Lokad business forecasting

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Revision as of 07:31, 24 February 2007 by Vermorel (Talk) (added thanks for ' Carlos Ruiz')

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Lokad is an hosted solution for business forecasting. Lokad delivers statistical forecasting based on a collaborative technology.

Warning: Lokad is basically an on-demand paid online service (like PayPal or Google AdWords for example). The connectors between Lokad and ADempiere are released as open source, but those connectors rely on the Lokad Web Services; thus, an Entreprise (non-free) subscription is required.

How Lokad works

Big picture of the Lokad forecasting technology

Lokad delivers a statistical forecasting technology that can be accessed through Web Services (see our Java tutorial).

Lokad.com itself is not open-source, yet all 3rd party connectors used to integrate the Lokad technology are released as open source. Learn more about open source components available for Lokad at community.lokad.com.

Sales forecasting for ADempiere

Screenshot of the sales forecasting add-on. Yellow is past, orange is future

The Lokad Desktop Sales Forecasting is an add-on that supports ADempiere. Get daily / weekly / monthly sales forecasts reports. If you keep too much inventory, your expenses go up. But if you reduce too much, you have nothing to sell. Inventory optimization is a cornerstone of profitability.

Product page: community.lokad.com

Sourceforge project: sourceforge.net/projects/lokad

The add-on is a standalone Windows application that connects to the ADempiere database. The add-on is released under an open source BSD license.

Special thanks to Carlos Ruiz who gave a big help in porting the SQL query to Oracle.