PMC Architecture Meeting 20100505

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Date: 2010-05-05
Time: 7AM GMT
Venue: irc #adempiere-team
Support Spreadsheet: Adempiere PMC Architecture
Chat times in GMT-5


(copied from last meeting)

  • Review wishlist (reordered): I see 4 "areas" of work in the gigh prio topics:
    • Migration stability #8,9,27
    • OSGi #1,25,29
    • Security #11
    • Performance #2,7 (already tackled)
  • Proposal:
    • Create a "project" for each and concentrate work there
    • Add corresponding tasks to task list
  • Review
    • 8 weeks are over: Can we improve PMC Arch Group somehow?
    • Are we doing the right things?
  • Proposal:
    • Start an OI inquiry: What is required to make ADempiere easily salesable?
    • add results to wish list


  • OSGi Status
    • Tasklist to be put into Task sheet
    • proposal: integrate to trunk after jun 14 release
  • Agreement on the "areas of work"
    • OSGi: red1, viola, and surely hengsin too
    • ADmig: hengsin
    • Other topic not tackled now
  • PMC arch review
    • Slow since resource limited
    • Continue meeting, now mainly to exchange project status
  • some brainstorming on newsletter/blog from PMC architecture


(02:04:34) viola [] entered the channel.
(02:04:43) viola: hola - a little late - sorry
(02:05:17) CarlosRuiz: Hi
(02:05:23) red1: halo viola
(02:05:31) red1: from the marathon?
(02:05:58) hengsin: hi
(02:06:00) viola: yepp - back again, still smiling ;-)
(02:06:38) viola: ok agenda is here:
(02:06:46) viola: anything to change?
(02:07:48) CarlosRuiz: not here
(02:07:49) viola: Attention - I have reordered the wishlist according to prio and "area of work" as I perceive it
(02:08:20) viola: carlos? - only your ghost here :-)
(02:08:43) CarlosRuiz: :-) - I mean, no change proposed here
(02:09:46) viola: ok what I would like to achieve today is somehow finishing the wishlist walkthrough and identifying work areas
(02:09:50) hengsin: not here either :)
(02:10:32) red1: i managed to get OSGI done as written by Joerg
(02:11:49) viola: hey cool (for the others: he's had a hard time...)
(02:12:28) hengsin: Jorg, I think we probably only have the resource to do OSGi and bug fixing work ...
(02:12:49) viola: then I also would like to perform some kind of review: Are we doing the right things here?
(02:12:57) red1: i just need to ask Joerg what he meant by putting the InvoicePosting code to.
(02:13:45) red1: no more red marks in my eclipse.. and i got the sample Doc_Invoice.createFacts plugin extension point installed
(02:16:24) hengsin: Jorg, for the OSGi task, how far we are from getting it ready for trunk ?
(02:17:23) hengsin: and do you have a list of pending OSGi task setup in either the excel sheet or as SF tracker item ? I think that will make it easier for me to get involved
(02:18:36) viola: sorry i was absent shortly
(02:18:44) viola: hengsin you are right
(02:19:02) viola: i have a tasklist here and will put that into the sheet
(02:19:33) viola: how far are we from trunk....
(02:19:35) viola: hm
(02:19:53) red1: i think it quite neat now
(02:20:10) viola: my perception: Code works, but development and deployment is not thouroughly tested
(02:20:17) red1: i wana starting cutting once i get the answer to my question :>
(02:20:51) viola: for may 14 - I do not think we should integrate it, but immediately afterwards
(02:21:00) viola: BTW: What happens on may 14
(02:21:15) viola: I though a merge from trunk to release, right?
(02:21:57) CarlosRuiz: I don't have a special event to happen on may 14
(02:22:14) viola: ? I though it was code freeze for next release?
(02:23:20) red1: if freeze.. should just be release, not trunk
(02:23:55) viola: freezing trunk by merging it to release?
(02:24:19) viola: then everybody can commit to trunk again, but these changes would not make it into the jun 14 release
(02:24:41) viola: ahm sorry, maybe with should stick back to the agenda?
(02:25:41) viola: does everybody agree with these four "areasof work": migration stability, OSGi, Security, performance?
(02:26:31) red1: very nice
(02:26:44) hengsin: Jorg, yes, agree here
(02:27:20) CarlosRuiz: yep
(02:27:54) viola: does everybody agree with the proposal to assign a resource to each area (attention - you might get involved here :-D )
(02:29:55) hengsin: Jorg, yeap, lets put it on the table
(02:30:12) viola: ok osgi is my field
(02:30:13) ***red1 raise hands for OSGI :D
(02:30:22) viola: :-D
(02:30:25) red1: as long as Joerg willing to take me in !
(02:30:57) viola: for me that would mean: I have to commit myself to a roadmap
(02:31:22) viola: leading to OSGi trunk integration for the next release and developer support
(02:31:58) viola: and for some Adempiere 4.0 technology previews in between, the first one with the jun14 release
(02:32:21) viola: now what about migration stability?
(02:35:04) CarlosRuiz: sorry I think I cannot commit here without neglecting other areas where I'm not receiving too much help
(02:35:46) hengsin: Jorg, do you need my involvement for the OSGi work ? otherwise I can give a go on that. Do bear in mind that sometime my time is limited due to the zk client work.
(02:36:06) red1 has left the channel (quit: Ping timeout: 268 seconds).
(02:37:01) hengsin: also, I'm in the middle of some further 2pack work ...
(02:37:08) viola: hengsin: Certainly I need your help ;-) - But I think we have limited resources and so ...
(02:37:20) viola: exactly: you're the man for migration
(02:37:53) hengsin: ok, lets put the mimimum on OSGi and 2pack with some security/AD enhancement as bonus ?
(02:38:14) viola: who can do these security tasks?
(02:38:40) hengsin: I means must = "OSGi, 2Pack", Optional = "Migration & Security"
(02:38:54) viola: what about trifon? - he always bores himself!
(02:39:23) hengsin: well, he is around :)
(02:39:58) viola: well ok then we have these two projects in PMC arch: OSGi and Migration (i guess nothing has change now, but the plan is now obvious)
(02:40:30) hengsin: yeap, Jorg, right on.
(02:41:22) viola: hengsin: any plans for migration for jun 14 (ah that was mean...)
(02:43:14) hengsin: Jorg, not really, only items for sure now is 2pack
(02:43:39) hengsin: for other ideas, I guess I will need to work out a proper spec first
(02:43:46) viola: fine!
(02:43:56) viola: ok ... moving on in agenda:
(02:44:12) viola: Review:
(02:44:13) viola: - 8 weeks are over: Can we improve PMC Arch Group somehow?
(02:44:13) viola: - Are we doing the right things?
(02:44:41) hengsin: I think it is fine but I've hope more will get involve
(02:45:02) viola: in my perception, we did not achieve a lot...
(02:45:35) hengsin: unfortunately, it is still mainly 3 of us now ( more like 1.5 with Carlos and my self having other commitments )
(02:46:16) viola: same here - lets better not discuss the resource limitation ;-)
(02:46:18) CarlosRuiz: I suppose we're evolving at the pace the resources allow us
(02:46:21) CarlosRuiz: :-)
(02:46:36) hengsin: I saw others are here, ant feedback ?
(02:47:03) hengsin: sorry, typo, I means any feedback ? and better still, any plan to help ?
(02:47:18) viola: ok what about the organization: weekly meetings, two lighthouse projects now, ...
(02:47:39) viola: maybe we should establish a monthly architecture newsletter to the community
(02:47:57) viola: (or a weekly barbeque at carlos villa)
(02:48:02) CarlosRuiz: for me it's becoming problematic to attend at this time - I'll propose a change of time soon
(02:48:10) hengsin: Jorg, yeah, a blog or newsletter sounds good
(02:48:52) viola: if one group speeds up (or at least pretends to do so), maybe others are following...
(02:49:09) viola: carlos feel free!
(02:49:16) hengsin: well, it is always good to be more transparent
(02:50:11) viola: do we have enough e-mails for a newletter, will the community like that? (a blog is too passive for me, who would read it?)
(02:51:13) viola: or well - lets create a blog and then write a notification to each community member when a new article is written
(02:54:45) viola: wait - there was this blog planet thread: what happened to it?
(02:55:44) viola: catura is active here:
(02:55:50) hengsin: not sure ...
(02:56:45) viola: ok I guess topic is closed - right? - Or any comments left?
(02:57:12) CarlosRuiz: just to mention
(02:57:25) CarlosRuiz: that I think meetings have been important
(02:57:31) CarlosRuiz: the communication flows better
(02:58:13) viola: Yes I wouldn't stop them
(02:58:51) viola: But I think contents will change now - we will now talk about statuses more
(02:59:01) viola: and less about what is being to do
(02:59:17) hengsin: yes, that should be more interesting :)
(02:59:43) milos_ [~milos@] entered the channel.
(03:00:55) viola: even more??? :-D
(03:01:07) viola: ok I think meeting is closed - thank you all!
(03:01:16) CarlosRuiz: thanks