FR3403603 Mavenize

From ADempiere
Revision as of 08:03, 11 October 2011 by Freepath (Talk)

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Technical Specifications



  • Tasks:
    • Collect the new clean ant files written by the "Swiss Guys" from metuX GmbH
    • Define modules based on relations in the ant files
    • Define work packages and who is responsible to which package
    • Define project coordinator
    • Collect money and/or resources for doing this effort
    • Define time schedule together with TT and FT for organize the switch to maven build process
    • Prepare training for all developers who don't know about maven building philosophy and how it works in the ADempiere world


  • Feature Request: #3403603 "Mavenize ADempiere" [1]
  • ADempiere Maven-Repo:
    • Tobi 08:28, 7 September 2011 (UTC) : feel free to contact me for a "deployer" account, meaning that you can deploy artifacts to this repo, if they are not found anywhere else
    • Paste this into your local maven settings.xml to access the repository:


With the exception of posterita, all of adempiere compiles with maven. Next step is to prepare the final assembly phase.

Directory Layout

contains the common code: base, patches-ecs (extracted from tools with a meaningful name), sqlj
desktop client
the desktop client
the various web clients and application, with code separated from webapp to ease dependency management of extensions
the jasper report library, ejb bean, and web application
contains unused projects: looks and interface (both was empty), serverApps and serverRoot (what remains after the code and webapp has been extracted), tools and JasperReportsTools
the server components, and installation
the ear assemblies, will contain the webstart client when its ready, and the final assemblies

As of now the ear and war assemblies have still to be finalized, because it will depends on how all of adempiere will be assembled. Webstart client has still to be done, and there are still some directory layout changes that could be done.

ToDo List

Todo Working on it Status
Prepare parent pom Freepath Done
Migrate 'base' to compile with maven Freepath Done
Migrate 'tools' to compile with maven Freepath Done
Migrate 'client' to compile with maven Freepath Done
Migrate 'server' to compile with maven Freepath Done
Migrate 'webui' to compile with maven Freepath Done
Migrate 'webStore' to compile with maven Freepath Done
Migrate 'webCM' to compile with maven Freepath Done
Install and setup maven mirror Tobi Done
Upload of missin artifact Tobi/Freepath Done
Refactor directory structure Freepath In progress
Migrate Webstart client - On Hold
Finalize assemblies - On Hold


Please add you here if you want to help.



Branch code

Add HG repo URL(s) here

  • Branch name is feature/FR3403603_mavenize

Roadmap Document

Use/Extend the table as required

Functionality / Feature Status Developer Priority Milestone Release Date Summary
New Functionality
Functionality 1 Pending Victor Perez High Version No -- Draft
* Functionality 2 Pending Victor Perez High Version No -- Draft


URLs of related SourceForge trackers / threads.

Migration Script

Install Step

Installation instructions