ADempiere Bug Day
What is the ADempiere Bug Day?
"given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" (Linus's Law according to Eric S. Raymond)
The ADempiere Bug Day is a day when we all together fix triaged ADempiere Bugs! It takes place on every second-last Thursday per month and has the following aims:
- fix all triaged ADempiere Bugs
- bring experienced ADempiere developers together with with people that are new to ADempiere - not just new developers - to encourage commununity participation and collaboration
- support teamwork
The Big Picture
- A BUG DAY is an integral STEPS to our next big release which is Release 340.
- Our last release was Release 353 and Release 342
When is the ADempiere Bug Day?
According to the fact, that the ADempiere Community members are located all over the world, we start the Bug day at three different times on three continents:
- Asia: 2:00 h GMT
- Europe: 9:00 h GMT
- America: 15:00 h GMT
Who can help with questions according to the ADempiere Bug Day?
Every continent has a Bug Day mentor. The mentor can help in questions according to the agenda and "how to" of the Bug Day. People who are new to ADempiere and want to start in participating on the Bug Day are invited to do this. Feel free to ask one of the mentors. They and other helpful volunteers are present in IRC (, room #adempiere) during the bug day.
Who can help doing on ADempiere Bug Day?
First of all: You can help! Get the latest sourcecode from trunk and the latest Database, build your own ADempiere and start.
Non Developers
- Bug triage before Bug day
- Testing
- Documentation
- Consulting
- Debugging
- Programming
- Testing
- Committing
- Consulting
- Mentoring (experienced ADempiere developers)
What can I do in preparation for Bug Day?
Before the ADempiere Bug Day takes place, the triaging of Bugs has to be done. This is a permanent process. So if you're eager to help, take a look at Bug Triage. This is a good point to start with.
Discussions about the ADempiere Bug Day
Discussion Forums: Developers (Bug Day)