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(Adempiere Included "Form")
(Adempiere Included "Form")
Line 133: Line 133:
New public get method for the field IncludedFormID
        public int getIncluded_Form_ID ()
        return m_vo.Included_Form_ID;
At the end of create method, I insert this new else if statement for the new field IncludedFormID
        else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("Included_Form_ID"))
                vo.Included_Form_ID = rs.getInt(i);
New List in which save the included forms
        private List<IncludedForm> includedForm = new ArrayList<IncludedForm>();
        Public method which returns the list of included forms
        * Used by GridController object to fire the onDataStatusChanged event for each included form
        public List<IncludedForm> getIncludedForms()
                return includedForm;
--[[User:Mcarminati|Mcarminati]] 14:07, 5 September 2011 (UTC)
--[[User:Mcarminati|Mcarminati]] 14:07, 5 September 2011 (UTC)

Revision as of 07:44, 5 September 2011

Adempiere Included "Form"

I'd like to submit to the Adempiere community a simple and pratical extention by witch include into a tab of window's Adempiere a Form (AD_Form object)


In the previous picture is shown a Window with a single Tab in wich is included the standard Form named BOM Drop. This is only an example, but by this ploy developers could include into a Tab many different objects and extend the Adempiere user interface.

For example we can include Form by which show graph or picture or specific form which could interact with the current selected record.

AD Tab Configuration
Into the Tab window I added the new Field in which we can indicate the reference to the AD_Form


SQL Scripts
Here is the sql scripts for the Postgres database

SET search_path TO adempiere;
ALTER TABLE ad_field ADD COLUMN included_form_id numeric(10);
ALTER TABLE ad_column ADD COLUMN included_form_id numeric(10);
ALTER TABLE ad_column ALTER COLUMN included_form_id SET DEFAULT NULL::numeric;
INSERT INTO ad_element(
 ad_element_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, createdby,
 updated, updatedby, columnname, entitytype, "name", printname,
 description, help, po_name, po_printname, po_description, po_help)
 VALUES (1000003,0,0,'Y','2010-11-05 17:52:09',0,'2010-11-05
INSERT INTO ad_column(
  ad_column_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, updated,
  createdby, updatedby, name, description, help, version, entitytype,
  columnname, ad_table_id, ad_reference_id, ad_reference_value_id,
  ad_val_rule_id, fieldlength, defaultvalue, iskey, isparent, ismandatory,
  isupdateable, readonlylogic, isidentifier, seqno, istranslated,
  isencrypted, callout, vformat, valuemin, valuemax, isselectioncolumn,
  ad_element_id, ad_process_id, issyncdatabase, isalwaysupdateable,
  columnsql, mandatorylogic, infofactoryclass, isautocomplete,
  isallowlogging, formatpattern, included_form_id)
VALUES (1000010,0,0,'Y','2010-11-05 18:24:53','2010-11-05
INSERT INTO ad_field(
    ad_field_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, created, createdby,
    updated, updatedby, name, description, help, iscentrallymaintained,
    ad_tab_id, ad_column_id, ad_fieldgroup_id, isdisplayed, displaylogic,
    displaylength, isreadonly, seqno, sortno, issameline, isheading,
    isfieldonly, isencrypted, entitytype, obscuretype, ad_reference_id,
    ismandatory, included_tab_id, defaultvalue, ad_reference_value_id,
    ad_val_rule_id, infofactoryclass, included_form_id)
VALUES (1000008,0,0,'Y','2010-11-05 18:27:35',0,'2010-11-05 18:27:35',0,'Included_Form_ID',,,'Y',107,1000010,NULL,'Y',,10,'N',NULL,NULL,
 SELECT t.ad_window_id, f.ad_tab_id, f.ad_field_id, tbl.ad_table_id, f.ad_column_id, f.name, f.description,
   f.help, f.isdisplayed, f.displaylogic, f.displaylength, f.seqno, f.sortno, f.issameline, f.isheading, f.isfieldonly,
   f.isreadonly, f.isencrypted AS isencryptedfield, f.obscuretype, c.columnname, c.columnsql, c.fieldlength,
   c.vformat, COALESCE(f.defaultvalue, c.defaultvalue) AS defaultvalue, c.iskey, c.isparent,
   COALESCE(f.ismandatory, c.ismandatory) AS ismandatory, c.isidentifier, c.istranslated,
   COALESCE(f.ad_reference_value_id, c.ad_reference_value_id) AS ad_reference_value_id, c.callout,
   COALESCE(f.ad_reference_id, c.ad_reference_id) AS ad_reference_id, COALESCE(f.ad_val_rule_id,
   c.ad_val_rule_id) AS ad_val_rule_id, c.ad_process_id, c.isalwaysupdateable, c.readonlylogic,
   c.mandatorylogic, c.isupdateable, c.isencrypted AS isencryptedcolumn, c.isselectioncolumn, tbl.tablename,
   c.valuemin, c.valuemax, fg.name AS fieldgroup, vr.code AS validationcode, f.included_tab_id,
   fg.fieldgrouptype, fg.iscollapsedbydefault, COALESCE(f.infofactoryclass, c.infofactoryclass) AS
   infofactoryclass, c.isautocomplete, f.included_form_id
 FROM ad_field f
   JOIN ad_tab t ON f.ad_tab_id = t.ad_tab_id
   LEFT JOIN ad_fieldgroup fg ON f.ad_fieldgroup_id = fg.ad_fieldgroup_id
   LEFT JOIN ad_column c ON f.ad_column_id = c.ad_column_id
   JOIN ad_table tbl ON c.ad_table_id = tbl.ad_table_id
   JOIN ad_reference r ON c.ad_reference_id = r.ad_reference_id
   LEFT JOIN ad_val_rule vr ON vr.ad_val_rule_id = COALESCE(f.ad_val_rule_id, c.ad_val_rule_id)
 WHERE f.isactive = 'Y'::bpchar AND c.isactive = 'Y'::bpchar;
 SELECT trl.ad_language, t.ad_window_id, f.ad_tab_id, f.ad_field_id, tbl.ad_table_id, f.ad_column_id,
   trl.name, trl.description, trl.help, f.isdisplayed, f.displaylogic, f.displaylength, f.seqno, f.sortno, f.issameline,
   f.isheading, f.isfieldonly, f.isreadonly, f.isencrypted AS isencryptedfield, f.obscuretype, c.columnname,
   c.columnsql, c.fieldlength, c.vformat, COALESCE(f.defaultvalue, c.defaultvalue) AS defaultvalue, c.iskey,
   c.isparent, COALESCE(f.ismandatory, c.ismandatory) AS ismandatory, c.isidentifier, c.istranslated,
   COALESCE(f.ad_reference_value_id, c.ad_reference_value_id) AS ad_reference_value_id, c.callout,
   COALESCE(f.ad_reference_id, c.ad_reference_id) AS ad_reference_id, COALESCE(f.ad_val_rule_id,
   c.ad_val_rule_id) AS ad_val_rule_id, c.ad_process_id, c.isalwaysupdateable, c.readonlylogic,
   c.mandatorylogic, c.isupdateable, c.isencrypted AS isencryptedcolumn, c.isselectioncolumn, tbl.tablename,
   c.valuemin, c.valuemax, fgt.name AS fieldgroup, vr.code AS validationcode, f.included_tab_id,
   fg.fieldgrouptype, fg.iscollapsedbydefault, COALESCE(f.infofactoryclass, c.infofactoryclass) AS
   infofactoryclass, c.isautocomplete, f.included_form_id
 FROM ad_field f
   JOIN ad_field_trl trl ON f.ad_field_id = trl.ad_field_id
   JOIN ad_tab t ON f.ad_tab_id = t.ad_tab_id
   LEFT JOIN ad_fieldgroup fg ON f.ad_fieldgroup_id = fg.ad_fieldgroup_id
   LEFT JOIN ad_fieldgroup_trl fgt ON f.ad_fieldgroup_id = fgt.ad_fieldgroup_id AND trl.ad_language::text =
   LEFT JOIN ad_column c ON f.ad_column_id = c.ad_column_id
   JOIN ad_table tbl ON c.ad_table_id = tbl.ad_table_id
   JOIN ad_reference r ON c.ad_reference_id = r.ad_reference_id
   LEFT JOIN ad_val_rule vr ON vr.ad_val_rule_id = COALESCE(f.ad_val_rule_id, c.ad_val_rule_id)
 WHERE f.isactive = 'Y'::bpchar AND c.isactive = 'Y'::bpchar;

Program source modifications
In this paragraph I explain the modifications at the program source for the Java user interface and Web user interface and at the based object GridField and GridTabVo.

List of modified classes of the dictionary objects:
GridTabVo.java org.compiere.GridTabVo

List of modified classes of the Java User Interface:
Vpanel.java org.compiere.grid.VPanel
GridController.java org.compiere.grid.GridController

List of modified classes of the Web User Interface:
AdTabPanel.java org.adempiere.webui.panel

List of new class:

New public get method for the field IncludedFormID

       public int getIncluded_Form_ID ()
        return m_vo.Included_Form_ID;

At the end of create method, I insert this new else if statement for the new field IncludedFormID

       else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("Included_Form_ID"))
                vo.Included_Form_ID = rs.getInt(i);

New List in which save the included forms

       private List<IncludedForm> includedForm = new ArrayList<IncludedForm>();
       Public method which returns the list of included forms
        * Used by GridController object to fire the onDataStatusChanged event for each included form
       public List<IncludedForm> getIncludedForms()
               return includedForm;

--Mcarminati 14:07, 5 September 2011 (UTC)