Community Roles

From ADempiere
Revision as of 00:37, 23 June 2009 by Juddm (Talk) (Election Officer)

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This page documents official roles within the community.

Administrative Roles

Election Officer

The election office should be a community member and is responsible for administering elections. This includes:

  • ensuring that the rules for voting administered
  • calling / opening the voting poll
  • closing the voting poll
  • publishing the results of the voting poll

The Election officer may vote in an elections but by convention, should withhold his/her vote unless required to break a deadlock (casting vote). The Election Officer is elected by the community and remains in the post until they retire or are impeached. The Election Officer should ensure they are seen to be independent at all times. If there is any dispute in this regard, or in relation to the election results, then the dispute resolution process should be followed (to be defined).