Rule Engine Implementation
From ADempiere
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This my idea to implement the Rule & Engine into ADempiere
Fist we need create new model data into Application Dictionary:
- Table AD_Rule_Engine
- Fields:
- Value
- Name
- Description
- Rule Engine Type
- Script
DDL Script
CREATE TABLE adempiere.ad_rule_engine ( ad_client_id numeric(10) NOT NULL, ad_org_id numeric(10) NOT NULL, ad_rule_engine_id numeric(10) NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, createdby numeric(10) NOT NULL, description character varying(255), isactive character(1) NOT NULL, name character varying(60) NOT NULL, rule_engine_type character varying(2), script character varying(4000), updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, updatedby numeric(10) NOT NULL, value character varying(40), CONSTRAINT ad_rule_engine_key PRIMARY KEY (ad_rule_engine_id), CONSTRAINT ad_rule_engine_isactive_check CHECK (isactive = ANY (ARRAY['Y'::bpchar, 'N'::bpchar])) )
New Windows into Application Dictionary
- Windows Name : Rule Engine
- Fields
- Search Key : Value to search to Rule
- Name : Name of Rule
- Description: Description detail the rule
- Rule Engine Type :
- Bash Shell (Allow execute a rule based in this language script)
- SQL (Will Allow execute a rule based in SQL standard)
- AOP (Will Allow execute a rule based in AOP)
- Script : Script logic to Rule Engine Type
Here you can review how I am implement bash Shell in Payroll