OSGI HengSin/File2PackZip

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Revision as of 03:21, 28 December 2010 by Red1 (Talk) (Exporting As Excel)

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Any window table has export function..
..that exports to 2Pack besides Excel formats!
A choice of single record or all records!

Data Portability On Demand

  • I think we have found our holy grail of data agility in ERP.
  • Imagine able to export out any table in the window you are at for another person on another system with easy clicks.
  • Imagine able to go to another remote ADempiere instance and put back your table without an import loader!
  • Imagine keeping your data truly backup without dependence on the Database been there!
  • Imagine having your backup tables portable and readable as an XML or Excel formats at the same time!
  • This is a very convenient tool in any window. Just by selecting File > Export, you can export all the records of the Window you are looking at.
  • You have a choice to export as an Excel or 2Pack format.
  • You can export the single record in focus or all the records in the window.
  • You can select the target directory to save the file in and give it a unique name for easy managing later.
  • All this is tested on the latest OSGI HengSin codebase.


  • Following is a sample output of a single record i exported from my just PackIn Flight Schedule Module.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<adempiereAD Name="IS_Schedule" Version="1.0.0" AdempiereVersion="Release 3.6.0LTS @ 
2010-06-14" DataBaseVersion="2010-06-14" Description="" Author="SuperUser" 
AuthorEmail="" CreatedDate="Tue Dec 28 16:13:04 MYT 2010" UpdatedDate="Tue Dec 28 
16:13:04 MYT 2010" PackOutVersion="100" Client="11-GardenWorld-GardenWorld">
    <IS_Schedule type="table">

What about a Master-Detail window?

  • Can this work for whole window with multi-tabs such as Business Partner Window or let's say a Sales Order that has OrderLines?
  • The answer is YES! See the PackOut.xml extract for a Sales Order below:
            <Ref_OrderLine_ID reference="id"/>
            <User1_ID reference="id"/>
            <User2_ID reference="id"/>
            <C_Order_ID reference="id">108</C_Order_ID>
            <C_Tax_ID reference="id">105</C_Tax_ID>
    <C_Order type="table">
        <AD_OrgTrx_ID reference="id"/>
        <AD_User_ID reference="id"/>
        <Bill_BPartner_ID reference="id">112</Bill_BPartner_ID>
        <Bill_Location_ID reference="id">108</Bill_Location_ID>
        <Bill_User_ID reference="id"/>
  • Note the existence of 3 tabs within the xml tags.

Exporting As Excel

  • When you select the File Save As > Type as Excel you can click on X so as to get all records.
  • But the Export only export the current record backwards. So you need to be at the last record to get all. See results below:
Excel format export for Business Partner window main tab. Go to the last record and decline single record choice.