Production Control
Once the production planning process is completed, the production control process let us to check the execution activities in order to be sure we can reach the material plan.
Each time you need to release an order you need to be sure the components are complete in the warehouse, this is obtained by tracking the release and due dates for every component, this is easy to get using the shortages reports and from this module.
This module mainly answer the question:
- What do I need to do to accomplish the
- If you cannot cover the MPS as you had planned, this module gives you information needed to decrease the effect on the costs and on the customer service.
Discrete Manufacturing
Planned Order Approval
A planned manufacturing order is a manufacturing order suggested by the MRP process and contains its quantity and its release and promise dates. when you approve a manufacturing planned order you convert it in a manufacturing order with the status of In Process.
When you approve a planned order you are telling the system that the manufacturing order is ready to start its process with the approval you change the order status from Draft to In Process.
Manufacturing Order
The Manufacturing Order is a document or schedule identity conveying authority for the manufacture of specified products in specified quantities.
To enter a manufacturing order or to give it maintenance
- click the menu option Manufacturing
- Production Control
- Discrete Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Order.
Then you will see the next dialog box:
Figure You must enter or select the parameters to filter the desired manufacturing order records. The options to filter the MO are: Document Number of the MO, Document Description, Product Name, date when the order was generated, the order promise date, the date when the order should be started according with the manufacturing schedule (also called release date) or the Document Status (DR, NA, IP, CO, CL).
Date Ordered – is the date when the order was generated. If the MO is created manually the default date ordered is the system date. If the MO was generated by MRP the default date ordered is the day of the MRP process.
Date Promised – Is the date we commit to give the order to the warehouse. If the MO is created manually the default date promised is the system date. If the MO was generated by MRP this date is filled automatically using its algorithm calculation.
Approval Date – Is the date on which the planned order should be approved to be released to the shop floor.
Delivered Date – Is the Date on which the finished material of this order was received by the warehouse.
Start Date Scheduled – Is the date, scheduled by MRP, when the MO should be released to the shop floor.
Finish Date Scheduled - Is the date, scheduled by MRP, when the MO should be received by the warehouse.
Start Date – It is the date when the first manufacturing order movement is reported, this movement can be an inventory or labor movement.
Finish Date - It is the date when the last manufacturing order movement is reported, It is the closing order date.
Before Float – It will be used in future releases in order to balance the resource loading.
After Float – It will be used in future releases in order to balance the resource loading.
In the Quantities group of fields you can see the next fields:
The product Quantity to be fabricated and the Unit of Measure of this quantity.
The Qty Batchs is the number of batches you are going to do to fabricate all the product in the order.
The Qty. Batch Size is the quantity of product to be made in each batch.
In the Yield field you can see the Product Yield defined as the the product quantity which fit the quality specifications divided by the total order quantity.
Delivered Quantity is a read only field which contains the quantity delivered to the warehouse up to date.
The Rejected Quantity is the quantity of product out of quality specifications reported to the manufacturing order. When Quality assurance take a decision around the rejected product, this product will have to be later reworked or sent to scrap. When you report Scrap Quantity, this will be added to the scrap quantity for the manufacturing order.
Qty Scrap is the quantity of material out of specifications and of such characteristics that rework is impractical.
Project and Campaign refer to the standard Compiere dimensions.
The data contained in the Status group of fields have the normal use of Compiere.
The BOM & Formula used in the Manufacturing Order are taken from the Product Planning data window.
BOM and Workflows used by the manufacturing orders are taken from the Product Data Planning.
The information relative to every component that will be used in the manufacture of the finished product is taken from the Bill of Materials. This information is contained in the Order BOM/Formula tab.
To get more information around the BOM heading data used in the MO you use the Order BOM/Formula tab. The data contained in this tab is explained in the section BOM/Formula in this Chapter.
The information around every component which will be used in the finished product fabrication are taken from the BOM lines.
You can find this information in the Order BOM/Formula Lines tab.
The first group of fields are explained in the BOM Section in this Manual.
The fields of the Delivery group of fields in the bottom of the window shows you the components quantities that it had been moved and the locator of this products. These fields are the following:
Date Delivered .is the date in which the component to the OM was provided.
Deliver To person or area who receive the product.
Warehouse is the area from with the material is taken.
Locator is the place into the warehouse where the material is taken.
Quantity is the amount of the movement.
QtyRequired: are the necessary component to MO.
Delivered Quantity amount of component that already had been provide the MO.
Reserved Quantity: amount of component that has been reserved from the warehouse to the MO through the approval of the MO.
Qty Reject: amount of the component that does not fulfill the quality specification reason why will have to be given back to the warehouse for process again or to be reported as Scrap.
Qty Scrap: amount of component that not will be part of production process because this product does not fullfill the quality specifications and no longer is possible to process again to turn it a usable product.
Qty Post: amount that has been applied to the General Accounting.
To get information about the Workflow heading which will be used in the Manufacturing Order, you must select the Workflow tab. Data contained in this tab are explained in the Manufacturing Workflow (Routes and Processes) section in this Manual.
The relative information to each node (Or operations) will be used in the production of a product and will be taken from the nodes registered in the Manufacturing Workflow Windows in the Nodes tab. This data can be modified and also the data from the transition tab. To get detailed information around the fields please see the section Manufacturing Workflow in this Chapter.
In the Cost Tab we have a record for each Cost Element defined in the Product to be produced, for these Organization, Warehouse, Cost Group and Resource.
You can see the standard amounts for each Cost Element at this level and for each Cost Element at lower level for the product. The cost at this level refers to the Cost Elements of the product to be produced (just at the level of the finished product). Cost elements at lower levels refers to the cost of the the product to be produced (including the cost of the Cost Elements of every component).
The last four fields are related to the accumulated quantities and amounts for product movements and posted movements. These fields are for each cost element:
Cum Qty Cost Element: This field shows the sum of the quantities of the product that have had movements.
Cost Element Cum Qty Post: This field shows the sum of the quantities of the product that have had movements and have been posted to the GL for the cost elements.
Cum Amt Cost Element: This field shows the sum of the amounts of the product that have had movements.
Cum Amt Cost Element Post: This field shows the sum of the amounts of the product that have had movements and have been posted to the GL.
Manufacturing Orders Report
It is a report of every Manufacturing Orders filtering according with the characteristics the user is interested to select.
Component Check
Before you complete a MO it is necessary to validate the components are available in the warehouse, in order to track the components availability you get a report which shows among other data: the Required Quantity for the MO, the Reserved Quantity, the On Hand Quantity and the Available Quantity.
Order Transactions
To get the Manufacturing Transactions Report click the menu option Manufacturing < Production Control < Discrete Manufacturing < Order Transactions.
With this report we can verify the detail of every Manufacturing Order transaction executed with a Manufacturing Order including information like document number, quantities, products and the date in which the transactions were made, etc.
Printing and Release Order
Once the planned orders of manufacture generated by MRP, have been aprobed, has been reached the date of liberation and has been verified that the required components are in existence, the orders are emitted to the plant for its manufacture. If you wish to print the warehouse and shop floor documentation you must tick the adequate check box:
If you tick the Print Pick List check box you will get a report with the required components and quantities to help the warehouse clerk to issue the material to the shop floor. The next report is an example of this:
If you tick the Print Pack List check box you will get a report with the required components and containing the material with a Component Type of Packing recorded in the BOM Window.
Another report which is part of the Manufacturing Order Release Package is the Workflow(Routing). You can print this report with tick in the Print Workflow check box and it shows to the shop floor personnel the necessary steps for the manufacture of the product. This Report contains the place where the product should be made, the standard times, the tools and necessary devices. If you wish to print this report tick the check box Print Workflow.
Order Receipt and Issue
The last step in the fabrication process with a Manufacturing Order is to receipt the finished product in the warehouse. This last step is accomplished using with click in the menu option Manufacturing < Production Control < Discrete Manufacturing < Order Receipt and Issue.
The window shows at the upper side static information around the product and the manufacturing resource where it has to be made, it also shows a summary of the quantities to be controlled in the MO such as the Original and delivered quantities and the Quantity to deliver for the MO up to date.
If the production process requires production in batch, then the Qty Batchs shows the Number of batches the shop floor needs to do and the Qty Batch Size contains the size of every batch to be produced.
If you want to issue the MO components before you receive the finished product you should tick the checkbox Is Delivery, this case is recommended when you have a long to medium lead time and you want to have the inventory quantities as reliable as possible at every moment.
If you have small lead time and you wish to save clerk time then you must tick Is Backflush checkbox and you will receive the finished product at the same time you issue automatically the components
The Backflush Group field is used when you want to issue just components belonging to this group. (This characteristic could not be included in the current version).
At the lower part of the window you can find the list of every MO component, this can be modified according with the real products and quantities given to the shop floor.
The quantities to be issued are selected with the checkbox at the first column of the list of components. If the actual quantity is different from the standard quantity showed in the column Qty to deliver you should edit this field to enter the right quantity to be issued.
Finally a message box asks if you want to close the OM document, you should click the ok button if this MO does not have any more transactions and has to be closed.