ++M_Storage +M_Replenish +M_Warehouse_Acct +M_Transaction |
..Warehouse Organization | Process | org.compiere.process.OrgOwnership |
..Unit of Measure | Window | C_UOM +C_UOM_Trl +C_UOM_Conversion |
..Product Category | Window | M_Product_Category +M_Product_Category_Acct (org.compiere.process.ProductCategoryAcctCopy) +M_Product (M_Product_BOM_Check) |
..Vendor Details | Window | C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) +M_Product_PO |
..Vendor Selection | Report | |
..Freight Category | Window | M_FreightCategory |
..Product | Window | M_Product (M_Product_BOM_Check) +M_Product_BOM +M_Substitute +M_RelatedProduct +M_Replenish +M_Product_PO +C_BPartner_Product +M_ProductPrice +M_ProductDownload +M_Product_Acct +M_Transaction +M_Product_Trl |
..Product Organization | Process | org.compiere.process.OrgOwnership |
..Product BOM | Window | M_Product (M_Product_BOM_Check) +M_BOMAlternative +M_ProductOperation ++M_OperationResource +M_BOM ++M_BOMProduct |
..Price List Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Price List Schema | Window | M_DiscountSchema (org.compiere.process.DiscountSchemaReSeq) +M_DiscountSchemaLine |
..BOM Change Notice | Window | M_ChangeNotice +M_BOM ++M_ChangeRequest +++R_Request +M_ChangeRequest |
..Change Notice | Window | M_ChangeNotice +M_ChangeRequest ++R_Request +M_ChangeRequest |
..Price List | Window | M_PriceList +M_PriceList_Version (M_PriceList_Create) ++M_ProductPrice |
..Discount Schema | Window | M_DiscountSchema (org.compiere.process.DiscountSchemaReSeq) +M_DiscountSchemaBreak |
..Shipper | Window | M_Shipper +M_Freight |
..Verify BOMs | Process | org.compiere.process.BOMValidate |
..Perpetual Inventory | Window | M_PerpetualInv |
Product Attributes
..Lot Control | Window | M_LotCtl +M_LotCtlExclude |
..Serial No Control | Window | M_SerNoCtl +M_SerNoCtlExclude |
..Attribute | Window | M_Attribute +M_AttributeValue |
..Attribute Set | Window | M_AttributeSet +M_AttributeUse +M_AttributeSetExclude |
..Lot | Window | M_Lot |
..Attribute Search | Window | M_AttributeSearch +M_Attribute |
..Product Attribute Grid | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VAttributeGrid |
Material Transactions | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VTrxMaterial |
Forecast | Window | M_Forecast +M_ForecastLine |
Transaction Detail | Report | |
Product Transaction Value | Report | |
Product Transaction Summary | Report | |
Demand | Window | M_Demand +M_DemandLine ++M_DemandDetail |
Inventory Move | Window | M_Movement +M_MovementLine ++M_MovementLineMA |
Move Confirmation | Window | M_MovementConfirm +M_MovementLineConfirm |
Physical Inventory | Window | M_Inventory (org.compiere.process.InventoryCountUpdate) (org.compiere.process.InventoryCountCreate) +M_InventoryLine ++M_InventoryLineMA |
Internal Use Inventory | Window | M_Inventory (org.compiere.process.InventoryCountUpdate) (org.compiere.process.InventoryCountCreate) +M_InventoryLine |
Replenish Report | Report | org.compiere.process.ReplenishReport |
Production | Window | M_Production (M_Production_Run) +M_ProductionPlan ++M_ProductionLine |
Ship/Receipt Confirm | Window | M_InOutConfirm (org.compiere.process.PackageCreate) +M_InOutLineConfirm |
Open Confirmations | Report | |
Open Confirmation Details | Report | |
BOM Drop | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VBOMDrop |
Storage Detail | Report | |
Storage Cleanup | Process | org.compiere.process.StorageCleanup |
Product UOM Convert | Process | org.compiere.process.ProductUOMConvert |
Inventory Valuation Report | Report | org.compiere.process.InventoryValue |
Material Reference | Report | org.compiere.process.TransactionXRef |
Attribute Set Instance | Window | M_AttributeSetInstance +M_InOutLineMA_v +M_MovementLineMA_v +RV_C_InvoiceLine |
Project Management
Project Setup and Use | WorkFlow | |
Project Type | Window | C_ProjectType +C_Phase ++C_Task |
Project | Window | C_Project (org.compiere.process.ProjectGenOrder) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromProject) (org.compiere.process.ProjectSetType) (org.compiere.process.ProjectClose) +C_ProjectLine (org.compiere.process.ProjectLinePricing) +C_ProjectPhase (org.compiere.process.ProjectPhaseGenOrder) ++C_ProjectLine (org.compiere.process.ProjectLinePricing) ++C_ProjectTask +++C_ProjectLine (org.compiere.process.ProjectLinePricing) +C_Project_Acct |
Project (Lines/Issues) | Window | C_Project (org.compiere.process.ProjectGenOrder) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromProject) (org.compiere.process.ProjectSetType) (org.compiere.process.ProjectClose) +C_ProjectLine (org.compiere.process.ProjectLinePricing) +C_ProjectIssue +C_Project_Acct |
Generate PO from Project | Process | org.compiere.process.ProjectGenPO |
Issue to Project | Process | org.compiere.process.ProjectIssue |
Project Lines not Issued | Report | |
Project POs not Issued | Report | |
Project Margin (Work Order) | Report | |
Project Reporting | Window | C_Cycle +C_CycleStep ++C_CyclePhase |
Project Cycle Report | Report | |
Project Detail Accounting Report | Report |
Performance Analysis
Accounting Rules
..Accounting Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Calendar Year and Period | Window | C_Calendar +C_Year (org.compiere.process.YearCreatePeriods) ++C_Period (org.compiere.process.PeriodStatus) +++C_PeriodControl (org.compiere.process.PeriodControlStatus) +C_NonBusinessDay |
..Account Element | Window | C_Element +C_ElementValue ++C_ElementValue_Trl ++C_SubAcct |
..Accounting Dimensions | Window | AD_Org C_SalesRegion C_Activity C_Project (org.compiere.process.ProjectGenOrder) (org.compiere.process.CopyFromProject) (org.compiere.process.ProjectSetType) (org.compiere.process.ProjectClose) C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) M_Product (M_Product_BOM_Check) C_Campaign |
..Accounting Schema | Window | C_AcctSchema (org.compiere.process.AcctSchemaCopyAcct) +C_AcctSchema_Element +C_AcctSchema_GL +C_AcctSchema_Default (org.compiere.process.AcctSchemaDefaultCopy) |
..Account Combination | Window | C_ValidCombination |
..GL Category | Window | GL_Category |
..Currency Type | Window | C_ConversionType |
..Currency | Window | C_Currency +C_Currency_Trl +C_Currency_Acct +C_Conversion_Rate |
..Currency Rate | Window | C_Conversion_Rate |
..Tax Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Document Type | Window | C_DocType +C_DocType_Trl |
..Verify Document Types | Process | org.compiere.process.DocumentTypeVerify |
..Document Sequence | Window | AD_Sequence |
..Update Sequence No | Process | org.adempiere.process.UpdateSequenceNo |
..GL Distribution | Window | GL_Distribution (org.compiere.process.DistributionVerify) +GL_DistributionLine |
..Tax Category | Window | C_TaxCategory +C_TaxCategory_Trl |
..Tax Rate | Window | C_Tax +C_TaxPostal +C_Tax_Trl +C_Tax_Acct |
..Tax Declaration | Window | C_TaxDeclaration (org.compiere.process.TaxDeclarationCreate) +C_TaxDeclarationLine +C_TaxDeclarationAcct |
..Charge | Window | C_Charge +C_Charge_Acct |
..Generate Charges | Form | org.compiere.apps.form.VCharge |
..Activity (ABC) | Window | C_Activity |
..GL Budget | Window | GL_Budget |
..Budget Control | Window | GL_BudgetControl |
..GL Fund (Alpha) | Window | GL_Fund +GL_FundRestriction |
..Resubmit Posting | Process | org.compiere.process.FactAcctReset |
..UnPosted Documents | Window | RV_UnPosted |
..Reset Accounting | Process | org.compiere.process.FactAcctReset |
..Update Accounting Balance | Process | |
Financial Reporting
..Report Line Set | Window | PA_ReportLineSet (org.compiere.process.ReportLineSet_Copy) +PA_ReportLine ++PA_ReportSource |
..Report Column Set | Window | PA_ReportColumnSet (org.compiere.process.ReportColumnSet_Copy) +PA_ReportColumn |
..Reporting Hierarchy | Window | PA_Hierarchy |
..Financial Report | Window | PA_Report ( ( |
..Statement of Accounts | Report | |
..Trial Balance | Report | |
Performance Measurement
..SLA Criteria | Window | PA_SLA_Criteria +PA_SLA_Goal (org.compiere.sla.SLAGoalProcess) ++PA_SLA_Measure (org.compiere.sla.SLAMeasureProcess) |
..SLA by Partner | Window | C_BPartner (org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgLink) +PA_SLA_Goal (org.compiere.sla.SLAGoalProcess) ++PA_SLA_Measure (org.compiere.sla.SLAMeasureProcess) |
..Alert | Window | AD_Alert +AD_AlertRule +AD_AlertRecipient |
..Performance Measurement Setup | WorkFlow | |
..Performance Color Schema | Window | PA_ColorSchema |
..Performance Measure | Window | PA_Measure +PA_Achievement |
..Performance Measure Calculation | Window | PA_MeasureCalc |
..Performance Ratio | Window | PA_Ratio +PA_RatioElement |
..Performance Goal | Window | PA_Goal +PA_GoalRestriction |
..Performance Benchmark | Window | PA_Benchmark +PA_BenchmarkData |
..Performance Indicators | Form | org.compiere.apps.graph.ViewPI |
..Cost Type | Window | M_CostType |
..Cost Element | Window | M_CostElement |
..Product Costs | Window | M_Product (M_Product_BOM_Check) +M_Cost +M_CostDetail +M_CostQueue +M_Product_Costing |
..Create Costing Records | Process | org.compiere.process.CostCreate |
..Standard Cost Update | Process | org.compiere.process.CostUpdate |
..Product Costing Report (old) | Report | |
..Product Cost Summary | Report | |
..Product Cost | Report | |
..Product Cost Detail | Report | |
GL Journal | Window | GL_JournalBatch (org.compiere.process.CopyFromJournal) +GL_Journal ++GL_JournalLine |
Accounting Fact Details | Window | Fact_Acct |
Accounting Fact Details | Report | |
Access Audit | Window | AD_AccessLog |
Accounting Fact Balances | Window | Fact_Acct_Balance |
Accounting Fact Daily | Report | |
Accounting Fact Period | Report |
Asset Group | Window | A_Asset_Group |
Asset | Window | A_Asset +A_Asset_Delivery +R_IssueProject |
Deliver Assets | Process | org.compiere.process.AssetDelivery |
Customer Assets | Report | |
Asset Delivery Details | Report | |
Asset Delivery Month | Report | |
Registration Attributes | Window | A_RegistrationAttribute +A_RegistrationProduct |
Registration | Window | A_Registration +A_RegistrationValue |
ASP Modules | Window | ASP_Module +ASP_Level (org.adempiere.process.ASPGenerateLevel) ++ASP_Window +++ASP_Tab (org.adempiere.process.ASPGenerateFields) ++++ASP_Field ++ASP_Process +++ASP_Process_Para ++ASP_Form ++ASP_Task ++ASP_Workflow |
See Also
- Top Menu Views about those Views or important windows that are not stated in the main menu such as Account Info and Product Info.
- Functional User Manual
- UserManual-en houses some starter manuals in PDF