HOWTO Process Documents

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Processing Basics

In ADempiere there are several predefined types of documents, as can be seen in the picture below.

The predefined types of documents of ADempiere

This window can be reached in the ADempiere Client App's menue (if you are logged in a role with access level 'Client+Organization') this way:

 Menu -> Performance Analysis -> Accounting Rules -> Document Type

The automated internal processing of those documents is a complex matter. What we start here is a simple FAQ-like explanation of those base documents. Where appropriate a further explanations are provided, redirecting to database entities, source code and articles by other ADempiereans.

List of described documents

The questions touched in these documents' inspections just skim the deeper matters related to document processing. When looking at those explanations some prior knowledge might be useful:

  • About the usage of DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS - these are special accounts from the Chart Of Accounts, which are bound in the source code to standard processes. So the posting of mainstream activities is backed up and automated.

Note that all the examples given include accounts from the American COA which comes along with the ADempiere installation.

  • Generally there are 16 model classes describing the behavior of the 36 active Document Types and corresponding to 15 document classes at the server side application (responsible for posting the documents). The mapping between the classes and their corresponding document types are provided in the following table.
ADempiere Model classes and their corresponding Document Types
Model class Document Class Document Types
MAllocationHdr Doc_Allocation
MBankStatement Doc_Bank
MCash Doc_Cash
MInOut MM Material Receipt
MM Shipment
MM Shipment Indirect
MM Shipment with Pick
MInOutConfirm MM Material Receipt with Confirmation
MInvoice AP Credit Memo
AP Invoice
AP Protocol
AR Credit Memo
AR Invoice
AR Invoice Indirect
AR Protocol
MOrder Purchase Order
On Credit Order
POS Order
Prepay Order
Return Material
Standard Order
Warehouse Order
MPayment AP Payment
AR Receipt
MRequisition Purchase Requisition

Specific automations common to the most types of documents

  • Payment Term specifics - for documents defining Payment Term other than 'Immediate' the contents of the tab Payment Schedule are automatically populated with data, based on the chosen rule. If the Payment Term is changed after the document is Completed, the Payment Schedule is not affected and the necessary changes must be made manually.