ManPageW BusinessPartnerGroup

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Window: Business Partner Group

Description : Maintain Business Partner Groups

Help : The Business Partner Group window allows you to define the accounting parameters at a group level. If you define the accounting parameters for a group any Business Partner entered using this group will have these accounting parameters automatically populated. You can then make any modifications necessary at the Business Partner level.

Tab: Business Partner Group

Description : Business Partner Groups for Reporting Accounting Defaults

Help : The Business Partner Group Tab allow for the association of business partners for reporting and accounting defaults.

Table Name  : C_BP_Group

ManPageW BusinessPartnerGroup BusinessPartnerGroup.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID



Organization Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID



Search Key Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.

If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).




Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name



Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description



Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.




Default Default value The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. IsDefault



Print Color Color used for printing and display Colors used for printing and display AD_PrintColor_ID



Priority Base Base of Priority When deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance. PriorityBase



Confidential Info Can enter confidential information When entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidential IsConfidentialInfo



Price List Unique identifier of a Price List Price Lists are used to determine the pricing, margin and cost of items purchased or sold. M_PriceList_ID



Purchase Pricelist Price List used by this Business Partner Identifies the price list used by a Vendor for products purchased by this organization. PO_PriceList_ID



Discount Schema Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage After calculation of the (standard) price, the trade discount percentage is calculated and applied resulting in the final price. M_DiscountSchema_ID



PO Discount Schema Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage PO_DiscountSchema_ID



Credit Watch % Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch If Adempiere maintains credit status, the status "Credit OK" is moved to "Credit Watch" if the credit available reaches the percent entered. If not defined, 90% is used. CreditWatchPercent



Price Match Tolerance PO-Invoice Match Price Tolerance in percent of the purchase price Tolerance in Percent of matching the purchase order price to the invoice price. The difference is posted as Invoice Price Tolerance for Standard Costing. If defined, the PO-Invoice match must be explicitly approved, if the matching difference is greater then the tolerance.

Example: if the purchase price is $100 and the tolerance is 1 (percent), the invoice price must be between $99 and 101 to be automatically approved.




Dunning Dunning Rules for overdue invoices The Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments. C_Dunning_ID



Tab: Accounting

Description : Define Accounting

Help : The Accounting Tab defines the default accounts for any business partner that references this group. These default values can be modified for each business partner if required.

Table Name  : C_BP_Group_Acct

ManPageW BusinessPartnerGroup Accounting.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID



Organization Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID



Business Partner Group Business Partner Group The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. C_BP_Group_ID



Accounting Schema Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar C_AcctSchema_ID



Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.




Customer Receivables Account for Customer Receivables The Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables. C_Receivable_Acct



Receivable Services Customer Accounts Receivables Services Account Account to post services related Accounts Receivables if you want to differentiate between Services and Product related revenue. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. C_Receivable_Services_Acct



Customer Prepayment Account for customer prepayments The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. C_Prepayment_Acct



Payment Discount Expense Payment Discount Expense Account Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. PayDiscount_Exp_Acct



Write-off Account for Receivables write-off The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. WriteOff_Acct



Not-invoiced Receivables Account for not invoiced Receivables The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. NotInvoicedReceivables_Acct



Not-invoiced Revenue Account for not invoiced Revenue The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. NotInvoicedRevenue_Acct



Unearned Revenue Account for unearned revenue The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognition UnEarnedRevenue_Acct



Vendor Liability Account for Vendor Liability The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities V_Liability_Acct



Vendor Service Liability Account for Vender Service Liability The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. V_Liability_Services_Acct



Vendor Prepayment Account for Vendor Prepayments The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. V_Prepayment_Acct



Payment Discount Revenue Payment Discount Revenue Account Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. PayDiscount_Rev_Acct



Not-invoiced Receipts Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. NotInvoicedReceipts_Acct



Copy Accounts Copy and overwrite Accounts to Business Partners of this group If you copy and overwrite the current default values, you may have to repeat previous updates (e.g. set the receivebles account, ...) Processing



Tab: Assigned Partners

Description : Business Partners in Group

Help :

Table Name  : C_BPartner

ManPageW BusinessPartnerGroup AssignedPartners.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID



Organization Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID



Business Partner Group Business Partner Group The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. C_BP_Group_ID



Search Key Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.

If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).




Greeting Greeting to print on correspondence The Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence. C_Greeting_ID



Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name



Name 2 Additional Name Name2



Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description



Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.




Summary Level This is a summary entity A summary entity represents a branch in a tree rather than an end-node. Summary entities are used for reporting and do not have own values. IsSummary



Credit Status Business Partner Credit Status Credit Management is inactive if Credit Status is No Credit Check, Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0.

If active, the status is set automatically set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open Balance (including Vendor activities) is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise.




Open Balance Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency The Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management.

Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments).




Tax ID Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal Identification number of this Entity. TaxID



Tax exempt Business partner is exempt from tax If a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions. IsTaxExempt



D-U-N-S Dun & Bradstreet Number Used for EDI - For details see DUNS



Reference No Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. ReferenceNo



NAICS/SIC Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - The NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner. NAICS



Rating Classification or Importance The Rating is used to differentiate the importance Rating



URL Full URL address - e.g. The URL defines an fully qualified web address like URL


Unknown (40)

Language Language for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabled The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. AD_Language



Prospect Indicates this is a Prospect The Prospect checkbox indicates an entity that is an active prospect. IsProspect



Potential Life Time Value Total Revenue expected The Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue in primary accounting currency to be generated by the Business Partner. PotentialLifeTimeValue



Actual Life Time Value Actual Life Time Revenue The Actual Life Time Value is the recorded revenue in primary accounting currency generated by the Business Partner. ActualLifeTimeValue



Acquisition Cost The cost of gaining the prospect as a customer The Acquisition Cost identifies the cost associated with making this prospect a customer. AcqusitionCost



Employees Number of employees Indicates the number of employees for this Business Partner. This field displays only for Prospects. NumberEmployees



Share Share of Customer's business as a percentage The Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied. ShareOfCustomer



Sales Volume in 1.000 Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency The Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner. SalesVolume



First Sale Date of First Sale The First Sale Date identifies the date of the first sale to this Business Partner FirstSale




You will find further information here in the Contributions section, as the above sections are automatically generated. Therefore, any changes there would be lost.

The information below should be only additional information to supplement the above. If you find duplications to the above then please edit or raise a note in the Adempiere forum in Sourceforge.

To understand the meaning of optional & required as used below, see Optional & Required Definitions for an explanation.

Window : Business Partner Group (optional)

Path: Menu > Partner Relations > Business Partner Rules > Business Partner Group

The Business Partner Group (BP Group) is optional. If you do not have a BP Group set up then you will need to define all aspects for each Business Partner (BP) set up.

Note, If you want to reuse the information that you enter here in other organizations under the same client, make sure to select the organization "*" at login or choose "*" in the organization drop down when creating a new record. That will make all settings you create common for all organizations under this client. This will apply to any codes, groupings, etc that you want to appear in many levels of an organization in your company (client). These groups can then have standardized: Price list Dunning schema Accounts

Here you define the different types of groups that you will want to classify your Business Partners. For example, you want to classify Business Partners as Car Hire, Employee, Potential Clients, Confirmed Clients, etc.

The Business Partner Groups also allow you to define various defaults. These defauls are then used when you create a new partner or if you change the partner's grouping. The defaults can be changed if necessary for the individual partner.

Tab : Business Partner Group (optional)

If you elect to create a new BP Group, then there are certain fields that are required to be defined.

You will find that the Client and Organization are defaulted based on the choice you made when you logged in. Creating a new record allows you to change the Client and Organization, however, after saving, these values are fixed.

Field: Client (required)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Client

Field: Organization (required)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Organization

Field: Search Key (optional)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Search Key

Field: Name (required)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Name

Field: Description (optional)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Description

Field: Active (optional)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Active

Field: Default (optional)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Default

Field: Print Color (optional)

No further notes.

Field: Priority Base (optional)

The Priority Base is used in conjunction with requests. There are two priorities on a Request; Priority (the Request Priority) & User Importance (the priority assigned by the Business Partner).

The Priorities are assigned the values:

  • Urgent = 1
  • High = 3
  • Medium = 5
  • Low = 7
  • Minor = 9

Numerical values are used when stored in the database.

The Priority Base in Business Partner Group can be High (H), Low (L), Same (S), or null.

The default value for the Request Priority is derived from the User Importance (entered by the BP via the web) adjusted by the BP Group "Priority Based" accordingly.

If the Priority Base is "Same" or "null" then no change is made.

If the Priority Base is "Low" the Request Priority is adjusted lower by adding 2 to the numeric value of the priority (e.g. Low (7) + 2 = Minor (9))

The reverse occurs when Priority Base is High.

If the derived Request Priority is higher than "High" (i.e. it's "Urgent" (1)) it is set to "High" (3). At the other end, if the derived Request Priority is lower than Low (i.e. "Minor" (9)) it is assigned the value "Low" (7).

Also if the Request Priority is "null" (which could only happen when creating the Request via the web as it has a default in the swing UI) the Request Priority is assigned the derived value calculated as described above. However, if the Request Priority HAS a value (is not null) then it will only be assigned the new derived Priority if it is higher (numerically lower) than that already defined.

Thanks to CROO for his input.

Field: Confidential Info (optional)

A BP in this group is able to enter confidential information when creating web requests.

The code has been reviewed for the use of the Confidential Check Box and no references can be found. Therefore, currently it is not used.

However, its intended use is to allow a request marked at different levels of confidentiality:

  • Public Information
: the request is available to any users
  • Partner Confidential
: the request is only available to the initiator of the request and internal Adempiere users (with appropriate assigned roles)
  • Internal
: the request is only available to internal Adempiere users (with the appropriate assigned roles)

Further note, the web interface for creating requests always assigns Partner Confidential level to the Confidentiality field.

Field: Price List (optional)

Price Lists are used to determine the pricing, margin and cost of items sold to a business partner. This is our price list that we will provide to the BP to purchase from us, ie sold by this client & organization.

This differs to the Purchase Price List. See next section.

See Price Lists for further explanation on creating, maintaining and interpretation of Price Lists.

(??? Correct interruption ???)

Field: Purchase Price List (optional)

Identifies the price list used by a Vendor for products purchased by this organization. That is, this Business Partner Group (vendor group) will sell to this client and organization.

This is different to Price List as explained above.

(??? Why would you set this up at the group level? For example, you have two flower pot vendors, they each would have their own unique price list. ???)

Field: Discount Schema (optional)

Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage

(??? need an example explaining this concept ???) See Discount Schema section for explanation on creating, maintaining and interpreting.

Field: PO Discount Schema (optional)

The PO (Purchase Order) Discount Schema defines discounts that this business partner group allows you. Settings on a Business Partner level will override this selection (and usually you would do this on a Business Partner level).

Field: Credit Watch %(optional)

Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch

At what % of credit used will the credit control shift the BP to Credit Watch.

(??? An example would be good ???)

Field: Price Match Tolerance (optional)

This represents an allowable % change in the difference between the Purchase Order (PO) price & the Invoice price when matching the PO & Invoice. If the difference is outside this range the Match document must be approved.

Field: Dunning (optional)

Dunning is the creation of letters for overdue accounts. You can define different dunning types (escalation rules etc.) in ADempiere. Selecting a rule will determine when an account is overdue and an appropriate letter is to be generated.

Tab : Accounting (required)

If you have defined a Business Partner Group then this will be created automatically. You can then elect to make changes to any of the accounting aspects for the group.

Note: Even though the accounts are set up here, they can still be changed on an individual basis when creating a Business Partner.

Field: Client (required)

This is greyed out and not possible to change, as it is taken from the BP Group that you selected in the Business Partner Group screen.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Client

Field: Organization (required)

This is greyed out and not possible to change, as it is taken from the BP Group that you selected in the Business Partner Group screen.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Organization

Field: Business Partner Group (required)

This is greyed out and not possible to change, as it is taken from the BP Group that you selected in the Business Partner Group screen. It's the BP Group that you are currently working on.

Field: Accounting Schema (required)

This is greyed out and not possible to change.

This information comes from the initial client set up where you have selected the accounting schema and currency.

Field: Active (optional)

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Active

Field: Customer Receivables (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Receivable Services (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Customer Prepayment (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Payment Discount Expense (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Write-off (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Not-invoiced Receivable (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Not-invoiced Revenue (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Unearned Revenue (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Vendor Service Liability (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Vendor Prepayment (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Payment Discount Revenue (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Not-invoiced Receipts (required)

The field is marked as required, as it should have at least the value that has been defaulted.

See Basic & Common Field Definitions - Accounting Fields in General

Field: Copy Accounts (optional)

Use with caution.

By pressing this button you elect to replace all accounts currently assigned to your Business Partners in this group. Including any that you have manually changed. It will also set these values as the defaults to the Accounting Schema. It will also, reprocessing any details that have been posted to these accounts. A pop up window will appear asking you to choose the Business Group & Accounting Schema.

(??? above statements correct? ???)

Tab : Assigned Partners (optional)

Selecting this tab will show you which Business Partners have been assigned to this group. You are also able to select a business partner to edit. The editing will happen in situ.

Explanations of the fields can be found in the Business Partner section.