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== Original text from Sunny ==
I'm writing some considerations about the POS systems. We need enhance the POS functionality and architecture and I want to contribute to it with some expertise I have after have worked +10 years in this type of environment. Of course, all comments are welcome!
:[[User:Afalcone|Alejandro]] 17:05, 22 December 2006 (GMT -3:00)
This detail has been overtaken by updates to the Sahi software.
===Start Sahi===
now you can start Sahi in console
first time for start Sahi
workbox bin # ./sahi.sh
SAHI_USERDATA_DIR: ../userdata
Sahi properties file = /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/config/sahi.properties
Sahi user properties file = /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/config/userdata.properties
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi0
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi1
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi2
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi3
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi4
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi5
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi6
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi7
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi8
Copying profile to /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi9
>>>> Sahi started. Listening on port: 9999
>>>> Configure your browser to use this server and port as its proxy
>>>> Browse any page and CTRL-ALT-DblClick on the page to bring up the Sahi Controller
then you can access http://localhost:9999/ via your browser
you can see follow interface:
===test Sahi===
====Configuring Firefox to use Sahi's proxy====
install FoxyProxy plugin.you can see it in the lower right corner of Firefox
click it,then configurate it.
1.open FoxyProxy
2.add new Proxy
select ok.
3.use Sahi's proxy(localhost:9999)
after configuration, you can see we are using Sahi's proxy now
====Sahi Controller====
start Sahi,access http://localhost:9999 and put in start URL(eg.http://www.google.co.in/)
then will pop up Sahi Controller and open http://www.google.co.in/
=== Script Examples ===
// A collection of common functions to use in
// ADempiere sahi tests.
// Release: 3.6.0LTS
//login with given user and password, language english and default role, client
//org and warehouse
function login($usr, $pwd) {
_setValue(_textbox(0), $usr);
_setValue(_password(0), $pwd);
_setValue(_textbox(1), "English");
//use default role and org
//login using the given values
function loginWithRole($usr, $pwd, $language, $role, $client, $org, $warehouse) {
_setValue(_textbox(0), $usr);
_setValue(_password(0), $pwd);
_setValue(_textbox(1), $language);
_setValue(_textbox(0), $role);
_setValue(_textbox(1), $client);
_setValue(_textbox(2), $org);
_setValue(_textbox(3), $warehouse);
function logout() {
_assertExists(_link("Log Out"));
_click(_link("Log Out"));
var $orderno = null;
function openOrderWindow($orderno) {
_click(_div("Sales Order"));
if($orderno != null) {
_setValue(_textbox(/Field_DocumentNo/), $orderno);
function addChatMsg($msg) {
_setValue(_textarea(1), $msg);
function checkChatEntryExists($entry) {
var $expression = "/.*";
$expression = $expression.concat($entry);
$expression = $expression.concat("/");
_assertExists(_div($expression), _in(_div(/Chat/)));
login("GardenAdmin", "GardenAdmin");
  _set($orderno, _textbox("/Field_DocumentNo/").value);
login("GardenUser", "GardenUser");
_assertExists(_div("System Admin"));
_click(_div("System Admin"));
_assertExists(_div("Organization Rules"));
_click(_div("Organization Rules"));
_assertExists(_span("Organization Info"));
_click(_span("Organization Info"));
_assertExists(_span("CashBook for transfers"));
_assert(_isVisible(_span("CashBook for transfers")));
_assertExists(_span("Bank for transfers"));
_assert(_isVisible(_span("Bank for transfers")));
_assertExists(_span("Receipt Footer Msg"));
_assert(_isVisible(_span("Receipt Footer Msg")));
* common_functions.sah
* A collection of common functions used in multiple scenarios.
* Requires the following variable declarations in the scenario
* var $server = "http://asds1.adempiere.de/webui/";
* var $release = "Release 3.6.0LTS";
* var $usr = "GardenAdmin";
* var $pwd = "GardenAdmin";
* var $client = "GardenWorld";
* var $org = "*";
* var $rememberMe = "No";
// Function declarations
function verifyLogin($usr, $client, $org){
// Test the login id that appears in the top right corner of the browser
var $zkLoginID = "zk_comp_109"; // The zk ID of the login id
var $loginID;
$loginID = $usr + "@" + $client + "." + $org;
_assertEqual($loginID, _getText(_span($loginID)));
//_assertContainsText($loginID, _span($loginID));
function login($usr, $pwd, $org, $rememberMe){
// Used from the main login screen.  Assumes default role
// $rememberMe can be "Yes" or "No"
_setValue(_textbox(0), $usr);
_setValue(_password(0), $pwd);
if ($rememberMe == "No") {
if (_condition(_checkbox(0).checked)){
_click(_checkbox(0)); // Remember Me check box is selected. Deselect it.
else {
if ($rememberMe == "Yes") {
if (_condition(_checkbox(0).checked)){
// No change required
else {
_click(_checkbox(0));  // Remember Me check box is deselected. Select it.
_click(_image("Ok24.png")); //Login - Connection
// TODO: Add sets/tests for Role and Org
_click(_image("Ok24.png")); //Roles and Organization
_wait(2000) // Wait for the page to load
verifyLogin($usr, $client, $org);  //check that the correct login occured
function versionTest($Version){
// Used on login screen to test the version number
_assertEqual($Version, _getText(_cell($Version)));
_assertContainsText($Version, _cell($Version));
// End of common functions
// tf_sample_create_order.sah
// Tests that an order can be created, a line item added and the order saved.
// Verifies that the grand total is correct.
function test_create_order(){
// Run from the main menu
_click(_span("z-tree-ico z-tree-root-close[3]")); //Quote to invoice
_click(_span("z-tree-ico z-tree-tee-close[18]")); //Sales Orders
_click(_div("Sales Order"));
_click(_link("New Record"));
_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_AD_Org_ID/), "Fertilizer");
_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_C_DocTypeTarget/), "POS Order");
_setValue(_textbox(/^zk/,_in(_div(/^Field_C_BPartner_ID/))), "Joe Block");
_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_M_Warehouse_ID/), "Fertilizer");
_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_M_PriceList_ID/), "Standard");
_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_SalesRep_ID/), "GardenAdmin");
_click(_div("Save Changes"));
_click(_submit("Order Line"));  //Open the order line tab
_click(_image(/^Product/, _in(_div(/^Field_M_Product_ID/))));  //Open the product window
_click(_image("Refresh24.png[1]"));  //Refresh the list of products
_wait(1000); //Wait for the page to load
_click(_div("Mary Consultant"));  //Select Mary
_click(_image("Ok24.png")); // Confirm
_setValue(_textbox(/^Field_C_Tax_ID/), "Standard");
_click(_link("Save changes"));  // Save
_assertEqual("90.00", _getValue(_textbox(/^z-decimalbox/, _in(_div(/^Field_GrandTotal/)))));
_click(_link(/close$/, _in(_div("z_tabs_header"))));  // Close the window
_log("Test Completed", "info") // Test Completed.
// End of test_create_order
// Variable declarations
//var $server = "http://asds1.adempiere.de/webui/";
var $server = "http://dev-pc/webui/";
var $release = "Release 3.6.0LTS";
var $usr = "GardenAdmin";
var $pwd = "GardenAdmin";
var $client = "GardenWorld";
var $org = "*";
var $rememberMe = "No";
// Includes - common functions
// Includes - test flows
// Setup
function setUp(){
login($usr, $pwd, $org, "No");
// Tear down
function tearDown() {
_click(_link("Log Out"));
// Run the tests
_log("Test Completed", "info") // Test Completed.
// End of test

Revision as of 13:03, 22 December 2006

I'm writing some considerations about the POS systems. We need enhance the POS functionality and architecture and I want to contribute to it with some expertise I have after have worked +10 years in this type of environment. Of course, all comments are welcome!

Alejandro 17:05, 22 December 2006 (GMT -3:00)