European ADempiere Conference Day2

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Revision as of 00:33, 30 May 2007 by Goanookie (Talk) (HR Module)

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Introduction from the vice president of FHTW

A nice welcome by the vice president, he is welcoming us all and gives some background info about the university. It is located in the former East-Berlin. The university is founded in 1992 as a daughter of TFH, became independent in 1994. The univ has 4 major pilars, Engineering, Computing, Economics, Design. Each of this pilars has a number of main fields of pratice. The university is has 5 locations spread out in Berlin, which also means that traveling from the one to the headquartes takes more then an hour. They are also busy with building a new location, which should simplify a lot for the university.

HR Module

Talk session give by Frederic Tsang, a bit of a hold up in order to get the vnc working and such.

Preparing for Global Expansion: challenges and opportunities

Business Development

Adempiere Foundation

Talk about ADempiere to FHTW Students

Security/Privacy Discussion