From ADempiere
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- Some experts like Soheil Qanbari named the set of ADempiere term as A Unified Adempiere Language (UAL)
Common ADempiere Terms
Business Partner
A Business Partner is simply anybody you transact business with. There are three different types of Business Partners: Employees, Customers, and Vendors.A Business Partner can also be defined as being an Organization.
BP Accounting dimension
see Accounting Dimensions
Bill of Material(BOM)
Shows you the components of a product.A Bill of Material (BOM) is one or more Products or BOMs
Cost Type
Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future).You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting.
Cost Element Type
Type of Cost Element like Material & Resource.
Cost Element
Cost Elements allow you to define the different items that will comprise your costs. You can define any number of Cost Elements.These include Average Invoice, Average PO, Last Invoice Pricce, Last PO Price, LIFO and FIFO.
Costing Method
The Costing Method indicates how costs will be calculated (Standard, Average, LiFo, FiFo). The default costing method is defined on accounting schema level and can be optionally overwritten in the product category. The costing method cannot conflict with the Material Movement Policy (defined on Product Category).
Operation : An Operation is used in a routing, to describe the activity that is to be carried out during a process step. The operation data includes: • Material components • Tasks list Organisation : ...to_do...
Products can include items you buy from vendors as well as items that you sell to customers.
Product Accounting
see Accounting Dimensions
Product Type
The type of product also determines accounting consequences.The types can be Item, Resource, Service and Expense as well.
Project Accounting
see Accounting Dimensions
Roles are assigned permissions(Access Levels) on resources like window, process, etc for users.
Specifies rules for automatically reordering of products.
Sales Region Accounting
see Accounting Dimensions
Strategy in a firm is the pattern of major objectives, purposes, or goals and essential policies and plans for achieving those goals, stated in such a way as to define what business the company is in or is to be in and the kind of company it is or is to be.
System Status
...to_do... * Evaluation: ...to_do... * Implementation: ...to_do... * Production: ...to_do...
Manufacturing UAL
A percentage of components that will be used to make a test.
Accumulated Time
Currently this is a reference where you enter the total time required to accomplish every node of this Manufacturing WF.
Batch Flow: Is functionally the same as the continuous or the repetitive, except two or more products are manufactured in the same facility. Because of long setup times in the batch flow shop, manufacturing runs for each product typically last several hours or several days. Bills of Material & Formula : It is a list of all the sub assemblies, intermediates, parts and raw material that go into a parent assembly showing the quantity of each required to make an assembly. There are a variety of display formats of bill of material, including single level bill of material, indented bill of material, modular(planning), costed bill of material, etc. May also be called “formula,”, “recipe”, and “ingredients list” in certain industries. It answers the question, what are the components of the product? Byproduct: This entity is a non scheduled product gotten as a consequence of another production process. It has a sales value but it is minimum. Backflush : If you choose backflush in one single movement you receive the finished product in the warehouse and automatically you issue the components required from the warehouse. The Backflush Group is used in order to group components that you want to issue together in a Backflush process.
Chart of Accounts
The Chart of Accounts * Sample Charts of Accounts
Continuous Flow
Continuous flow usually refers to the production or processing of fluids, wastes, powders, basic metals, and other bulk items. Oil refinery crude oil into various petroleum products or a pipeline for water, oil, or natural gas is examples of continuous flow manufacturing and distribution processes.
Control Operation
Control Operation is selected it will indicate that in this operation you will report the real time used in the operation and that for all the previous operations, until the last control operation, the standard time will be used as real time. (This feature will be used in the Shop Floor Control Module).
identify a raw material, ingredient, part, or subassembly that goes into a higher level assembly, compound or other item.
Dedicated Repetitive Flow: Discrete parts such as shafts and connecting rods and discrete assemblies such as microcomputers may be produced by a repetitive flow process. The term dedicated implies that the production facility produces only one product, including product variances (such as color) that require no setup delay in the manufacturing process. Data Planning: The product information which will serve as a base to execute the algorithms of Material Requirement Planning, along with PMP, open orders and inventories.
Fixed Site (Project): It has the main characteristic that the materials, tools and personnel are brought to the manufacturing resource where the product is going to be fabricated. Forecast : Is the percentage we expect to use of this component to produce the finished product. It is used to make plans of getting components and it has a BOM type of Planning BOM and you can not use this BOM for a manufacturing order.
Job Shop: Job Shop is characterized by the organization of similar equipment by function (such as milled, drilled, turned, forging, and assembly). As jobs flow from manufacturing resource to manufacturing resource a different type of operation is performed in each manufacturing resource. Is Demand: Indicate the product in this Organization-Warehouse could be required for a Forecast, Sales Order or Manufacturing Order. Is Supply: Indicate the product in this Organization-Plant-Warehouse can satisfy a demand from the Master Production Schedule.
Kanban : KANBAN, a technique for work release, is a major component of the JIT philosophy. It was first developed by the Toyota Motor Company.If a capacity needs a part, it sends a signal (usually a card) to the up-stream station which makes the part to send some more.
Lines : Lines identify Production Line or Shipping Lines: • Work centers groups • Subcontract supplier These are used along with work orders.Production lines are capable to manufacture whole products. Production Lines assumes also shipping. Lots and Batches : At the opposite of KANBAN you have Lots or Batches. A "lot" is a quantity of a part which is made all together or on a product point of view or on an operation point of view, it is also call "batch". Batches can be created by human action or by process. Reasons for Lots or Batches : • Batches for process constraints • Batches for material handling • Traceability • Set-up Lead Time offset : Is the numbers of days after you start to produce the finished product when you need this component.
Manufacturing Resource
A Manufacturing Resource is defined as anything required for production and its unavailability can affect the Production Plan. Manufacturing Resources can be: Plants, Production lines, Work Centers and Work Stations. The Attributes are: * Manufacturing Resource Type * Daily Capacity * Percent Utilization * Queuing Time * Waiting Time
Material Requirements Planning(MRP)
Allows Manufacturers to Forecast how much raw materials and goods they will need. Manufacturing workflow (Routing) : Manufacturing workflow (Routing) is a tool which allows defining the required activities to fabricate a product taking into account the process sequence, how long does it take the node (operation) and where it should be done.
Move Time
Currently is a reference where you enter the accumulated Move time for this WF. It is the estimated time to move the material thought the manufacturing resources.
MRP (Requirement Planning of Materials)
MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. It create planned orders to balance demand and supply for products and it issues recommendations to receipt material with the right quantities and at the right dates to satisfy the Master Production Schedule in the most efficient way.
Overlap Units : Overlap Units, is the minimum number of products you need to finish in the current node before you can continue with the next node. Order Policy: Is referred to the way MRP should adjust Planned Order to the Organization, Warehouse, Resource needs. The valid options are: Fixed Order Quantity, Lot for Lot and Period Order Quantity Order Quantity : Use Fixed Order Quantity when you always need to ask the same Quantity of product, this Quantity is entered in the field Order Qty. If the order policy is not FOQ and you enter a quantity in the Order Qty field, this quantity is the Economic Order Quantity. The Lot for Lot Policy means MRP process must generate one planned order for each demand not satisfied. The Period Order Quantity policy refers to the way MRP create one single planned order with every net requirement for a certain number of days.These days are entered in the field Order Period.
Plant : Plants contains : • Lines groups • Warehouses • Shipping resources • Receiving resources • Management resources. These are used along with bills of material and routings, Plants are the largest group of capacities which will be managed. Phantom: indicates the product is a fictitious assembly, that is to say, a set of components that are grouped only to make easier the analysis in a separated way from the rest of the BOM. When the MRP generates a requirement of the phantom and the projected on hand is not available, the process goes to the lower level and start a new MRP cycle but does not create Planned Orders for the phantom product. Packing: This product will not be taken into account to calculate the total quantity of components when the IsQtyPercentage check box is ticked. Planning: The parent product will be used for the planning process of the different options of similar products. (e.g. 30 % bread with fiber and 70 % bread without fiber) Production Planning: Before the production processes can be done, it is necessary to plan the activities which must be accomplished to assure the products can be gotten at the right time in order not to remain a long time in the warehouse, or at the contrary, to cause delays in shipments because components shortages in the manufacturing order. Using Production Planning you answer the question: When and How Many products we must get?
Queue Time : The Queue Time is the time which normally a manufacturing order operation has to wait since it is moved to this operation until it starts to be worked. The Queue time is the time usually taken since the previous operation is finished, or the components were issued from the warehouse, until the current operation in a manufacturing order starts its process.
Repetitive Flow Mixed Model: It is also used to manufacture two or more models. However, the changeover time between models is minimal, and the different models are intermixed on the same line.
Setup Time : The Setup Time currently is a reference where you enter the accumulated Setup time for this WF. The Setup time is the time required to execute the necessary activities in a manufacturing resource to be able to start the manufacturing process. Scrap: A component percentage factor that is expected not to be useful as a part of the parent production.
Tools: The product is a tool which is going to be used in a production operation. The Time Fence: Is the number of days since you execute the MRP process inside of which the system must not change the planned orders. The system will generate action messages warning if some order needs to be modified or created into the time fence. Transfer Time: Is the number of days the product needs to be moved from one warehouse to another.
Utilization Percent:
The Utilization Percent for a resource is defined as the required time for that resource divided by the available time; the result is multiplied by 100.
Unit Cycles
Unit Cycles is the number of products that can be produced in the time unit of measure from the manufacturing resource. This data is used instead the Duration field where you enter the required time to execute an operation for one product.
Waiting Time
The Waiting Time is the time which norma== lly a manufacturing order operation has to wait since it is finished until it is moved to the next operation or to the warehouse. The Waiting Time is the time a job remains at a manufacturing resource until it is moved to the next operation or to the warehouse it the operation is the last one.
Work Centers
Work Centers identify: • Capacities groups • Subcontract supplier These are used along with bills of material and routings, Work centers are used in task list operations. Task lists are for example routings, maintenance task lists, inspection plans. Work Centers are capable to do a whole operation. Work Centers can be Production, Shipping or Receiving centers.Shipping and Receiving centers can be associated to a group of Dock doors.Data in work centers is used for: • Scheduling • Costing • Capacity planning • Simplifying operation maintenance
Developer Terms
Adempiere Enterprise Solution Conceptual Glossary Is A Unified Adempiere Language (UAL): Lets Start Learning Our New Language :+) (Soheil Qanbari)
Adempiere Architecture Solution UAL Architecture is King... ;)
Application Dictionary (AD) : AD is the most important developer tool given by Adempiere.Like Elements, Tables, Columns, References, Windows, Tabs, Fields, etc. Architecture: The fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution. Architecture has two meanings depending upon its contextual usage: 1. A formal description of a system, or a detailed plan of the system at component level to guide its implementation 2. The structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. Architecture Description: An architecture description is a formal description of an information system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structural properties of the system. It defines the components or building blocks that make up the overall information system, and provides a plan from which products can be procured, and systems developed, that will work together to implement the overall system. It thus enables you to manage your overall IT investment in a way that meets the needs of your bBold textusiness. Architecture Framework: An architecture framework is a tool which can be used for developing a broad range of different architectures. It should describe a method for designing an information system in terms of a set of building blocks, and for showing how the building blocks fit together. It should contain a set of tools and provide a common vocabulary. It should also include a list of recommended standards and compliant products that can be used to implement the building blocks.
Callout : A callout can be looked at as an extension at the field level.
Data Dictionary: A data dictionary is a set of metadata that contains definitions and representations of data elements. Within the context of a DBMS, a data dictionary is a read-only set of tables and views. The data dictionary is database in its own dictionary. Amongst other things, a data dictionary holds the following information:
* Precise definition of data elements * Usernames, roles and privileges * Schema objects * Integrity constraints * Stored procedures and triggers * General database structure * Space allocations
Enterprise: An Enterprise in this context " Enterprise Architecture" is any collection of organizations that has a common set of goals and/or a single bottom line. In that sense, an enterprise can be a government agency, a whole corporation, a division of a corporation, a single department, or a chain of geographically distant organizations linked together by common ownership. Enterprise Modeling: Enterprise modelling is the process of improving the enterprise performance through the creation of enterprise models. This includes the modelling of both business processes and IT.Also An enterprise model is a computational representation of the structure, activities, processes, information, resources, people, behavior, goals, and constraints of a business, government, or other enterprises.
Meta Data: Metadata is structured, encoded data that describe characteristics of information-bearing entities to aid in the identification, discovery, assessment, and management of the described entities.Also Metadata is a set of optional structured descriptions that are publicly available to explicitly assist in locating objects. Module : A New Module in Adempiere is * Table-Column structure * Input handling and validation rules * Document Type & Print Format * Define Default Accounts * Workflow Process * Callout definition and process-button definition consolidated via Report & Process * Final Consolidation in Windows under the Menu tree
A routing is a description of which operations (process steps) have to be carried out and in which order to produce a material (product).
SQL Procedure
An SQL Procedure can be looked at as an extension at the process level.
Two Pack (2Pack)
It's related with Translating Dictionary Modifications from one Adempiere system to another.
It imports several XML files into the database in order to modify the Application Dictionary of ADempiere.