Ubuntu Install Howto

From ADempiere
Revision as of 04:34, 24 February 2007 by Mike (Talk) (What you will need)

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This Wiki is read-only for reference purposes to avoid broken links.

What you should know:

Adempiere is a very powerful system, and as such can be difficult to set up. Everything is continually being made easier, and this wiki page will be updated to reflect those changes. This page will only explain installation from the latest java installer.

What you will need

An installed and functioning Ubuntu system. The Java Development Kit. (This guide will cover its installation.) Internet Access (preferably high speed.) build-essential (Installable from the ubuntu repositories.) Of course, you will also need the ADempiere program to install, available from the SourceForge.net link found in the menu on the left.


If you want to have ten users connected concurrently a machine with an AMD64 Processor and 4GB of ram would be sufficient.The more power in your server, the better off you will be.

An Overview of What This Guide Will Walk Through

  • Make sure that you don't have postgresql installed or running. This can be done by opening synaptic and marking the package for removal.
  • Installing JDK.
  • Installing Adempiere
  • Verifying that it is working.

Preparing Your Server

  • 1. Make sure that you have all of the available repositories. That means having main, restricted, universe and multiverse. We may not need all of them, but it is best to have them so that we can avoid dependency problems.
  • 2. Install libreadline, build-essentials, bc, subversion, and jdk. You can do so by running "sudo apt-get install libreadline build-essentials bc subversion sun-java5-jdk unzip.
  • 3. Type the following commands into a console to setup the postgres user.
  • sudo -s
  • useradd -d /home/postgres -m postgres
  • chown -R postgres /home/postgres/
  • passwd postgres (after this you will have to set up a password for the postgres user.)

Beginning the Install

  • 1. Open up a terminal (Can be found in the menu Applications -> Accessories)
  • 2. Run su - postgres
  • 4. Install the adempiere java package by entering the following into a console
    • java -jar /path/to/installer/ (I actually had to login to a local ssh server using the command "ssh -X -l postgres localhost" to get this to work properly.

(You will know that everything is going well when you see something like this)


  • 5. Follow the onscreen instructions, making sure the following parameters are entered:
    • The installation path should be /home/postgres/Adempiere
    • The database name is adempiere .
    • The database username is adempiere .
    • The database password is adempiere

Starting the Server

  • 1. Execute utils/RUN_Server2.sh by running this in a console (make sure that you are the user "postgres")
    • sh utils/RUN_Server2.sh

That should start the server. If it doesn't work, view the help at the end of this howto.