Subrole Feature
ContributionThis contribution allows you to define a role by adding other roles (called "subroles"). Permissions to windows, processes, non-dynamic windows, workflows, tasks and document actions are then inherited.
Furthermore new contributions can provice a sub role that grants access to the needed objects.
Forum discussion: ContributorSponsoring: metas Concept: Mark Ostermann (metas), Teo Sarca Implementation: Teo Sarca Testing: Patrick Sander (metas) Documentation: Norbert Wessel (metas) DocumentationIn Window "Role" is a new tab named "Subrole" that allows you to add as many subroles as you want. The sequence defines which subrole rules when there are conflicts in role definitions. When logging into ADempiere the user only sees the role that he is assigned to and not all subroles. The permission granted in the subset of all roles is merged. If there is a conflict the subrole with higher sequence number is applied.
Deutsche - Rolle verwalten