Launching the ADempiere Application

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  • This Install Client HELP is for setting up Clients as in any Client-Server system. It allows the application to run from a client or a remote PC connected to the application-server.
  • The term Client also means the Business Entity using the ERP System. If you want to learn how to set that, you can refer to Initial Client Setup.

Installing the ADempiere Client

If you are in the server you can just run the HTML Client, as it is installed in the Server Install process. Once you have the Application Server (utils/RUN_Server2.bat|sh) running,

Adempiere Home.png

So, you have two options:

Option 1: Web Start

Note: You need to have Java installed before this
This WebStart option automatically makes sure that you use the latest version.
  • Just click on the WebStart button and you see the WebStart Dialog:
Web Start1.PNG

then you will see the Security window:

Web Start Security.PNG
Note: Screen sample text is in Spanish. Yours should be in your language.
  • after you check it, the application start.

Option 2: Local Install

In order to Local Install ,

  • click on the zip link and
    • extract the file content to a local directory.

You need to have setted the system environment variables:

  • PATH

You can set it manually, for example:


  • Set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to C:\jdk1.5.0_05
  • Set the ADEMPIERE_HOME system environment variable to C:\Adempiere


  • Set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre if that's where your java is.

For Debian based systems do this to check

   ls -l /etc/alternatives/java 

Use this command

   export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre    

You can also set this in ~/.bashrc so it is set on each login.

  • Set the ADEMPIERE_HOME system environment variable to /opt/Adempiere if thats the local directory you unzipped to.
  • Make the shell script that starts Adempiere client runable, by giving it the eXecute attribute for All users.
 chmod a+x /opt/Adempiere/

  • Add C:\jdk1.5.0_05\bin;C:\Adempiere\lib; at the beginning of the PATH system environment variable.

If you did not set those variables, you might receive an error message with the JAVA_HOME or ADEMPIERE_HOME variables as not been set. So, just make sure that you do the steps above.

Start the ADempiere Client

  • Start the ADempiere Client via the script RUN_Adempiere (.bat or .sh) . Then you will see the ADempiere Login window:
IC ADempiere Login.PNG
  • There you shall see that the server field is in red backlight
    • this is due to default validate connection on startup option that is defaulted to off.
      • The option is a new feature in ADempiere 312 onwards where the user saves time during login.
      • It is defaulted to off. You can check this option back on in the Preferences window.
  • You may proceed by clicking on the OK sign.
    • or press the Host/Server field and you can see the Connection dialog:
IC Adempiere Connection.PNG

Now you must enter the Application Host name and the Application Port (default is 1099).

  • Press the Test Application Server button.

If the application server is found, then information like the database server is returned.

  • If the application server is not running, then
    • enter the Database Host/server name,
    • database name,
    • the user name and
    • the database password.

(Please check here for more detail info). After you filled up the fields,

  • press the Test Database button to connect:
IC ADempiere TestDatabase.PNG

You will see the Ok icon (in green) if the connection was successful.

  • Click the Ok button to get back to the Login screen:
IC ADempiere TestDB OK.PNG

If the Host information is all white, you connected to the application server. If the left side is a bit red, you connected to the database, but not to the application server (the case in our example). For default Application Users and Passwords see here.

  • Click the Ok button to see the Login Default tab
IC ADempiere Login Default.PNG

and then you can select the Role, Client and Organization.

  • Press the Ok button and you will see the ADempiere menu:
IC ADempiere.PNG

The Adempiere Web Application Login (alternative)

You can login into the HTML client alternative via the ADempiere Web Application. To do it,

  • click the Web Application link to start the HTML client.

The process is the same as with the Application Client.

IC Web Application.png

Note: The HTML UI is Beta Functionality.
