ManPageR InventoryValuationReport

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Report: Inventory Valuation Report

Description : Inventory Valuation Report

Help : Report lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation date. In addition to several prices, standard costs and an optional other cost element is used to calculate the inventory of the particular warehouse.

Class Name: org.compiere.process.InventoryValue ReportView Name: RV_T_InventoryValue

ManPageR InventoryValuationReport.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Warehouse Storage Warehouse and Service Point The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. M_Warehouse_ID


Currency The Currency for this record Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record C_Currency_ID


Price List Version Identifies a unique instance of a Price List Each Price List can have multiple versions. The most common use is to indicate the dates that a Price List is valid for. M_PriceList_Version_ID


Valuation Date Date of valuation DateValue


Cost Element Product Cost Element M_CostElement_ID



Description of the process.


  • Warehouse (mandatory)
  • Currency (mandatory)
  • Price List Version (mandatory)
  • Valuation Date (mandatory)
  • Cost Element (optional)


The intention of the process is to fill the table T_InventoryValue with different values taken from standard cost, price list values and an additional optional cost element.

  • Insert Standard Costs for all products - the cost standard is put on the column CostStandard.
    • Cost record is selected according to the cost type from the primary accounting schema of client, and the cost element marked as "Material" type and "Standard Costing" method. All records are created for the selected warehouse (and org of warehouse). Qtys and prices are left null initially.
  • If a cost element was passed as parameter
    • Insert or update costing records for all products - the cost is put on the column Cost, and the column M_CostElement_ID is marked with the cost element
  • Set column constants
    • Set the DateValue to the parameter received (with time 23:59:59)
    • Set the price list version with the parameter received
    • Set the currency with the parameter received
  • Set QtyOnHand - getting the current QtyOnHand from M_Storage for all locators in the warehouse (first for products with ASI, then without ASI)
  • Adjust the QtyOnHand for Valuation Date, subtracting from Qty the MovementQty from all transactions (M_Transaction) after the date valuation (first with ASI, then without ASI)
  • Delete Records w/o OnHand Qty (QtyOnHand zero or null)
  • Update Prices (all prices converted to the currency on the date of valuation)
    • Update PricePO with the max pricelist taken from M_ProductPO for current vendors
    • Update PriceList, PriceStd, PriceLimit from the price list version selected
  • If the currency of the accounting schema is different than parameter, then CostStandard and Cost and converted to the parameter currency on the date of valuation
  • Finally it calculates PricePOAmt, PricePOAmt, PriceStdAmt, PriceLimitAmt, CostStandardAmt, CostAmt - multiplying the corresponding columns by the QtyOnHand


Table T_InventoryValue for the AD_PInstance_ID of the process, with the columns filled according to the process described.

Columns of the table T_InventoryValue

Column ColumnName Description
Process Instance AD_PInstance_ID Instance of the process
Client AD_Client_ID Client/Tenant for this installation.
Organization AD_Org_ID Organizational entity within client
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Storage Warehouse and Service Point
Product M_Product_ID Product, Service, Item
Attribute Set Instance M_AttributeSetInstance_ID Product Attribute Set Instance
Price List Version M_PriceList_Version_ID Identifies a unique instance of a Price List
Valuation Date DateValue Date of valuation
Currency C_Currency_ID The Currency for this record
On Hand Quantity QtyOnHand On Hand Quantity
PO Price PricePO Price based on a purchase order
List Price PriceList List Price
Standard Price PriceStd Standard Price
Limit Price PriceLimit Lowest price for a product
Standard Cost CostStandard Standard Costs
PO Price Value PricePOAmt Valuation with PO Price
List price Value PriceListAmt Valuation with List Price
Std Price Value PriceStdAmt Valuation with standard price
Limit price Value PriceLimitAmt Value with limit price
Standard Cost Value CostStandardAmt Value in Standard Costs
Cost Cost Cost information
Cost Value CostAmt Value with Cost
Cost Element M_CostElement_ID Product Cost Element