ManPageP InvoiceRequests

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Process: Invoice Requests

Description : Create Invoice for Requests

Help : Create invoice for Request Type with optional Request Group, Category for Business Partner. If the used product for invoicing is not defined, the product defined in the parameter is used.

Class Name: org.compiere.process.RequestInvoice

ManPageP InvoiceRequests.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Request Type Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. R_RequestType_ID


Group Request Group Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) R_Group_ID


Category Request Category Category or Topic of the Request R_Category_ID


Business Partner Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson C_BPartner_ID


Product Product, Service, Item Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. M_Product_ID



Descripción v3.1.2


  • Paramter Request Type is mandatory and must be of type Invoiced
  • Parameter Product is used to invoice this product when the Request Updates have quantity but not product
  • The rest of parameters are used just for filtering purposes


This process invoices Requests according to the Request Type provided (Invoiced type) and with status Closed (according to status configuration) and must be Invoiced.

It groups request by Business Partner, obtaining spent products from Request Updates, according to invoiced quantity.


One invoice for every Business Partner with lines for spent products.

Detected Problems v3.1.2

  • Last used product and quantity stays fixed in Request, when customer makes an update - even via web. So, customer added records also invoice products notwithstanding the customer hasn't added those products.
  • Process doesn't have control over Requests invoiced, if the process is executed several times, it generates several invoices for the same requests and products

Suggested Enhancements v3.1.2

  • Relation between Invoice and Request Update is not registered, as a suggestion it could be filled on invoice or line descriptions pointing to the corresponding request
  • To control that a spent product is not invoiced twice, it could added a column in the Request Update (R_RequestUpdate) to join with invoice line
  • Assign invoice to the same project as request