ADempiere with Postgresql on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty

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This Wiki is read-only for reference purposes to avoid broken links.This is work in progress - the is to make a very easy to follow set of instructions for installing ADempiere with postgresql on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty

The instructions of installtion are referring to version Adempiere-3.54 on Ubuntu 9.04 (aka. Jaunty), PostgreSQL 8.3 (default Jaunty).

Prepare your system

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin postgresql subversion
  • change the listen address in postgres, and open up the logins

Get the source code

svn co ~/svnworkdir/adempiere
cd ~/svnworkdir/adempiere/utils_dev

unzip ~/svnworkdir/adempiere/install/build/ -d /opt
  #  now the extracted folder /opt/Adempiere exists in /opt

cd /opt
mv Adempiere adempiere-3.54a
ln -sf adempiere-3.54a adempiere
  #  now it looks like this
  #  root@ad:/opt# ls -l /opt
  #  total 4
  #  lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   15 Oct 18 19:22 adempiere -> adempiere-3.54a
  #  drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Oct 18 19:11 adempiere-3.54a
export ADEMPIERE_HOME="/opt/adempiere"

Load the database

# switch into context of user postgres
sudo su - postgres
# prompt looks now like this: postgres@ad:~$

/usr/bin/createdb adempiere 
/usr/bin/createuser adempiere
echo "ALTER USER adempiere WITH PASSWORD 'yourpw';" | psql

# do check: postgres@ad:~$ echo "select * from pg_user; select * from pg_roles;" | psql
# output looks like this:
# usename  | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd |  passwd  | valuntil | useconfig
# -----------+----------+-------------+----------+-----------+----------+----------+-----------
#  postgres  |       10 | t           | t        | t         | ******** |          |
#  adempiere |    16387 | t           | t        | t         | ******** |          |
# (2 rows)
#   rolname  | rolsuper | rolinherit | rolcreaterole | rolcreatedb | rolcatupdate | rolcanlogin | rolconnlimit | rolpassword | rolvaliduntil | rolconfig |  oid 
# -----------+----------+------------+---------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+-----------+-------
#  postgres  | t        | t          | t             | t           | t            | t           |           -1 | ********    |               |           |    10
#  adempiere | t        | t          | t             | t           | t            | t           |           -1 | ********    |               |           | 16387
# (2 rows)

psql -h localhost -d adempiere -U adempiere < $ADEMPIERE_HOME/data/Adempiere_pg.dmp
# the password of user adempiere is requested

setup the ADempiere system

  • run setup
chmod +x *.sh

Migrate to Head

  • run migration scripts
./ 353a-trunk commit | psql -U adempiere -d adempiere > 353a-trunk.lst

Start Server

  • start server
nohup ./ &
tail -f nohup

If everything is ok

  • stop the server and then install the service
sudo cp unix/ /etc/init.d/
sudo bash
cd /etc/init.d
adempiere start