Creating New Data Import Window

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In ADempeire, the recommended way to import data is through Data Import Process. The data import process has two main steps. Data is read into the system and placed in a temporary table. From there it is processed and entered into the main database. The two step process helps prevent errors in the data from affecting the main database. The first step of importing the data requires a: definition of the data file that will be imported and information about where to put it in the temporary tables. This is performed by an Import File Loader and an Import Loader Format.

You can read about how the Data Import works from Data Import.

The only problem is that, the Data Import windows comes with standard version of ADempiere do not cover all kinds of data. What if we want to import other kind of data? Or may be to modify the existing one?

This page will give you steps by steps guide on how to create a new Data Import Window of your own.

Example Scenario

To be an easy example, let's say we have a data list of Product's Attribute Values to import into the system. Note also that each Attribute Values will be linked to the existing Attribute Name already exist in the system.

As ADempiere do not provide Import Attribute Value data import window out of the box, we will want to creating a new Import Attribute Value window to do the task.

For demonstration purposes, we will be creating an Import Attribute Value window that pretty much matching with the Attribute Value tab we want to import data into.

Import Attribute Value window, to import data to Tab Attribute Values under Attribute window

Note: In real life case, we might design a complex import window that validate data and import into different tables in one go.

Creating New Data Import Window

Create User Interface

You can look at how to create new window at NewWindow. In our case we are going to do the same thing, except we will use it to create Importing Window.

1) Create new Table
  • Login as System, go to window "Table and Column"
  • Create new DB Table = "I_AttributeValue"
Create i attribute table.jpg
  • Click on Copy Column from Table and select "M_AttributeValue"
  • New columns will be created as of M_AttributeValue, except that it will has Key Column I_AttributeValue_ID in stead of M_AttributeValue_ID
2) Create required columns for Data Import table
  • 5 Mandatory columns: I_ErrorMsg, I_IsImported,Processing, Processed, ID column of target table - in this case, M_AttributeValue_ID -- (1)
  • Optional lookup columns: AttributeName -- (2)
Note.gif Note:
  1. Additional ID field (i.e., M_AttributeValue_ID) is used to save back the ID of record inserted in target table, use for reference.
  2. The preferred function of using this Import Window is that, user will only supply the Name/Vlaue field, and let the system validate for matching ID field.
I attrvalue columns.jpg
3) Create Import Table in Database
  • On any record in Column Tab, Click on Synchronize Column button.
  • On the first time, as table is not yet crated, it will create new table and all the columns.
  • Note that if the table created, this button will only alter the current column.
  • Drop of IsImported column in the database table, since it only allow 'Y' and 'N'. (later, we will use 'E' as well)
ALTER TABLE adempiere.i_attributevalue
DROP CONSTRAINT i_attributevalue_i_isimported_check;
4) Create Interface and Model Classes for new table
  • In your Eclipse project, run GenerateModel class to create Interface and Model for this table. These models will be useful when we refer to data in this table in Business Logic.
  • In our case, we are creating and Note that our Entity Type is 'RJC', so the arguments are,
C:\<target folder>\
  • Deploy this 2 files to org.compiere.model package.
5) Create new Window
  • Login as System, go to window "Window, Tab & Field"
  • Create new Window = "Import Attribute Value"
Import attributevalue window.jpg
  • Create new Tab = "Attribute Value". Note that, for ease of use, Data Import window will always have only 1 tab.
  • Refer this tab to table "I_AttributeValue", created previously.
Import attributevalue tab.jpg
  • At the bottom of this tab, click on "Create Fields" button to create fields from columns in table I_AttributeValue
  • In Field Sequence tab, arrange the field order for layout. The recommended layout is,
    • Top part: Is Imported checkbox, reference ID from target table, Error Messages
    • Bottom part: Process Button, Is Processed CheckBox
    • Lookup Name fields same line as its ID fields. For example, in this case, Attribute Name (AttributeName) is next to Attribute (M_Attribute_ID).
Import attributevalue fields.jpg
6) Register new window to Menu
  • Login as System, got to window "Menu"
  • Create new Menu Item = "Import Attribute Value"
Import attributevalue menu.jpg

Now if you login again as admin user, you should be able to see the new window. You can test creating new records and save it.

Next step, we will look at how to create ImportAttributeValue Process, so that clicking at Process Now button will validate and import data into target table.

Create Business Logic

All Process Class for Data Import windows are in package org.compiere.process, all classes start with Import<XXX>. Now we want to create our own Process.

1) Create JAVA process

You can see example from package org.compiere.process, or use the example provided here Although some Import Process as you can find from the package are relatively complex, they share the same pattern with our simple example. Here is what it does,

  1. protected void prepare()
    • Get the input parameter, in most cases are Client and/or Organization, Delete Old Imported?, Is Validate Only?
  2. protected String doIt()
    • If user select Delete Old Imported, then delete old imported records from previous time.
    • Reset importing records ready to start validation (set IsImported = 'N')
    • Data Validation and Data Lookup
      • Most of the logic goes here to ensure data integrity before the real import take place.
      • Data Validation can be as complex as we wanted, i.e., check whether the record exist, check duplication, etc. For invalid record, add Error Message (and set IsImported = 'E')
      • Data Lookup can be as automated as we want, i.e., getting ID of Attribute from Name, getting the default value, etc.
    • For valid data (IsImported = 'E'), do the real import to target table(s)
      • Then set Is Imported = true, Processed = true
    • And finally, return the number of successful / unsuccessful import
2) Create new Process in ADempiere
  • Login as System, got to window "Report & Process"
  • Create new Process = "Import_AttributeValue"
  • Set Classname = "org.compiere.process.ImportAttributeValue"
Import attributevalue process.jpg
  • In Parameter tab, set parameters based on what are required. In this case, Client , Delete Old Imported? and Is Validate Only?
  • Note that, we can use "Copy from Report and Process" button in the first tab, in case, the same already exists.
Import attributevalue parameter.jpg
3) Register this new process to "Process Now" button.
  • Login as System, go to window "Table and Column"
  • Open the newly crated Table "I_AttributeValue"
  • On column "Processing", set Process = "Import_AttributeValue"
Import attributevalue processingbutton.jpg
That's it!

Now the new Import Attribute Value window is ready to use along side with other Data Import Windows. And we can use it just like others.

Import attributevalue.jpg
Note.gif Note:
  • To package it to use in another system, use 2Pack to packout as Application and Module. It will pack everything except Java class that need to deploy separately.
  • It is recommended to use System Administrator to create Import Loader Format, and use Client's user to do the data import.