ManPageX InitialClientSetup

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Form: Initial Client Setup

Description : Initial new Client/Tenant Setup

Help : Set up a new Client/Tenant of the system

Class Name: org.compiere.apps.form.VSetup

ManPageX InitialClientSetup.png



Before you can start using ADempiere for your business, you have to define a new Client, Organization, Users, etc. These become the initial parameters in your system.


ADempiere has already two clients predefined for you. The first is the

  • System Client, which you will use to add your Client and configure your system.
  • GardenAdmin is a sample Client, you can use for testing purposes, and have some datas inserted
 You do not delete these two clients, but create a new one for your business

Beginning of Implementation

  • Login into ADempiere with the System or SuperUser User,

System Administrator Role and System as Client

LoginDefault System.PNG

  • Go to Initial Client Setup window:
Menu Initial Client Setup.PNG
  • and open:
ManPageX InitialClientSetup.PNG
  • and fill the fields with your datas.

Some of those fields are:

  • Client: is the name of your company, we filled with YourClient.
  • Organization: is often a legal entity or sub-unit for which documents and transactions are processed. By example, we filled with YourOrganization; you may define others organization in a later time. Often, in small companies the Client and the Organization are the same.
  • User Client and User Organization are the initial users that will be enabled to login into the system.
  • Leave the Business Partner and the Product checkboxes checked and
  • the others unchecked. Those selection will be used to define the Accounting Schema. Afterwards, if you want, you can change these settings, for example to add Sales Region, Projects, etc.

Please, note the Ok button is disabled. Before you can continue, you must

  • select the Load Accounting Values Format button.
    • you select a comma separated file,
      • AccountingUS.csv which is a US sample of Chart of Accounts (COA).

You can define your own COA based on that sample and load that instead. The COA is required by ADempiere for its Financial Integration operations.

  • Then, press the Load Accounting button...
Load Accounting Dialog.PNG
  • and choose your COA file.
Load Accounting Dialog OK.PNG

Now you can see the Ok button enabled, and now the path to the accounts file is displayed with your choosed. Press the Ok button to continue...

Initial Client Setup Processing.PNG
  • and wait for the process to finish.

Then the new window is opened:

Initial Client Setup Finish.PNG

which show you the Users, Roles and all the standard entities that were created.

Refining the implementation

The next step will be to check and update the initial settings. To do it,

  • logout from ADempiere,
  • and login again,

but with your client-level Role you have just created (YourclientAdmin in the example).

Then we'll go to the Initial Client Setup Review workflow to continue.


  • In order to assure the standard default entities were created and the security infrastructure was defined correctly, the only way to add new clients is through the Initial Client Setup form.
  • The Initial Client Setup will load only the defaults accounts. In order to load all your non default accounts and create your account hierarchy, you must log in the system with your new Admin Role. Now there are two steps to follow. First go down the Menu to System Admin > Data > Data Import > Import File Loader and choose your COA file (set the Import Format to 'Accounting - Accounts' value). Confirm your choice and the accounts already reside in an I_* table in the database. The second step in the import procedure (by placing the imported accounts into a PA_* table in the database) is to go down the Menu to System Admin > Data > Data Import > Import Account window. In there just press the 'Import Accounts' button. Choose your relevant Element and data-importing behavior and confirm. After the process is finished you have to log out and log back in. If you select the 'Element Value' tab in the Account Element you will see your Chart Of Accounts organized in your preferred hierarchy. By the way this two-staged importing mechanism is employed in the addition of the major business objects into your system (e.g. Business Partners, Products, etc.).
  • About Accounts File: If you change the .csv example file, to adapt to your needs, be careful: you must have only and only one account defined for each of the Default Accounts. Otherwise, the process will fail. The file is required with unmodified structure when you initially create a new Client. To change the example account file, we advice you:
Delete all lines with exception of the ones, which have Default Accounts.
Change the lines (value/key, name, description) as you need for your chart of accounts.
Add the other accounts in your chart of accounts.
Above steps are easily done using Adempiere Account editor

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