
From ADempiere
Revision as of 00:53, 22 June 2009 by Juddm (Talk) (How you might loose your Citizenship)

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ADempiere has always been an open community. If you think of ADempiere as a virtual country - this means there are no border guards - everyone is welcome. You join the community by taking a personal decision to be a part of it. No one can or wants to stop you from taking this decision - in fact we wish that as many people as possible make the choice to join this community.

In the Berlin Conference 2007, we recognised that the decision making process could be improved in the community and this prompted us to think about who was in the community. We recognise that there are many people, end users, system integrators, students, technology enthusiasts, industry and technical experts. In order to improve the decision making process we felt it was important to define and agree how decisions should be taken.

Community Definition

We propose that the community includes people who are more active and people who are less active. For example, some people may come to the community and make a valuable contribution, but for what ever reason may decide not to participate actively again. This can cause problems with a formal decision making process.

We recognise all people as part of the community - you need only to make your own decision to join. We have proposed to recognise people who are more active by granting the privilege of ADempiere citizen. An ADempiere citizen will be granted certain rights but will also agree certain obligations. People are free to apply for citizenship as long as they agree with these rights and obligations.

Citizen Rights

  • You have the right to vote in all elections
  • You have the right to renounce or give up your citizenship

Citizen Obligations

  • Citizen's should use their vote
  • Citizen's should read and agree to the Project Charter
  • Citizen's should be subscribed and read on a regular basis the Citizen Mailing List

How to become a Citizen

  • Prospective citizens should be proposed by a current Citizen
  • Two supporters who are active Citizens, should write a testimonial in the mailing list to support the application of the prospective citizen. For example, a support might say that the prospective citizen has made some contribution such as:
    • a new feature,
    • some important bug fixes,
    • created or maintained some documentation
    • carried out an administrative function - such as press officer

These are only a small set of examples and we expect to expand and define this over time.

  • Once two supporters have made their testimonials, there will be a period of one week (7 days) from the date of posting of the last supporting testimonial in which all Citizens may vote.
  • Once the voting period has closed, someone will summarise the result of the vote and declare the election result. If the prospective citizen gains more than 50% of the vote (excluding =0's), then the person becomes an ADempiere citizen.


You may vote with a +1 which means you agree, a -1 which means you disagree and a =0 which means you abstain, or you have no opinion. Voting should be made in the official mailing list and this will be made publicly available as an archive

How to renounce your citizenship

  • You may renounce your citizenship at any time by making a statement in the Citizen Mailing list.

A proposed statement would be: "I [Insert Name] renounce my citizenship to the Adempiere community". You must be be a citizen in order to renounce your citizenship.

How you might loose your Citizenship

We have discussed that their might be reasons why Citizens might be disciplined, and in extreme cases this might result in someone loosing their citizenship.

Reasons proposed why someone might loose citizenship:

  • flagrant and repetitive breaches of the project charter

We propose that the PMC be an arbitrator of such cases. In order for someone to loose their citizenship, fix people should propose to the mailing list the reasons with evidence why they think a person should loose their citizenship. The community will then announce an election on this proposal and there will be one week (7 days) in which to vote. At the end of the voting period, the voting will be counted and a declaration made. The proposal is passed and the person will loose citizenship if the vote exceeds 50%.