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Tony's User Boxes
Name This user real name is : Tony Snook
Sourceforge logo.png This user has a Sourceforge account.


  • My name is Tony Snook and I am from Melbourne, Australia.
  • I can be contacted at tspc at
  • For the last 18 years I have been employed as the Systems/IT Manager for a company that manufactures a range of scientific laboratory equipment. Prior to this I worked in various technical support roles and as a C Programmer, writing software for embedded systems, Windows and DOS.
  • Since 2007 I have been an active contributor to Adempiere, reporting bugs, committing bug fixes/solutions, writing wiki documentation and participating in forum discussions. Some of my contributions include: Fixing several major bugs in the early Libero Manufacturing code, managing migration script numbering between libero branch and trunk, responsible for merging fixes in release branch to trunk and the conversion of our Subversion repositories to Mercurial.
  • My involvement with Adempiere began as a hobby and some self-education. In 2011 the company I crrently work for decided to proceed with the implementation of ADempiere, to replace our legacy ERP system, and we went live in May. The installation is based on the code from ADempiere GLOBALQSS 361, maintained by Carlos Ruiz with customizations provided by Adaxa Pty Ltd, Australia.

Mercurial DVCS

Converting from SVN to Mercurial

Some of my notes on how the conversion of our SVN repositories to Mercurial was achieved can be found here: Converting from SVN to Mercurial

Mercurial Test Environment


Applying Migration Scripts

The appears to be a number of issues with the current methods of applying migration scripts.

  • Current methods
    • Manually applying each script using tools like
      • (for Oracle) sqlplus, toad, sqldeveloper, ....
      • (for PostgreSQL) psql, pgAdmin, ....
    • Using the ant build scripts which make use of sqlplus for Oracle and psql for PostgreSQL

Problems Include:

  • large number of migration scripts and their size
 makes it difficult to notice that an error has occured
  • error handling varies depending on the tool and database used
 SQLPLUS does not return an error code for any SQLPLUS (SP2-xxx) errors
  • rolling back after errors
 need to ensure that only completely successful scripts are applied and the partially completed script is rolled back.
  • reporting errors
 person applying the script must be notified that an error has occurred
  • keeping track of which scripts have been applied
 records need to be kept of which scripts have been applied to the current installation
  • how migration scripts are corrected
 -correcting a script once it has been committed to trunk can cause problems if someone has already applied the script
 -in some cases it is necessary to apply a script to undo the change and then apply the correct script


PL/Java Info (Tested on Fedora 7 (Linux), and Postgresql 8.2.6, PL/Java 1.3.0)

Recent security releases, of Postgresql, have altered the API for SetUserId to include an additional parameter indicating if we're in a security definer context.

  • If you are running any of the following postgresql releases, then you need to upgrade PL/Java
    • 8.0.x where x >= 15
    • 8.1.x where x >= 11
    • 8.2.x where x >= 6 (I needed it and I am running 8.2.5-11) Joseph.brower 11:52, 18 January 2008 (EST)
    • 8.3.x where x >= 0
  • Goto PL/Java CVS Information and check out the latest CVS of PL/Java.
    • Once you have the source, simply build the source with the 'make' comand.
  • If you are upgrading from pljava 1.3.0, then this is a minor upgrade.
  • I simply copied the binaries over the top of the existing installation.
 cp /build/pljava.jar /usr/var/lib/pljava/
 cp /build/deployer.jar /usr/var/lib/pljava/
 cp /build/objs/ /usr/var/lib/pljava/
  • su to postgres and restart postgresql
 su - postgres
 pg_ctl stop
 pg_ctl start
  • Your PL/Java should now be updated.

PL/Java Problems

  • If you are having problems with PL/Java, please check the following:
 Your postgresql.conf should contain the following lines:
 dynamic_library_path = '\$libdir:/usr/lib/pljava' 
 custom_variable_classes = 'pljava' 
 pljava.classpath = '/usr/lib/pljava/pljava.jar'
 Where /usr/lib/pljava is the path to your PL/Java installation (on some systems /opt/pljava ) and contains the following files: 

PL/Java Links

Adempiere-Libero Branch

Tasks, Issues And Observations

  • Libero Manufacturing installation documentation out of date and needs to be revised.
    • Wiki needs to be updated to reflect new structure. Libero is now an extension.
  • Libero Manufacturing Manual is out of date and needs to be revised.

Upgrading Postgresql 8.1 to 8.3 on CentOS 5.x

  • First, download the latest CentOS yum setup rpm:
  • Install the rpm package:
 chmod +x pgdg-centos-8.3-6.noarch.rpm
 rpm -Uvh pgdg-centos-8.3-6.noarch.rpm 
  • Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo:
    • add a line to exclude postgres related packages in both the base and updates sections.
    • You should end up with something like this:
   name=CentOS-$releasever - Base
   #released updates
   name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates
  • Dump all databases using the clean option:
 pg_dumpall -U postgres -c > /var/backup/postgres/postgres_all.sql
 Note: Also make sure you have an ADempiere backup, just in case. (ExpDat.jar)
  • Update server to latest version:
 yum update 
  • Stop the server and move your old data directory:
 service postgresql stop
 mv /var/lib/pgsql/data /var/lib/pgsql/data_8.1 
  • Init a new postgres 8.3 database cluster:
 service postgresql initdb 
  • Update the configuration settings as necessary:
    • /var/lib/pgsql/postgresql.conf
    • /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
  • Just to be on the safe side, make sure the permissions on the config files are correct (should be owned by user postgres):
 chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data/*.conf 
  • Start the database cluster:
 service postgresql start
  • Check that the connection to the server is working (and fix your config if it isn't):
 psql -U postgres 
  • Restore the dump of all databases:
 psql -U postgres < /var/backup/postgres/postgres_all.sql

Adempiere Related Interests

  • Manufacturing Module (Victor's contribution)
  • Data Transformation (Pentaho/Kettle)
  • Bazaar / Community
  • Mercurial DVCS

Interesting Links

 Database Independence
 Examining the Logic behind Database Independence
 10 golden rules for running an open source project