Feature Development Collaboration

From ADempiere
Revision as of 20:44, 3 October 2011 by Kkalice (Talk)

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Maintainer of the page: Norbert

(*) are mandatory fields

Feature(*) Status(*) Repository(*) Developer(*) Sponsor Origin Description
Please add here... <Description>
Fast search feature (for products) Proposed In Contribution Tracker kittiu n/a guideline from monhate Fast Search feature that gives a more LOOOSELY way of searching
DocBook 5 User Documentation Proposed contribution_kkalice_docbook Stefan Christians K.K. Alice Generating standardized user documentation in multiple output formats (PDF, HTML, WIKI) from a single source file
RPM Packager Proposed contribution_kkalice_rpm Stefan Christians K.K. Alice Packaging and Distributing Adempiere on RedHat-like Systems
Universal Migration Tool Proposed contribution_kkalice_migrate Stefan Christians K.K. Alice Tool for Upgrading, Transferring, or Converting Databases
...... <Description>
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Zk Ajax UI In production Trunk 3.4.2 Heng Sin Idalica POSterita <Description>
Replication In production <Repository> Trifon <sponsor> <Description>
EDI X.12 Import/Export In Production <Repository> Trifon, Heng Sin Idalica <Description>
EDIFACT Import/Export In Production <Repository> Trifon Idalica <Description>
Drop Ship <Repository> Idalica <Description>
Scan Inventory <Repository> Idalica <Description>
Promotions <Repository> Idalica <Description>
WebService <Repository> <sponsor> <Description>
Landed Cost Enhancement <Repository> <sponsor> <Description>
UOMs and UOM Enhancements <Repository> <sponsor> <Description>
CivilWorks pending <Repository> Red1 <sponsor> <Description>
Warehouse Management proposed <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
CashFlow proposed <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Global Tax Management proposed <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Swing POS & Call Center proposed <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Credit Card Management proposed <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Project Management proposed <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
HR & Payroll In production <Repository> Victor Perez, Teo_sarca, Cristina Ghita <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Distribution Resource Planning In Process 90% <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Product Configuration BOM In Process 70% <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
GWT ADempiere Client In Process 30% <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Aging to Date In production included in trunk <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Manufacturing Standard Cost In Process 80% <Repository> Victor Perez, Teo Sarca <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Manufacturing Work Shop In Process 80% <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
ADempiere Manufacturing Stabilization In Process 90% <Repository> Victor Perez, Teo Sarca <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
Improve Report Engine In production include in trunk <Repository> Victor Perez <sponsor> e-Evolution <Description>
UK Postcodes In Production <Repository> Akuna <sponsor> <Description>
Cash Payments in SVN trunk <Repository> Trifon <sponsor> <Description>
ADempiere Deutsch (German Localization) in SVN branch <Repository> metas <sponsor> <Description>
OB POS Integration proposed <Repository> Carlos Ruiz Idalica <Description>
Costing Enhancement proposed <Repository> Trifon,Michael Judd,Teo Sarca <sponsor> <Description>
OB POS with Reward Points proposed <Repository> <sponsor> <Description>
VAT Enhancements proposed <Repository> Michael Judd <sponsor> <Description>
Accounting Fact Summary in production trunk Paul Bowden Adaxa <Description>
Purchase Disposition Stable local Repository Metas
Datev Export Stable Contributions/adempiere-datev Metas German Documentation
Incoterms Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
sending sales order via eMail Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Login-Window: Showing Build No. Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Pattern for Numbering sequences Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Text modules in eMail Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Improving invoice address selection in Sales Order Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Planning Deliveries/Shipments Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Diverting shipment address per order line Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Block Pricing Stable Branch Localization/German Metas
Improving Product Info Stable Branch Localization/German Metas Introducting, Product Category Tree, Filtering products that are on no price list, Improved multi-select of products, Refresh button remains inaktive during updating records. Info
Consolidated Payments using HBCI Under Development local Repository action42 Improved Payment-Batch. Payment Processor using hbci4java
Interface with BI Palo Under Development local Repository action42
Interfacing Asterisk stable Branch contributions > Localizations > Germany > asterisk User:Needle58 Handover a call to Asterisk (related Tracker item)
Intrastat-Message In Entwicklung local Repository action42
EDI for Consolidated Invoice (EDIFACT INVOIC) Under Development local Repository action42
VAT-ID Lookup Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Online validation of VAT-IDs
PO Control (Orders without receipt) Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Form to control the status of purchase orders. It shows all purchase orders wihtout material receipt and allows a one-click creation of a material receipts for a purchase order.
Yard ware price calculation Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Calculation of prices depending on parameter(s) - for example the length.
Direct debit export to MT940 Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Process to create a MT940 file containing all completed (and not yet exported) invoices with a payment type of direct debit to process the direct debit in an external banking program)
Credit card payment processor (telecash.de) Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Process to reserve credit cards, capture of reserved credit cards, direct capture without reservation, voiding etc.
Accounting fact export to Lexware / Quickbooks Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Process to export accounting facts to textfile. Lexware format is in production since Jan 2009. Quickbooks is working but not very well tested yet.
Inventory template Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Tempates and process to generate physical inventory documents. You can add product categories and single products to a template.
Drag'n'drop attachments Stable local Repository Schaeffer AG Drop one ore more files or a text selection on an Order to add them as an attachment. Can be changed to allow dropping for any ADempiere window.
Payment management In progress 80% local Repository Daniel Tamm Cyberphoto AB GUI to easily select AP payments to be transmissioned to bank. Read reconciliation information for AP payments to automatically mark AP:s as paid. Read information about AR payments from banks/creditcard partners etc.
Integration with Time4U - time reporting In progress 90% local Repository Daniel Tamm Notima AB GUI to easily create reports (and bill) on project / employee / date basis from time tracking information in Time4U time tracking system.
Opening Balances Form Proposed local Repository Daniel Tamm Notima AB / Cyberphoto AB GUI to easily set opening balances when migrating to Adempiere.
Quick journal entry form Proposed local Repository Daniel Tamm Notima AB / Cyberphoto AB Specialized GUI to easily enter manual journal entries.
Radius Search for Business Partners Stable local Repository Teo Sarca metas Search with km around a city in Business Partner Info. More Info
RMA Stabilization Testing Trunk Carlos Ruiz metas Finalizing RMA functionality. RMA#Stabilization
Sub Roles Stable Trunk Teo Sarca metas Allows you to add subroles to a role in window "role". Effective permissions are being merged between the main and the sub roles.
Persistent Datagrid Column View prototype Local Repository Schaeffer AG & metas Allows users to change size, sequence and view of columns in datagrid. Dropped it from customer system due to conflicts with AD changes.
Delivery Policy Beta Trunk Daniel Tamm Cyberphoto AB See wiki Delivery Policy
Download Panel for WebUI Stable Trunk Teo Sarca metas Shows files on dashboard for the user to download that are stored on server directory
Mysql port In process Catura Sysnova Praneet Tiwari Finalizing Mysql port
Webstore Module for Drupal Proposed User:Juddm Akuna Drupal Module to replace the webstore functionality