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Name This user real name is : Joel Stangeland
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Who is JsSolutions?

Joel Stangeland

I am Joel Stangeland, CEO of Trek Global. My company helps businesses achieve success through ERP, including Open Source ERP. While our headquarters is established in the Northwest corner of the United States, our team of talented developers and support staff is located all around the globe.

My Background

I have worked in the IT industry for more than 18 years, with many of those years spent as an implementer of first proprietary and later open source ERP. Prior to Trek Global, as COO of Idalica, I was involved as a Partner with Compiere. In 2006, I participated with other developers and implementers in the Compiere project fork, which became ADempiere. While we have a deep appreciation for Compiere, we sought an innovation platform in which to rapidly develop enhancements. We found a wealth of creative and highly talented developers in the ADempiere community. I served as a charter member of the Adempiere founder’s council and community council. Much of my focus in the ADempiere community has been in promoting project management and discipline to the development efforts, as well as supporting the use of ADempiere as a stable and powerful business framework. As founders, we worked hard to establish the ADempiere project plan, formed a non-profit entity to protect the trademark, and contributed many important enhancements. Also high on my list has been the creation of open source ERP documentation and training resources. I also lead the work of Adaxa in the United States and am proud of the great contributions that Adaxa has made over the years. I believe it is essential for developers and implementers to work together in ERP design in order to realize continuous advancement of a relevant product. As an implementer, my direct business customer interactions help me to formulate design concepts that I can hand off to our developers.

Discovering the Strengths of Open Source

There is much to be celebrated in the fact that open source ERP helps level the playing field when it comes to operational efficiency opportunities for small- and mid-sized businesses, because most of these businesses are not able to otherwise afford the high cost of proprietary ERP systems. What really excites me about open source ERP, however, is not so much its cost factors, as it is the opportunities it provides to organizations for truly creative and cutting edge customizations. As it becomes more challenging for companies to attain competitive advantage in our global market and struggling economy, the desire continues to grow for streamlined operations and distinctive setups that extend greater value to customers. With open source ERP, companies can rapidly advance their system design through collaborations with ERP designers and implementers like those on my Trek Global team.

How to Reach Me

Contact me via email: jstangeland(at)trekglobal(dot)com


Trek Global