Sponsored Development:Persistence of Table Preferences

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Revision as of 07:57, 3 March 2012 by Jcmac (Talk) (Functionality One)

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GPL v2 - the same as ADempiere.

Project Team

Functional Specifications





  • Functionality One - In Progress.


Functionality One

Currently in ADempiere GridView mode for every table users can re-arrenge columns, each column can be hidden/shown. Unfortunately this configuration is not persisted, so when user close the window it is lost. Aim of this development is to allow users to persist their preferences.

  • Each User would be able to hide/show colums & move (position left right) the columns in grid mode.

Many of these configurations could be saved so that in record view, the user would right click on toggle button and have a choice of the saved configs. If the user left clicks, the last used config is taken.

  • Managing the Saved configurations will be similar to managing advanced searches: When the icon to configure columns is clicked, there would be a drop-down field, a save button, and a delete button. Clicking and selecting from the drop down would change the checked fields listed below, and their SortValue Number (This would be an extra column to be added with numbers next to each field determining the order of field appearance in grid view)
  • Alternately, we should elaborate on the "My Preferences" window concept (good place to inlcude/offer user management of other non admin user settings such as Value Preferences, etc)
  • Deleting of the saved configurations would be as follows: Click icon to configure columns from grid view; select your saved config; click the delete button
  • For future developments: we should include extra DB fields: Shared(yes/no); and Role (Power users could setup common/best grid views and share with other users to prevent them from having to set up their own as well as enforce commonality amongst the same Role)
  • Table structure: ...

Application Dictionary changes

Create new window

File:0-Menu .jpg

Add Table: ""


    • Fields: Value, Name, Description, Help, ...
    • Samples: (850 PO, 810 Invoice)
