FAQ Accounting

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Understanding Posting in Compiere

What is the significance of Search Key in Accounts Element ?

other than searching of course

In reference to field C_ElementValue.Value

Search key can be used also to print on reports. And to represent visually the tree (althoug this is not enforced in any way)

What if I want to change the Search Key, after the system went live?

There is no problem until you don't define any external reference to Search Key.

Note that initially there is none foreign key referencing Values, only referencing _ID's, this is why external codes (search key's) can be easily changed by users without affecting functionality.

What are summary elements?

Summary elements are used to group accounts in a hierarchy way (tree). Summary accounts can't have associated movements in gl facts.

Do summary elements show the summarized value of all its child elements, if selected to show on Financial report?

Yes, in fact you can define different hierarchies for accounts (and other items, like BPartner, Orgs, etc) and show it with different hierarchy on financial reports.

What is Update Balance? Does this required if we do reposting?

  • Compiere accounting is based on a table called FACT_ACCT, all book entries are recorded in this table.
  • To speed up the generation of financial reports Compiere has a table called FACT_ACCT_BALANCE, basically this table is a summarized view of FACT_ACCT
  • There is a checkbox in the parameters of "Financial Reports" called "Update Balances"

If this checkbox is checked when you send the report, the FACT_ACCT_BALANCE is recalculated - very slow process

  • If this checkbox is not checked, the FACT_ACCT_BALANCE is not recalculated - quick reporting process with the index we created, but maybe last book entries are not showed in the report

(unanswered) In the GL, some of the posting are done manually also. What will happen to them if we Reset and run Re postig?

What is the best way of changing the Chart of Accounts after the system went live?

You can change CoA after system went live, but please take account of default accounts are spread in a lot of tables, i.e. C_AcctSchema_Default, and all tables finishing with _Acct (like C_BankAccount_Acct, C_BP_Group_Acct, etc.

What is you transform an element value to summary level?

If account doesn't have any movement and is not associated with any default, there is no problem doing this.

If account have movements or is associated with any default is better not to touch this.

(unanswered) After reposting, the product costs have changed. Why ? Is good or bad ?