Technical troubleshooting

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  • Is it supposed that we should install Posterita by installing Adempiere from scratch? We have installed Adempiere 3.1.4 and would actually like to stick to it. Ideally we would dock to the actual Adempiere version. ( mario_cal)

You can use your existing Adempiere version for the installation of Posterita. In order to do so, it is necessary that the .zip file is extracted from the folder "Adempiere/jboss/server/adempiere/deploy/". A file named “posterita.war” found in it should be copied in the folder where the installation of Adempiere was made.

As we have made some modifications in the database, it is essential that you replicate them in yours. These changes are available at

From there you can restart the jboss and Posterita should be working without any problem.

Alok Pathak

  • We do not see in Posterita all of Adempiere Business Partners nor Products which come out-the-box because (I suppose) we did not type in any Client nor Organization, but they are stored in the C_Bpartner table. How should we manage to integrate Clients and Organizations ( mario_cal)

After starting the jboss, typethe following address in your browser, "". I believe it should not be "1099" because generally it denotes the jnlp port but instead it should be web port which you have typed in while running the of your Adempiere. Once you do this you should be able to get the all the clients that you have alongside the products and business partners. Remember to check in Adempiere if the user has access to all the organisations.

Alok Pathak

  • Running posterita on the server is at first glance ok (we can store some values), but trying to establsh a client connection to Posterita via Firefox with our_pc:web_port/posterita from within our LAN does not work (; other ports like 80 or 8080 do not work either). The firewall on the server is down. The client connection from this very PC to another server running Adempiere 3.1.4 works fine.( mario_cal)

As a matter of fact, you should be able to access the application for the clients by typing the same address which you are using to access posterita on your server. "". Again, please check for the webport.

Alok Pathak

  • Terminals: how can I add terminals? ( mario_cal)

For the moment we do not have the functionality of creating terminals in posterita. For this you have to log in the Adempiere rich client as system Admin. On the "Client" window, tick "Use Beta Functions" checkbox. Once you do that log in your client, "lookup" for pos , you should get a window for "POS Terminal" whereby you can set the different parameters.

Alok Pathak

  • We noticed that JBoss shuts down the database is shut down, too. This does not happen with Adempiere without Posterita. Is there any reason for this behaviour?

Well Mario, I really did not get this point, Is the databse shutting down when you are stopping the JBoss? or vice versa. If it is the first case it should not really happen, and we have never experienced this behaviour, but we would investigate more on that

Alok Pathak