How to integrate PayPal (PayFlow Pro)

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This document provides the basic information necessary to setup ADempiere to handle credit card transaction using PayPal PayFlow Pro as the payment gateway.

1. Getting Started

You will need an active PayPal Business account for testing or production, go visit PayPal Manager page to create one if you don't already own one. To process additional credit card types, please contact PayPal.

2. Setup

2.1 ADempiere Setup

  • Logon to ADempiere
  • go to Bank > Account > Payment Processor
     Host Address = (testing) or (production)
     Host Port = 443
     Partner ID = xxxxxxx
     Vendor ID = xxxxxxx
     User ID = xxxxxxx
     Password = xxxxxxx
     Payment Processor Class = org.compiere.model.PP_PayFlowPro
  • Partner ID, Vendor ID and User ID should be created and emailed to your for confirmation once your PayPal Manager account was created successfully.

2.2 Transaction Type

At the time of writing, only SALES transaction type is implemented in ADempiere 3.5.3a, here is an extraction from the source code(..base/src/org/compiere/model/

   public boolean processCC () throws IllegalArgumentException
   log.fine(p_mpp.getHostAddress() + " " + p_mpp.getHostPort() + ", Timeout=" + getTimeout() + "; Proxy=" + p_mpp.getProxyAddress() + " " + p_mpp.getProxyPort() + " " + p_mpp.getProxyLogon() + " " + p_mpp.getProxyPassword());
   StringBuffer param = new StringBuffer();
   // Transaction Type
   if (p_mp.getTrxType().equals(MPayment.TRXTYPE_Sales))
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("PP_PayFlowPro TrxType not supported - " + p_mp.getTrxType());
   // Mandatory Fields
   param.append("&TENDER=C") // CreditCard
   .append("&ACCT=").append(MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(p_mp.getCreditCardNumber())); // CreditCard No
   param.append("&EXPDATE="); // ExpNo
   String month = String.valueOf(p_mp.getCreditCardExpMM());
   if (month.length() == 1)
   int expYY = p_mp.getCreditCardExpYY();
   if (expYY > 2000)
   expYY -= 2000;
   String year = String.valueOf(expYY);
   if (year.length() == 1)
   param.append("&AMT=").append(p_mp.getPayAmt()); // Amount

List of PayFlow Pro supported transaction types but not yet implemented in ADempiere.

   * Authorize - AuthorizationTransaction
   * Capture - CaptureTransaction
   * Credit - CreditTransaction
   * Void - VoidTransaction
   * Voice Authorization - VoiceAuthTransaction
   * Inquiry - InquiryTransaction

3. Common Test Cases

If you have opened your account to process American Express (AMEX), one dummy account for testing is 378282246310005 using 0000 as Verification Code. Also note that the PayPal sandbox treats all amount as US Dollar and will not process any single transaction exceeding $1,000.

Response = 0 for Approved

Response = 12 for Declined - Run Standard Reports from PayPal Manager to retrieve or download Sales Transactions to investigate

Useful Links

   PayPal Developer Central:
   Getting Started with PayPal's PayFlow Pro