About ADempiere ja

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Easy Migration Tool by KKALICE. From Compiere to ADempiere; from OracleDB to PostgreSQL

Table of Contents{{#if: | | [[{{{2}}}]] }}{{#if: | | [[{{{3}}}]] }}{{#if: | | [[{{{4}}}]] }}{{#if: | | [[{{{5}}}]] }} | About ADempiere ja{{#if: History of ADempiere| | History of ADempiere }} ⇒



ADempiere - どのように生まれたのか?

名称は最初、Carlos RuizによるForking Debate にて提案されました。その意味は最終的にColin Rooney により、Wikipediaで記述されているように、私たちの宣言の一部として引用されています。 プロジェクトの名称は、イタリア語の「実行する」から由来していますが、"完了する、届く、実践する、義務を果たす、自由(無償)、尊敬"といった意味合いも持っており、プロジェクトの目指すものにふさわしいと考えられています。 ADempiereの名前はコミュニティに強く受けいられています。 Matt Asay は'lame(時代遅れ)'としてinfoworld blogに興味深いコメントを残しています。彼はその後、Red1 に個人的な陳謝の書き込みを行い、right to forkおよびrightfully innovativeのようなさらなるエントリーを行っています。


Download documentation from Sourceforge

As a community based project all are entitled to their say (and are encouraged to do so) but, with community members in over 30 countries stretched across five continents, for practical purposes the project is guided by a Council of founders. A leader is nominated from this Council to act as overall Project Manager. The role of the Adempiere Council is to

  • to support decisions of the leader
  • accept contributions
  • define the roadmap
  • review and approve specifications
  • vote for new functionalities
  • approve changes to core
  • Liaise with industry stakeholders

As the project progresses, more structure began to fall into place where a Project Management Committee takes over many of the admin and technical decision making functions within the project. The project will also have a barebone Foundation to handle financial contribution and corporate level agreements for the public benefit of the bazaar.


The goal of the Adempiere project is the creation of a community developed and supported open source business solution. The project's community believes that best method of attaining this goal is in the implementation of the Bazaar from Eric Raymond's famous article The Cathedral and the Bazaar. This commitment to the community distinguishes the project from other open source projects developing similar business solutions. These ideals are expressed and enshrined in the Project Charter.

Such a project will bring about:

  • A high-quality application suite
    • Well tested and reference by a critical mass of globally-spread users
    • An exponentially growing application suite of addons and feature enhancements
    • A maximised adoption rate when there are no barriers to its setup and howto guides
  • A viable service-supported product by vendors
    • Vendors prefer a globally acknowledged package
    • Vendors prefer to offer up-market value rather than low-level support services
    • Growing base of users ensure confidence at up-market levels
  • Maximum developer participation
    • Non-commercial distraction or patronage from any establishment
    • Strict contributorship honouring and acceptance into aristocracy
    • Assignment of admin rights based on meritocracy
    • Compliance with Free Software Foundation (FSF) and Open Source Initiative (OSI) rules
    • Visionary and Visible Leadership


  • In the footsteps of those giants before us, we believe in Meritocracy and Peerocracy (Linus Torvalds). As such under the 'merit' principle, we regard all contributors as Priceless (Red1.org) particularly its parent, Compiere which is honoured as the Kernel Contributor and the primal reason this software bazaar existed.
    • However, under the Peer principle, Compiere's owner, Jorg Janke does not regard itself as a 'peer' to us, equal in contributing to a common public codebase. But the moment it does and sits down on community terms, then we are one.
  • Out of ethics, we frown upon those who plagiarised the contributors' works without paying homage nor honorarium where due to the source of such contribution.
    • There are forks of Compiere that 'stole' its DataModel and code design wholesale but converting its codes with a parser technique, claimed it as their own but we know better.
    • We here do not make such ungrateful claims. We still acknowledge and maintain Jorg Janke and Compiere as the copyright holder in all the java classes that we modified and only introduce original authors and copyright where the classes are entirely new.
    • We do not allow the commercialisation of the ADempiere assets and encourage business partners to evolve their own business models under their own namesakes.
