ADempiere Multiple Record Action Field

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This is a documentation showing about my feature request for ADempiere Multiple Record Action Field [1] [2] which nobody ever responded. Anyways I just thought I am too ambigous, So now I will explain.

ADempiere Multiple Record Action Field

The Output

Student single.png The above image is the window showing the Single Row View Student multirow.png The window is viewed in Multi-Row View. Notice the fields situated at the Header(Upper part of the Window) and also the fields at the Footer( at the bottom part of the window) Selectall.png When clicking on the "Select All" button, all the records will be marked as selected reflected by the checkbox under "Select" column. The callout logic will be explain later Unselectall.png When the "Unselect All" button will be clicked, all the records will cleared as unselected, in which all of the "Select" checkbox will unchecked. Normal select.png User could do normal selection of the records by clicking on the "Select" checkbox in the same to other windows with checkbox Invert selection.png Alternately, User could also use the "Invert Selection" button to invert the selection DoAction.png I also created a sample button at the footer which will may do actions.

  • Note: Those fields mentioned above are not built-in fields. I just created them just for a sample, in fact that window is not meaningful nor usable.

The Table Definition

To achieve the sample window above, we need to define first the table Table definition.png The table is just like common tables, ( I have copied it from "M_Freight_Category" ) Aside from those standard column,I added 4 columns, in which they are the center of this discussion Table column select all.png Remember the "Select All" button above, this is where that button is derived, take note of the callout specified, which will be created later Table column unselect all.png Of course this is the "Unselect All" button, again take notice of the callout specified Table column invert selection.png This one is for the "Invert Selection" button, so with its callout script Table column is selected.png This column is just a predefined Element which I just reused. This will determine if the record is selected or not. This will be the subject for the callouts, which most of the sample callouts I have created will stir up this column. Table column doAction.png This is the button at the bottom of the page which we could relate it to buttons on common wizards window of some applications which does actions such as "Next, Finish, etc". Table column total selected.png This is a sample summary field which will display the summary of the records, in this case, the total record selected

Creating new FieldGroupTypes

FieldGroupType.png Fieldgroup header.png Fieldgroupfooter.png

The Window Fields Definition

Window select all.png Window unselect all.png Window invert selection.png Window is selected.png Window footer.png Window total selected.png

The Callout Rules

Rule selectAll.png Rule UnselectAll.png Rule InvertSelection.png Rule DoAction.png Rule CountSelected.png