FT/TT meeting minutes September 03rd 2013

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  1. General
    • Moderator: Victor Perez
    • Secretary: Mario Calderon
    • Participants: Trifon Trifonov, Michael McKay, Konstantin Herold, Mario Calderon, Suman Ravuri, Steven Sackett, Cristina Ghita
    • Date / Time: Tuesday, September 03rd 2013 / 12:00h - 14:13h GMT
    • The meeting closed after 2 hours 13 mins
  2. Agenda
    • Minutes of Previous Meeting
    • Actions taken by RM
    • Technical team reviews
    • Functional Team reviews
    • Actions to be taken
    • Misc
      • Set release date
    • Next meeting
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  4. Actions taken by RM
    • Cashflow Management - Integrated
    • Cashflow Management - Integrated
    • Mobil WebUI - Integrated
    • Add Export Account Viewer - Integrated
    • New grouping for product - Integrated
    • Forecast Management - Pending. Waiting for Victor's response.
    • Warehouse Management - Done most of it. Waiting for Victor's response on few minor issues.
    • Initial Client Setup - Under progress
    • Import Product Attributes Instances - Inprogress
    • Manufacturing lite - Inprogress
    • Victor will do the integration of Libero Manufacturing and Human Resources
    • After Victor has finished integrating Libero, the Release Manager will integrate related contibutions
      • Warehouse Management
      • MRP Supply and Demand Pegging
      • MRP Browse for demand and supplies
      • Net Change Material Plan and Selective Material Plan
      • Smart Browse for approval of Planning Orders, etc.
  5. Technical team reviews
    • Cristina finished
      • Chart into Application Dictionary
      • Password Hash
      • Memo Alert
  6. Functional Team reviews
    • Susanne is still testing the costing engine with Steven. Hopefully, it will finish next week.
    • Metas instance is down since a couple of days, so we don't know what's been put to test.
  7. Actions to be taken
    • Release Manager will continue integrating
    • Cristina will ask Metas people as when the instance will be up again, and which contributions are going to be uploaded.
    • Mike is updating his contributions
    • Cristina will review Mike's contributions.
  8. Misc
    • Set release date
      • The release candidate will be asked for a date when the integration will be finished. With this on hand, a date for start testing and a release date can be set.
    • Changes of libraries
      • Changes to libraries like to JasperReports, upgrade to Oracle 11, MySql were decided to be done "technically", i.e. there is no need to do a vote or write it in the roadmap. Just the one who updates it, has to test it and do the commit.
      • Removing obsolete -not maintained- libraries like HTML Client UI, Posterita, etc.: first ask in the forums if this obsolete parts are used by anyone before removing them.
    • GardenWorld
      • GardenWorld has outdated data, which has to be updated.
      • its needs some new Financial years added .. some old ones deleted
      • the dates on some existing transactions need to changed if possible
      • some better list reports
      • some financial reports that make sense
      • There was agreement on it, but not a decision on who is going to do it.
  9. Next meeting
    • Tuesday, September 10th 2013 / 12:00h.


Following is the meeting log - time is in GMT -6

Tuesday, 3 September 2013
[05:59:39] suman ravuri: Hi
[06:00:25] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi Suman
[06:00:31] Konstantin Herold: Hi
[06:00:42] suman ravuri: Hi Victor, Good Morning
[06:00:49] Trifon Trifonov: hi everyone
[06:01:13] Victor Perez Juarez: good Morning
[06:03:04] Cristina Ghita: Hello!
[06:11:54] Mario Calderón: hi
[06:12:05] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi Mario
[06:12:25] Mario Calderón: (just woke up. It is 6 am here)
[06:12:26] suman ravuri: Hi Mario
[06:12:47] Cristina Ghita: good morning :)
[06:12:51] Trifon Trifonov: fresh mind for the discussions
[06:12:56] Cristina Ghita: (coffee)
[06:13:13] Mario Calderón: should we start?
[06:14:01] Victor Perez Juarez: yes Mario
[06:14:15] Victor Perez Juarez: we are await you
[06:14:54] Mario Calderón: I can do the minutes.

who wants to be the moderator?
[06:15:47] Victor Perez Juarez: I would Mario , if you propose of agenda :-)
[06:16:10] Victor Perez Juarez: and other is of secretary :-)
[06:17:18] Mario Calderón:     Minutes of Previous Meeting

    Actions taken by RM

    Technical team reviews

    Functional Team reviews

    Actions to be taken


        Set release date

    Next meeting
[06:18:11] Victor Perez Juarez: ok ,
[06:18:23] Victor Perez Juarez: then starting with first subject
[06:18:40] Victor Perez Juarez: What are actions taken by RM?
[06:19:02] Mario Calderón: http://www.adempiere.com/FT/TT_meeting_minutes_August_26th_2013

(this was the first item)
[06:19:14] suman ravuri: Cashflow Management        -  Integrated

Mobil WebUI                -  Integrated

Add Export Account Viewer  -  Integrated

New grouping for product   -  Integrated

Forecast Management        -  Pending. Waiting for Victor's response.

Warehouse Management       -  Done most of it. Waiting for Victor's response on few minor issues.

Initial Client Setup        - Under progress

Import Product Attributes Instances  - Inprogress

Manufacturing lite         -  Inprogress
[06:20:06] suman ravuri: Forecast Management,Warehouse Management discussed with Victor today. Together planning to finish this week.
[06:20:19] suman ravuri: hmm sorry
[06:21:11] Victor Perez Juarez: I got some comments about the release/380rc1
[06:21:37] Mario Calderón: @Suman: one question: how long do you think it would take to finsh these contributions?
[06:21:49] Victor Perez Juarez: 1.- currently the build release/380rc1 is break, it happen after that  was integrate Warehouse Management
[06:22:53] Victor Perez Juarez: So I think that Warehouse Management should have dedicate directory as other extension
[06:22:54] suman ravuri: [5:52:28 PM] Mario Calderón: @Suman: one question: how long do you think it would take to finsh these contributions?

<<< Does this mean all contributions?
[06:23:04] Victor Perez Juarez: org.eevolution.warehouse
[06:23:47] Victor Perez Juarez: there reason is because is complex management redundancy dependencies
[06:24:00] Mario Calderón: @Suman: the one which are "in progress" or "waiting"
[06:24:29] Victor Perez Juarez: I made changes in New grouping for product, that sum an should sincronize
[06:25:10] Victor Perez Juarez: in a begin I use the group 1 and group 2 and classifications as reference to add new groups tables
[06:25:40] Victor Perez Juarez: but it complicate of legacy migration , so that some implementation sure are using this fields
[06:25:41] suman ravuri: Initial Client Setup        - September 3rd 2013

Import Product Attributes Instances  - September 4th 2013

Manufacturing lite         -  September 4th 2013
[06:26:29] suman ravuri: Forecast Management,Warehouse Management will start after integrating libero mfg
[06:26:59] suman ravuri: In 2 days I wil complete libero mfg integration
[06:27:03] Victor Perez Juarez: the my decision was add the new fields into M_Product (M_Product_Class_ID, M_Product_Group_ID, M_Product_Classification_ID)
[06:27:34] Victor Perez Juarez: so Suman you need synchronize the last change for New grouping for product
[06:27:41] Mario Calderón: @Suman: thanks :)
[06:28:12] Victor Perez Juarez: before that you merge  feature/ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing is important because exist dependences
[06:28:55] suman ravuri: @Victor, agree
[06:28:57] Mario Calderón: (can we leave the technical details to be solved between Suman and the one in charge of the contribution?)
[06:28:58] Victor Perez Juarez: about of Forecast Management   and other libero contribution it was consolidate into feature/ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing
[06:29:08] Victor Perez Juarez: I think this should be more easy
[06:30:15] Victor Perez Juarez: so the contribution :
[06:30:17] Victor Perez Juarez: Picklist simulated
[06:30:23] Victor Perez Juarez: Import Bill of Material
[06:30:31] Victor Perez Juarez: Import Workflow
[06:30:43] Victor Perez Juarez: Forecast Management
[06:31:03] Victor Perez Juarez: was integrate all into  feature/ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing
[06:31:50] Victor Perez Juarez: is important remark , that with goal of not lost the history commits , libero manufacturing was add as a git sub repository
[06:32:11] Victor Perez Juarez: I can not found other way to preserve of history
[06:32:42] Victor Perez Juarez: so that the developer need know a little more:
[06:32:43] Victor Perez Juarez: http://mercurial.aragost.com/kick-start/en/subrepositories/
[06:34:28] Victor Perez Juarez: it is ready now , so Suman only need merge  feature/ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing into branch : release/380rc1 so that, I created  feature/ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing  based on  release/380rc1 , the merge should make easy
[06:35:24] suman ravuri: will do that
[06:35:58] Mario Calderón: @Suman: and the "other" contributions?

I as this in order to know more or less when to set a test date.
[06:36:22] Victor Perez Juarez: So some my pending to Suman can finish with integration that come from e-Evolution are:
[06:36:42] Victor Perez Juarez: Integrate Human and & Payroll functionality into core
[06:37:15] Victor Perez Juarez: when the integration libero is completed then I think integrate
[06:37:16] Victor Perez Juarez: MRP Supply and Demand Pegging
[06:37:22] Victor Perez Juarez: MRP Browse for demand and supplies
[06:37:31] Victor Perez Juarez: Net Change Material Plan and Selective Material Plan
[06:37:37] Victor Perez Juarez: Smart Browse for approval of Planning Orders
[06:38:15] suman ravuri: Mario, with ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing we will be able to integrate some of the eeolution features
[06:38:56] suman ravuri: some other eevolution features I will do as I get details from Victor
[06:39:20] Victor Perez Juarez: of other hand , I need help to Suman to restructuring Warehouse Management based in the Teo's suggestion , that all big contribution should are separate of core
[06:40:06] Mario Calderón: ok...
[06:40:07] Victor Perez Juarez: then I need restructuring because the Suman integration was directly in core , but it are causing issues when try execute utils_dev/build.xml
[06:40:31] Mario Calderón: we are on which item?
[06:40:59] Victor Perez Juarez:   Actions taken by RM
[06:41:31] suman ravuri: @Victor I can rollback warehouse management and wait for you to give seperate folder strcuture
[06:41:42] suman ravuri: are you ok with this plan?
[06:42:00] Victor Perez Juarez: I think that is more easy move
[06:42:32] Victor Perez Juarez: because I use the current release branch to integrate feature/ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing
[06:42:50] Victor Perez Juarez: so if your revert then I had that revert in feature/ADEMPIERE-201-Manufacturing
[06:42:58] Victor Perez Juarez: the it will be more complex
[06:43:16] Victor Perez Juarez: let me I reorganize no is problem because I know my class
[06:43:30] Victor Perez Juarez: about the important decisions :
[06:44:56] Victor Perez Juarez: 1.- we should remove some obsolete contribution that not are maintenance (HTML Client UI, Posterita ) WDYT?
[06:45:24] Victor Perez Juarez: 2.- the Jasper library should be update with la last version
[06:46:18] Victor Perez Juarez: 3.- Next release should be focus with database last support version, PostgreSQL, Oracle , What should happened with Mysql?
[06:46:33] Trifon Trifonov: @Victor, lets first ask in the forums if this obsolete parts are used by anyone before removing them...
[06:47:04] Victor Perez Juarez: 4.- We should remove the JBoss application and deployment adempiere only with tomcat 7 if is possible
[06:47:12] Mario Calderón: I think Trifon is right.
[06:47:28] Victor Perez Juarez: yes , I am agree because can be some use
[06:47:39] Mario Calderón: though I would support getting rid of them
[06:48:07] Victor Perez Juarez: the big issue that I review the when posterity was add a lot the messages into application dictionary was duplicate
[06:48:23] Mario Calderón: but Jasper, groovy, etc. must be updated
[06:48:30] Victor Perez Juarez: posterity have not care full and now we have duplicate
[06:48:31] Trifon Trifonov: @victor is duplication of message such a BIG problem?
[06:48:53] Victor Perez Juarez: not is big problem , jejeje but not is right :-)
[06:49:15] Trifon Trifonov: guys why are we taling about removing we are developers we should talk aboud creating new things.
[06:49:42] Mario Calderón: hehehehe
[06:50:03] Mario Calderón: you're right: that is why we are here Trifon
[06:50:52] Mario Calderón: nevertheless, some totally old and unused objects can be deleted.....
[06:51:22] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Hi Victor, a lot of the items you have listed are not on the 3.8 roadmap document.  Is there any reason we cant get that finished first and then plan the removals in a later release.  I realise some libraries do not to be updated and were not specifically on the roadmap.
[06:51:23] Trifon Trifonov: let's delete them but first let's ask in the forums if there are people who depend on them.
[06:51:44] Victor Perez Juarez: yes, but we should establish a policy about the contribution that not are maintenance , it should be remove or hide in stable version
[06:52:53] Cristina Ghita: I would suggest to hide, at least for now
[06:54:16] Mario Calderón: summary?
[06:54:17] Victor Perez Juarez: @Steven about the subject that I tell, some are infrastructure subject and have not with functionality
[06:54:34] Mario Calderón: agree....
[06:54:50] Mario Calderón: can we fiish this item gentlemen?
[06:55:04] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): and lady!
[06:55:16] Cristina Ghita: :)
[06:55:43] Victor Perez Juarez: take this opportunity so that release candidate will testing
[06:56:01] Victor Perez Juarez: is good moment to considered this important element
[06:56:24] Mario Calderón: oops! sorry!  :$
[06:56:43] Victor Perez Juarez: either way will be made
[06:57:37] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Can I ask what should be done about GardenWorld .. I used a fresh GW today .. first thing I had to do was add two new years.
[06:57:44] Victor Perez Juarez: then for example update jdbc drivers is an task of release management
[06:57:56] Victor Perez Juarez: update  seed based on postgresql 9.2
[06:57:57] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): it is so old and stale .. it needs updating
[06:58:10] Victor Perez Juarez: and oracle 11g are task of release management
[06:58:15] Mario Calderón: ok
[06:58:30] Victor Perez Juarez: and are task that always was make
[06:59:01] Mario Calderón: dear all: do we agree the technical issues will be solved outside the contributions?
[06:59:07] Victor Perez Juarez: So the release management should take it task now part of release work
[07:00:10] suman ravuri: +1 as long as it discussed and approved in technical team
[07:00:29] Victor Perez Juarez: +1
[07:00:41] Cristina Ghita: yes,+1
[07:01:37] Victor Perez Juarez: someone else
[07:01:39] Victor Perez Juarez: ?
[07:02:07] Mario Calderón: +1
[07:02:32] Victor Perez Juarez: ok , next subject
[07:02:34] Victor Perez Juarez:   Technical team reviews
[07:03:24] Victor Perez Juarez: someone has something to say?
[07:04:27] Cristina Ghita: I finished and documented 

* Chart into Application Dictionary

* Password Hash

* Memo Alert

And now I am reviewing Improvements of Info forms
[07:04:57] Mario Calderón: great Cristina. dis you update the summary?
[07:05:03] Cristina Ghita: yes
[07:05:05] Victor Perez Juarez: great Cris, excellent news
[07:05:33] Cristina Ghita: pls let me know if needs more detailed;
[07:05:45] Victor Perez Juarez: I will read
[07:05:47] Mario Calderón: http://www.adempiere.com/Release_380LTS#Contributions_summary
[07:05:58] Cristina Ghita: Ah.. ok
[07:06:01] Cristina Ghita: I will compete there
[07:06:06] Cristina Ghita: I did not kn0wo about that
[07:06:08] Cristina Ghita: sorry
[07:07:12] Mario Calderón: this means, e-Evolution's and Adaxa's contributions are almost completely reviewed.

who will review Mike's? 

we are still missing the instance for testing Metas contibutions. is down since at least 5 days
[07:08:15] Mario Calderón: and I know, this instance had only ONE contribution, whereas Metas wrote about 200
[07:08:32] Cristina Ghita: Will be a bit delayed with this, I think.. because Tobi is in vacation and he is the maintainer of the server
[07:08:36] Victor Perez Juarez: Someone Metas that can help us
[07:09:09] Mario Calderón: @Cristina: IMHO the review is at this level OK.
[07:09:28] Cristina Ghita: ok
[07:10:44] Victor Perez Juarez: when make of libero integration I saw important change code of Trifon's svn patch branch
[07:11:14] suman ravuri: commenting exlpodeBOM()?
[07:11:15] Victor Perez Juarez: so how it subject is part of Technical Team review and functional review
[07:12:02] Victor Perez Juarez: I will like use this as transition between  Technical team reviews and Functional Team reviews subject
[07:12:22] Cristina Ghita: @Mario: I am reviewing now Mikes contributions about Info Forms
[07:13:08] Victor Perez Juarez: yes , I see that Trifon move the explodeBOM when a sales order is completed to shipment process complete
[07:13:32] Victor Perez Juarez: but I think that  change a import core functionality
[07:14:12] Mario Calderón: who can we ask about Metas? I think it is very important, because Metas has many "goodies". Can somebody tell us?
[07:15:23] Cristina Ghita: I am trying to get an answer
[07:16:55] Victor Perez Juarez: Adempiere now support that you can segregate a components  into the sales order as separate lines or not
[07:17:11] Victor Perez Juarez: it depend how we setting in product window
[07:17:27] Victor Perez Juarez: but with Trifon change it was change
[07:17:56] Victor Perez Juarez: now the no is possible segregate a components into sales order
[07:18:05] Victor Perez Juarez: only when it is shipment
[07:18:22] Victor Perez Juarez: so I prefer end have 2 approach and no only one
[07:18:36] suman ravuri: @Victor let us work together and fix this specific instance
[07:19:17] Cristina Ghita: OK. Guys we will have to wait until Tobi come from vacation to be able to test;

He will be in vacation until 16 I think
[07:19:50] suman ravuri: and we request tt team for more diligent review
[07:22:37] Victor Perez Juarez: yes , this change is more functional that technical
[07:23:31] Victor Perez Juarez: I like know that Trifon's motivation to make is change, this way we would have some discussion about of topic
[07:23:34] Victor Perez Juarez: :-)
[07:24:35] Victor Perez Juarez: If this was a customization that was integrated by mistake also can understand and simply remove
[07:24:37] suman ravuri: Forum question?
[07:24:56] suman ravuri: so that Trifon will respond and all of us can know?
[07:25:07] Trifon Trifonov: I'm here.....
[07:26:01] Trifon Trifonov: this change allows Companies to make sales orders on whihc they do not print the components
[07:26:36] Trifon Trifonov: on the shipment document all BOM components are printed and invoice contains only the Manufactured/Assembled product witht the price.
[07:27:14] Trifon Trifonov: I have ot review i could have made mistake in the commit, but I think this was more like bug fix.
[07:28:24] Mario Calderón: can it be implemented so the behavior can be defined in the document type?
[07:28:31] Mario Calderón: either way?
[07:29:00] Victor Perez Juarez: I if I remember good we have some flags to define this behavior
[07:29:09] Victor Perez Juarez: Stocked
[07:29:14] Victor Perez Juarez: Print detail records on invoice
[07:29:20] Victor Perez Juarez: Print detail records on pick list
[07:29:34] Trifon Trifonov: yes, right there are checkboxes.
[07:29:56] Trifon Trifonov: problem was in the source code. it was printing on the invoice prices of the components when BOM product is not stocked.
[07:31:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I hope we can still explode all the items on the SO so that we can still run 'generate PO from SO'
[07:31:36] Victor Perez Juarez: @Trifon, so you can get  behavior if mark the finish good as stoked
[07:33:28] Trifon Trifonov: problem of the users was that on the invoice adempeire was printing components and csutomer was able to see the prices of all components.
[07:34:15] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Victor, Trifon is correct that there is some bad behaviour in there that needs to be fixed but it would need to be dealt with offline... and no combination of IsStocked etc solves all the problems ... we spent a week on it two months ago and what we ended up with still may not have suited all use cases.
[07:34:18] Victor Perez Juarez: but it depend how you define this flag Print detail records on invoice
[07:34:34] Trifon Trifonov: @Everyone please check it. If this change is not good then just do not intergate it.
[07:35:14] Victor Perez Juarez: yes we should review
[07:35:29] Trifon Trifonov: generally combination of this flags is Stocked, Is BOM can lead to not desired situations.
[07:35:46] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Trifon .. agree
[07:35:49] Trifon Trifonov: And I'm not sure that all we have the same understanding about what THE RIGTH behaviour is.
[07:35:55] Victor Perez Juarez: and have the possibilities , may be we need a new flag called Print detail records on Sales ORder
[07:35:56] Mario Calderón: please review it and come up with a solution..... I think we can have both ways
[07:36:23] Victor Perez Juarez: this are the combination:
[07:36:48] Trifon Trifonov: I also spent a lto of time on this issue around 1.5 weeks and my conclusion is that we MUST add another table to store components.
[07:37:05] Trifon Trifonov: in order to be felixble.
[07:37:17] Victor Perez Juarez: 1.- Sales order only print the finish good -> Shipment print of components -> Invoice print finish good
[07:37:25] Trifon Trifonov: else just using OrderLine table requires some hacks.
[07:37:48] Victor Perez Juarez: 2.- Sales order Print of compoents -> Shipment print of components -> Invoice print finish good
[07:38:01] Victor Perez Juarez: 3.- Sales order Print of components -> Shipment print of components -> Invoice print components
[07:38:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): ...and thats before you even start thinking about using BOM Drop within the sales order ;-)
[07:38:50] Trifon Trifonov: :)
[07:39:12] Mario Calderón: can we move on?
[07:39:15] Trifon Trifonov: and what happens if users want to have product configuration? to order some components and other not.
[07:39:20] Trifon Trifonov: yes, better move on.
[07:39:43] Victor Perez Juarez: no problem because the logic should use the BOM Use or Type
[07:40:10] Victor Perez Juarez: int this moment the BOM not discriminate of type
[07:40:11] Victor Perez Juarez: boolean retValue = false;

		String where = "AND IsActive='Y' AND EXISTS "

			+ "(SELECT * FROM M_Product p WHERE C_OrderLine.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID"

			+ " AND	p.IsBOM='Y' AND p.IsVerified='Y' AND p.IsStocked='N')";
[07:40:28] Victor Perez Juarez: then I think that we should use of type and use to management this logic
[07:40:34] Victor Perez Juarez: can be a good solution
[07:41:01] Mario Calderón: next agenda item?
[07:41:15] Victor Perez Juarez: Actions to be taken
[07:41:18] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Functional?
[07:41:50] Victor Perez Juarez: the BOM functionality was functional
[07:41:58] Mario Calderón: ..we are finished with Adaxa's and eEvolution's contributions.

Metas is still to be reviewd.
[07:42:30] Mario Calderón: I don't know if we have the time to do it....
[07:42:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Mario ... still working on costing engine review so not all finished.
[07:42:56] Mario Calderón: Susanne told me she sent you the files
[07:43:23] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): yes I tested and replied earlier .. we need to do some more
[07:44:34] Victor Perez Juarez: I had an opinion about the postpone of Manufacturing Light integration until can change the BOM infrastructure and use the same that libero, I like know that what think Steven about this
[07:45:08] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Victor, I replied in the SF thread.
[07:45:43] Victor Perez Juarez: exist other collision functionality for example of rollup cost
[07:45:44] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I think it needs to be done.  If it is not a big problem then it may not be critical to do it now as long as it can be migrated
[07:46:52] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): why collision .. just a separate process looking at a separate table?
[07:47:02] Mario Calderón: and this is not an actual question...
[07:47:18] Mario Calderón: we just integrate it as it is, and we can later integrate both
[07:47:19] Victor Perez Juarez: Exist an migration script that convert of old structure BOM to new , it was use when integrate libero and change the BOM
[07:47:26] Victor Perez Juarez: but it is an manual process
[07:47:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): logically it is a duplication but it does not seem to be a problem at the moment as you would use one or the other .. not both.
[07:48:01] Mario Calderón: ok
[07:48:10] Mario Calderón: next item?
[07:48:28] Mario Calderón: I'd like that we set a release date
[07:48:34] Victor Perez Juarez: @MArio , can be a issue , because the end user can are confused
[07:48:54] Victor Perez Juarez: and current the old BOM tab is hide , if you enable
[07:49:10] Victor Perez Juarez: now you would see 2 BOM tabs
[07:49:12] Victor Perez Juarez: jejejej
[07:49:47] Mario Calderón: @Victor: it is like the actual manufacturing and Libero.

We hava a customer with both: we start with Libero and produce with the standar Manufacturing.
[07:49:55] Mario Calderón: NP
[07:50:05] Victor Perez Juarez: for me Manufacturing Light should be the evolve of current production core funcionality
[07:50:21] suman ravuri: I have another appointment which I need to attend. I will leave now and read chat late in the night
[07:50:37] Victor Perez Juarez: then the end user can choose for a simple manufacturing functionality or a complex as libero
[07:50:42] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): bye Suman..
[07:50:48] suman ravuri: bye
[07:50:54] Victor Perez Juarez: bye
[07:51:35] Victor Perez Juarez: so the migration from Manufacturing Light to ADempiere Manufacturing should be simple and transparent
[07:51:39] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Victor, do you really see it as a problem that you have to make one  or the BOM tabs inactive?
[07:52:07] Cristina Ghita: bye
[07:52:23] Victor Perez Juarez: not exist other for example MRP process
[07:52:24] Victor Perez Juarez: :-)
[07:53:13] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I agree that Light should change exactly as you suggest .. but we are not going to do the work in the near term .. so do take Light out completely in 3.80 or go with what we have
[07:53:28] Victor Perez Juarez: in my review this is more a process of replenishment that a MRP
[07:53:29] Victor Perez Juarez: jejejej
[07:54:32] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): yes .. I think that is why it runs from the replenishment window!
[07:55:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Its a simple decision unless someone has resources to make the change .. we either include what is there or we take it out .. what is the groups preference?
[07:56:02] Victor Perez Juarez: this reason because I preferred postpone this integration , I pledge to integrate properly in the next version
[07:57:04] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): others?
[07:57:26] Victor Perez Juarez: of course if you do not mind
[07:59:08] Mario Calderón: In my opinion, we have already decided over it
[07:59:13] Mario Calderón: it is on the road map
[07:59:36] Mario Calderón: and reviewed...
[07:59:40] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): next topic then...
[08:00:03] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): Can I ask again about updating GardenWorld?
[08:00:12] Mario Calderón: yes please...
[08:00:17] Mario Calderón: who ca do it??
[08:00:30] Mario Calderón: can yo do it with your Generate data?
[08:01:28] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): its needs some new Financial years added .. some old ones deleted, the dates on some existing transactions changed if possible .. some better list reports ... some financial reports that make sense
[08:01:40] Mario Calderón: true
[08:01:51] Mario Calderón: who would do the update?
[08:02:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): at the moment it just confuses new users and the ancient data is apain.
[08:02:49] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I am happy to make the changes as a user .. what I dont know is how the technical people would get the changes back in the seed database.
[08:04:00] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): for instance do we have to have a migratuion script to make all the changes or is there an alternative by fixing and then doing a dbrestore?
[08:05:20] Victor Perez Juarez: let me disagree, one of the most important points to adempiere not become a lot of functionality, is to avoid duplicate functionality, and in this case having similar poorly integrated functionality does not seem a good idea, but it's my point of view, Being functional team member does not seem right that an integrated ERP inappropriately have duplicate functionality.
[08:07:19] Mario Calderón: here , the xml export would be best, because you would do it for all databases
[08:07:59] Mario Calderón: dear all, I have to leave soon

can we come to an end?
[08:08:18] Mario Calderón: I wanted we set a date for release
[08:08:23] Mario Calderón: but Suman left...
[08:10:07] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): @Mario .. can you agree a probable date with Suman offline .. he will probabl;y have to think about it anyway..
[08:10:23] Mario Calderón: ok I will contact him
[08:10:26] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): I have to go also .. bye
[08:10:30] Mario Calderón: bye
[08:10:34] Trifon Trifonov: bye
[08:11:50] Cristina Ghita: bye
[08:12:01] Mario Calderón: next meeting?
[08:12:09] Mario Calderón: same time next week?
[08:13:27] Steven Sackett (Adaxa): sure

[05:21:19] Michael McKay:Finally managed to learn enough about linux to get an AWS EC2 instance up and running.  I installled the ADEMPIERE_72 branch there to help with testing.  See http://ec2-50-16-59-96.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8088/webui/.  Try out the info forms, multi-selection and the lookup fields.  Also checkout the invoice info payment schedule tab.  There is an invoice to Joe Block with a 50-50 payment schedule that shows how it works.  Thanks for the help.
[06:03:00] Mario Calderón: thanks Mike, I will reviewtoday
[11:39:37] Michael McKay: Just noticed an error that doesn't appear on my local machine when using the lookup fields. I'll have to check later tonight.  Wait for an update before testing further.
[11:49:28] Victor Perez Juarez: Hi Mike
[11:49:38] Victor Perez Juarez: the new window info
[11:49:46] Victor Perez Juarez: also was implement in swing?
[11:49:57] Michael McKay: Yes - they are both the same.
[11:50:10] Victor Perez Juarez: great
[11:51:23] Victor Perez Juarez: Checkbox auto refresh is for avoid push button refresh ?
[11:53:00] Michael McKay: yes.  If the tables are huge, it might be better to set criteria and then run the query. With that box checked, the query runs after any change.  If you need multiple criteria - it will run each time you enter a value.
[11:53:49] Michael McKay: Check the system config table - there is a default setting for it there.
[12:13:37] Victor Perez Juarez: I am test and load the BP info
[12:13:59] Victor Perez Juarez: set test in name field an execute refresh
[12:14:02] Victor Perez Juarez: but no answer
[12:33:22] Michael McKay: When I enter "test" in the name field of the BP info form and hit enter or tab, it shows  three BPs with Testing002, Test3 and Testvuser.
[12:36:12] Victor Perez Juarez: I got the issue
[12:36:28] Victor Perez Juarez: it happen when I use name and pub refresh button
[12:36:35] Victor Perez Juarez: I get NPE
[12:45:53] Victor Perez Juarez: Mike I think that your view had some error
[12:45:54] Victor Perez Juarez: SELECT M_Warehouse_ID, Warehouse, sum(QtyAvailable), sum(QtyOnHand), sum(QtyReserved), DocumentNote FROM  M_PRODUCT_STOCK_V  WHERE M_Product_ID = ? AND M_PRODUCT_STOCK_V.AD_Client_ID IN(0,11) AND M_PRODUCT_STOCK_V.AD_Org_ID IN(50007,0,50004,50005,50006,50000,50001,50002,11,12) Group By M_Warehouse_ID, Warehouse, documentnote  [55]

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "m_product_id" does not exist

  Position: 130; State=42703; ErrorCode=0
[12:49:10] Michael McKay: See it now.  On the prodcut page.   Hmm.  This passed all the tests locally.  I'll have to investigate. - Guess is that a migration script wasn't applied in the install.
[12:49:33] Michael McKay: Thanks for testing.
[12:49:49] Victor Perez Juarez: I will continue
[12:50:09] Victor Perez Juarez: if I found something I will say
Thursday, 5 September 2013
[21:49:29] Michael McKay: [04/09/2013 7:21:32] Michael McKay: http://ec2-50-16-59-96.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8088/webui/.
<<< Fixed the migration script issue and a class dependency.  The info panels and search fields are passing all my tests now.  Check the system configuration for the default settings.  Look for %INFO% in name.  I noticed a chance that quick actions may prevent the busy dialog from being cleared and I'll fix this tomorrow.  The migration scripts need work to move to the new format as well.  Let me know if you find anything else.