Talk:Organization of the documentation

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Revision as of 08:01, 16 November 2006 by Afalcone (Talk) (wikiprojects or namespaces)

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First proposal

I propose to organize the documentation this way

Here is an example :

Adempiere 3.1.1 : main entry, here you will have your Table of contents and an introduction

The Chapters :

  • Adempiere 3.1.1/Chapter1 : Category : Adempiere 3.1.1
  • Adempiere 3.1.1/Chapter2 : Category : Adempiere 3.1.1
  • Adempiere 3.1.1/Chapter3 : Category : Adempiere 3.1.1

Note the "/" you can do that in Mediawiki by creating creating "Chapter1" inside "Adempiere 3.1.1" and putting a / before like this /Chapter1

In a second time maybe we can do something the way its done in Wikbooks

See for an example;

--Khalid HASSANI 06:40, 16 November 2006 (EST)

Hi Khalid,

I understand your poposal. My question is: when we need to add the documentation for the Adempiere 3.2.0 we must do something like:

Adempiere 3.2.0 : main entry, here you will have your Table of contents and an introduction

The Chapters :

  • Adempiere 3.2.0/Chapter1 : Category : Adempiere 3.2.0
  • Adempiere 3.2.0/Chapter2 : Category : Adempiere 3.2.0
  • Adempiere 3.2.0/Chapter3 : Category : Adempiere 3.2.0

On this way we preserve the 3.1.1 documentation. Is correct thus?

Alejandro Falcone

Hi Alejandro,
indeed you are correct with your assumption, *Adempiere 3.2.0/Chapter1 will become a chapter1 article in the ADempiere 3.2.0, however the category does not be include in the title of each chapter, categorization on mediawiki is done by wikimarkup. So a simple [[Category:ADempiere3.2.0]] at the bottom of the manual pages. --Goanookie 08:45, 16 November 2006 (EST)

wikiprojects or namespaces

If the current progress of ADempiere keeps going, we should think a bit further then just organization of the documentation. For the moment the wiki contains multiple languages en fr es de and I assume more will follow, and this will become unmanageable in the future. for the moment I don't think it is necessary to setup separate wikis for different languages, but I'm still keeping that option open.

User:Khalid HASSANI already suggested of using wikiprojects (the '/') but we could go one step further and use mediawiki namespaces, using those will also have the benefit that each namespace can be searched separate from other pages. In any case if we want to generate a pdf manual of the documentation, the manual pages have to be in a wikiproject, makes the script to generate the pdf a lot easier also. And no need to keep track of the changes in the manual, script will always be capable of generating the pdf.

--Goanookie 08:38, 16 November 2006 (EST)

Hi Peter,

Sound very interesting your proposal. How do you think that we could use the namespaces? I mean, by Adempiere version, by language or any other form?

--Alejandro 11:46, 16 November 2006 (GTM -03)