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Revision as of 19:16, 18 February 2011 by Smartjsp (Talk) (new EclipseProjectTemplateForExtensionsEasyBuild)

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This is a new eclipse project template applying some of the adempiere best practices to create extensions and allowing the creation of the zkpackages_XXX.jar and and packages_XXX.jar to your adempiere packages dir as well.


1. Copy the zip file to your workspace, and import the eclipse project (extensionTemplateAdempiere361)
2. Update the project references of the new eclipse project, so it depends of your current adempiere project (usually from trunk)
3. Configure your eclipse project location (workspace) and adempiere trunk local installation and packages folders, and package file names using the file provided. Don´t forget to specify the name of your packages (for example: zkpackages_SMJ.jar and packages_SMJ.jar) NOTE: if you want to modify existent code at the same time - customization use steps 4-6) if not jump to step 7
4. To customize existent java code (swing, compiere, adempiere) just copy your files from the adempiere trunk in the src folder, be careful keeping the file names and packge structure
5. To customize existent java code for web (zk) just copy your files from the adempiere trunk in the srcZK folder, be careful keeping the file names and package structure
6. To customize existent html, css and other source code for ZK (not java) just copy your files from the adempiere trunk in the zkwebui folder, be careful keeping the file names and folders
7. new java code (extension), should be located in the extension folder.
8 new web code (extension), should be located in the zkwebuiExtension folder.
9. Add your new files as you want
10. take a backup of you current lib/customization.jar and lib/zkcustomization.jar files
11. run the buildExtension.xml (ant script) as ant build , this script will compile everything, creates the customization.jar and zkcustomization.jar, and it will copy them to the lib folder of your local adempiere.
12. if you want to see the changes, please run your : RUN_setup or RUN_Silentsetup scripts (unix or windows), and restart the server so it can see the changes.

Enjoy it

Pedro Rozo