Functional User Manual
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Login - The Beginning
- 3 System Administrator
- 4 Application Dictionary (AD)
- 5 Initial Client Setup
- 6 Basic Concepts
- 7 Basic & Common Field Definitions
- 8 Business partner setup
- 9 Customizing ADempiere
- 10 Sales Processes
- 11 Purchase Processes
- 12 Inventory Processes
- 13 Paying Suppliers & Collecting Debts
- 14 Accounting Processes
- 15 Migration from other business systems
- 16 Data that needs updating from time to time
This Functional Manual is different from the Reference Manual in that it is in narrative form and suited for business people rather than Techies. This manual is thus highly important for success while using ADempiere. Jorg Janke himself said that ERP is 90% subject matter and 10% coding. Knowing the correct way a process is done is what knowing an ERP is all about. Here we paint the processes in simple language and give links to further technicals under the hood (such as name of java class or process behind them) of the Reference Manual. For an overview of all manuals click here.
Who Should Read Me?
- Newbies to ERP who want to quickly dive into the thick of things
- Business Users who want to learn how to use ADempiere
- Technical People needing to understand the context of the application
- Patience and Discipline
- Run AVA at least and do some exploring to give yourself a feel of the application.
Help Me!
If after reading this you still find yourself at a loss, then it is clear you did not have the pre-requisites. Nevertheless we still allow you to scream your head off <here>.
Deployment Checklist
Setting up an ERP system can be quite the undertaking. Here is a basic outling of the order in which you should do things.
- Play with ADempiere. The AVA is a very useful tool for experimenting with it. Even though it looks complicated, after learning the "Why" of how it is set up, you understand the "How" to do things very quickly.
- Install ADempiere.
- Go through the initial client setup
- Start using the request system if it applies to your company. It is probably the easiest part of ADempiere to use and it will help you get a feel for how it works and how everything relates.
Login - The Beginning
There are two modes or user interfaces (UI) that you can use to login into ADempiere.
- Web-based UI Client
- Java-based UI Client
The Web-based UI allows you to login into Webstore, Request (CRM), besides the usual standard application. The notes here are about the Windows-based Java client that logins into the standard application.
- from your desktop, look for and double-click the ADempiere icon
- from your explorer, look for and run <drive>:/Adempiere/lib/Adempiere.exe
- from your explorer, look for and run <drive>:/Adempiere/RUN_Adempiere.bat
When you login from the first dialog window, you choose the role you will enter the system.
- SystemAdmin - To do Administration and Application Dictionary (AD) stuff
- ClientAdmin - To run the application. There is a sample client called GardenWorld. So you can select GardenAdmin
When Do You Use System Administrator
- Creating new Clients for the business
- Creating or editing the structure of the application
- Menus, Windows for the look and feel
- Tables and Fields for the Database structure
- Processes and Printformats
When Do You Use Client Administrator
- To manage the other users of the system
- Create their login accounts, roles and specific configs
- Security Management of what certain users Access level right up the Window or Field or Process
- Operate the application as a user
- Approve requests or confirmations from lesser users under the Workflow
- Post to accounts if lesser users are not authorized to do it
System Administrator
Here we walk you through from login and usage of each item on the System Admin Menu.
Application Dictionary (AD)
You can find the sub-items on SystemAdmin menu for you to handle the AD. The important ones are
- Menu
- Window Tab & Field
- Table and Column
- Report & Process
You can go through the others when you are more advanced:
- Reference
- Validation Rules
- Form
Initial Client Setup
1 - Client Setup
When setting up your client, there are a few things that you must keep in mind. You must have a COA (Chart of Accounts) written. You can do that by using your favorite csv editor (I used You should probably start by opening one of the files located in /Adempiere_Home/data/import/ (I used the file named Accounting_US.csv .) That file contains a perfectly usable COA. You can modify that file to suit the needs of your company.
There are a few things to keep in mind when making the COA file.
- You must keep every account that has a value in the Default_Account column.
- You can only have one of every Default_Account.
- Every account must have an identifier that is unique.
When making your COA, keep in mind a few things:
- It needs to scale. Have a hierarchy and make it straight forward. Numbering one through to the end probably isn't the best thing to do, you can't put anything in between.
- Spend time on it, it is easier to resolve problems before you import than to try and resolve them later on.
If you have a hard time editing the COA csv-file by hand, feel free to use Daniel Norin's Adempiere Account editor which he developed specifically for the purpose of making it easier to create your own COA-file without having to be a human csv-parser.
After you have finished your csv file, you are ready to import it into your new client. (You don't remove the GardenWorld Client, you just add your own.) You get to the initial client setup screen by logging in as System and selecting the System Administrator Role. After you have done that, you go to Menu -> System Admin -> Client Rules -> Initial Client Setup. In that window, you fill in the appropriate information (you can leave the check boxes as they are) and you select your COA file to import. This will only import the default accounts. It usually takes a few minutes (be patient). When this is done, you are ready to log in as your user that you just created. If it seems to hang, make sure that you have your COA file formatted correctly and that you don't have any duplicate accounts. I found that after trying to force enough poorly syntaxed COA file into my database, that I had to restart my database/app server.
For details about Initial Client Setup, take a look here.
2 - Organization Setup
2.1 - 菜单--->系统管理--->组织规则。 2.2 -设置“组织类型”。如:部门,分公司。 2.3 -设置“组织”。如:财务部,销售部,上海分公司。
3 - Role Setup
3.1 -菜单--->系统管理--->总体规则--->安全性。 3.2 -选择“角色”,在这里您可以创建和管理“角色”,数据访问权限也是在这里设置和分配。 3.3 -选择“角色访问更新”,更新角色的访问权限设置。可能需要您重新登录Adempiere才能生效。
4 - User Setup
4.1 -菜单--->系统管理--->总体规则--->安全性。 4.2 -选择“用户”,在这里您可以新建“用户”,以及设置用户登录adempiere的密码。并把适当的“角色”分配给“用户”。 4.3 -建议您在设置用户前。应先设置“业务伙伴”。
5 - Import File Loader
5.1 -菜单--->系统管理--->数据--->数据导入--->导入文件加载器。 5.2 -导入的文件应为“CSV”格式。
6 - Import Account
6.1 -先用excel编辑好会计科目表,然后保存为“CSV”格式。 6.2 -将AccountingCN 放在C:\Adempiere\data\import目录下。 6.3 -菜单--->系统管理--->数据--->数据导入--->导入文件加载器。 6.4 -选择“选择要导入的文件”然后到刚才已经编辑好的会计科目表。在“导入格式”下来框选择“accounting -accounts”,然后“确定”完成。 6.5 --菜单--->系统管理--->数据--->数据导入--->导入账户。 6.6 -切换网格视图,删除第一行(空白行)。然后切换网格视图,在一下字段:实体,组织,元素名,元素。填上相应的内容。最后选择“导入会计科目”即可。 6.7 ---菜单--->绩效分析--->会计科目元素。这里可以检查会计科目设置。
7 - Calender Year and Period
7.1 -菜单--->绩效分析--->日历年和期间。这里您可以开启/关闭期间。当然也可以新建期间。
Basic Concepts
Using the ADempiere Client.
Basic & Common Field Definitions
This section will have details about fields that are generally common throughout the Adempiere system. For example, the definition of the Active field is the same in each table. The idea is to house the common definitions and explanations in here and anything that is specific to a particular table or process for a field will be described under that field in the table.
Optional & Required Definitions
You will notice in the manual pages that Windows, Tabs & Fields will be marked as either optional or required. As time progresses we can get confused on what these terms mean in the context of those areas. Hopefully here we can refer back to the intended definitions to remind ourselves and to ensure that the Windows, Tabs, & Fields meet these criteria. Or change the meaning as we develop a better understanding.
A windows is classed as optional if you can run the system without defining any records for that section. That also means that there are no system generated records. Even one record in existence from creating the system, client, organisation will mean that the window is required.
A window is classed as required if at least one record must be set up or has been defined at the time of creating the system, client, organisation.
A tab is classed as optional if you can run the system without defining any records for that tab. That also means that there are no system generated records. Even one record in existence from creating the system, client, organisation will mean that the tab is required. Usually the top level tab will have the same classification as the Window. Therefore, if the window is optional then the first tab will be optional.
Sub-tabs are classed as optional based on the upper level tab. For example, classifying a Business Partner as employee is optional. However, if you do class a Business Partner as an employee then the employee accounting is required.
A tab is classed as required if at least one record must be set up or has been defined at the time of creating the system, client, organisation.
Sub-tabs are classed as required based on the upper level tab. For example, classifying a Business Partner as employee is optional. However, if you do class a Business Partner as an employee then the employee accounting is required.
A field is classed as mandatory, if it must contain a value. Usually fields that are pink when creating a new record are mandatory. The difference between mandatory and required, is that mandatory field must be declared. Where as, a required field, should be declared but you can still save the record without placing anything in the field, but will cause problems later during a process.
A field is classed as optional if you can run the system without defining any value for that field. Normally, check box fields are classed as optional, since it does not matter if it is checked.
For example, Active, if it is checked (ticked) then the record is available for usage, if not checked then it is defined but will not be used. However, the system will not cause an error.
A field is classed as required if you need to have a value in the field for the system work correctly and not issue an error (in the best case) or abort. The difference between required and mandatory, is that mandatory field must be declared. Where as, a required field, should be declared but you can still save the record without placing anything in the field, but will cause problems later during a process.
For example, accounting fields are required, for if they are left blank they will cause posting errors.
Field Definitions
Field: Client
If you have sufficient authorisation and there are multiple clients, you will be able to choose another client. It is blue to indicate that this is a mandatory (filled) field.
Field: Organization
With the drop down list you can choose another Organization within the client. You will have an organization called “*”. If “*” is chosen then the record created is available to all organizational units.
Note that the Organization, *, is not an organization but represents ALL organizations. Non-transaction data such as Products & BP etc can be in * because this means they are available in all Organizations. But you can not have a transaction in ALL organizations, so you must specify which; you cannot for example create a sales order in organizations *.
You would typically only login in as * to administer Client wide definitions.
Field: Search Key
The search key must be unique if entered. It is classed as optional, however, it will generate a sequence number if left blank.
Field: Name
When a new record is created, the field is pink in colour to indicate that it is required.
Field: Description
A descriptive name you want to give to the record being created, eg Business Partner Group.
Field: Active
Normally when you create a new record you would want to have this field ticked, so that it is available for use. However, you could create a new record and have the field unticked. You would do this when you know you want to implement the record sometime in the future and therefore preparing for that time. When the time arrives, you just need to tick the record and it will be available for use.
Field: Default
If the checkbox is ticked then it will be the default when you create a business partner. Make sure that only one of your records has the default checkbox ticked.
Field: Accounting Fields in General
The accounting fields cannot be blank as they are the accounts for the standard actions in Adempiere. They are defaulted from the initial client set up where you have loaded the standard account information. If blanked out you cannot save the record.
In the different areas where you can replace the standard default account selected by clicking on the button on the right hand side of the field. That will produce another window where you can select an account as the replacement. However, to use the account back on the calling screen you need to first save the selected account in the pop up window.
If you decide to change the default account by clicking the icon on the right hand side of the field, when you select an account it must be for an organization and cannot be for the global organization "*". For example, "HQ-12110-_-_" is chosen and saved in the account.
When you log into an organization, say Branch, then the system will automatically change the receivable to "Branch-12110-_-_", even though in the accounting tab of the BP, it is "HQ-12110-_-_".
Business partner setup
The business partner setup is in Menu -> Partner Relations -> Business Partner Rules -> Business Partner Setup
By following the steps in the business partner setup you'll enter some basic data needed for the system.
Note, when you login and do this setup, if you want to reuse the information that you enter here in other organizations under the same client, make sure to select the organization "*" at login. That will make all settings you create common for all organizations under this client.
Business Partner Group
Use business partner groups to group business partners into logical groups. These groups can then have standardized:
- Price list
- Dunning schema
- Accounts
Payment term
Invoice schedule
Revenue recognition
Import business partner
Business partner
Customizing ADempiere
- Adding fields to an existing window
Sales Processes
- Raising a quotation or proposal
- Recording orders
- Sending the goods or performing the services
- Invoicing the customer
- Using the Integrated Point Of Sales terminal.
- Delivery Policy - Control in what order orders are fulfilled.
- Request
Purchase Processes
- Raising a purchase requisition from a catalogue
- Issuing a purchase order
- Receiving goods and services
- Receiving supplier invoices.
Inventory Processes
- Tracking inventory
- Replenishing warehouses
- Multiple warehouse sites and locators
- Stock movements
- Shipping
Paying Suppliers & Collecting Debts
Accounting Processes
- Period and year end
- Financial and management accounting
- Charts of accounts
- Reporting for other regulatory bodies
Performance Measurement allows you to:
- define a series of measures
- record your performance against those measures
- set targets for your measures
- track your performance versus the targets
Migration from other business systems
Such as:
Data that needs updating from time to time
Exchange Rates
- HMRC (UK) VAT Exchange Rates
- Group Reporting Exchange Rates - distributed by your corporate head office
United Kingdom
- HMRC Tax Rates (PAYE) and National Insurance (NI)
Depreciation Rates
- HMRC Tax Depreciation Rates