UK Payroll

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Revision as of 08:53, 28 August 2008 by Red1 (Talk) (relelvance)

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The first version of this page is a designed as a quick start on Payroll and documentation for testing the Payroll module. Hopefully, it will expand and become more detailed over time with your help.


I'm working on a testing the Payroll Module under UK tax based on the 2007-08 year (hopefully to be ready for 2008-09)

  1. Create Payroll Departments e.g. Administration, Finance, Sales, Marketing, IT etc
  2. Create Payroll Jobs & Allocate to Departments e.g. Managing Direct, Finance Director, Management Accountant
  3. Create Concept Catalogs e.g. Salary, Wages, PAYE, National Insurance Employer, National Insurance Employee
  4. Create Payroll Table (PAYE1)
  5. Create Payroll Table Version 2007-08
  6. Populate PAYE Rates

Screenshot-Payroll Table PAYE1 Michael Judd@Elefire.Elefire Ltd -adempiere.lan-adempiere.lan-adempiere-adempiere--.png

UK Payroll Resource

HMRC 2007-08 Limits

Relevance For Other Applications

  • This example here has relevance to Malaysia/Singapore i.e. Employee's Provident Fund (EPF) where a lookup table similar to above is used to return the contributions to the Fund by the employee and employer depending on the salary range.
  • Thus such example show that the HR Payroll system can be used to resolve many other lookup requirements in not only Payroll but also applications such as Banking, Charges or Trading.