Adempiere Business Intelligence

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                    **Integrating Adempiere with Pentaho Open BI Suite**
                                      (Soheil Qanbari)

Warm Up

What is Business Intelligence...

Business intelligence (BI) is a business management term which refers to applications and technologies which are used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information about their company operations. Business intelligence systems can help companies have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business, such as metrics on sales, production, internal operations, and they can help companies to make better business decisions. Business Intelligence should not be confused with competitive intelligence, which is a separate management concept.

Business Intelligence is not a product nor a system. In fact it is an architecture and a collection of integrated functional and operational decision-support applications and databases that provides the business community easy access to business data. Of course it specifically focuses on the decision-support applications and databases as well.

BI Includes

BI decision-support applications facilitate many activities, including:

Multidimensional Analysis

Another term for multidimensional analysis is multivariate analysis. So This term is derived from a specific aspect of this type of analysis, i would say, to analyze measures in another words facts from the perspective of multiple variables or characteristics. These variables (characteristics) usually describe business objects or dimensions. For example, in Adempiere Product Types like Item, Resource, Expense and Service describes product , Assume product being the business objects or dimensions. Occasionally, the variables can become dimensions in their own right. For example, the variables Product Type can be accepted as dimensions. In other words, a dimension can be built for a business object or for a variable of that business object as well.For More Info Click Here

Data Mining

Data mining capability requires building a BI decision-support application, specifically a data mining application, that is using a data mining tool. The data mining application can then use a sophisticated set of advanced components like artificial intelligence,pattern recognition, databases, traditional statistics, and graphics to present hidden relationships and patterns in Adempiere between system elements found in the organization's data pool.Data mining is the analysis of data with the goal of discovering gems of hidden information in the large quantity of data that has been captured in the running business. Data mining is different from statistical analysis, They both have strengths and weaknesses. For More Info Click Here.

Business Analysis

Perform detailed analysis of the business problem or business opportunity to gain a solid understanding of the business requirements for a potential solution (product).Analysis of BI projects emphasizes business analysis rather than system analysis, and analysis is the most important activity when developing a BI decision-support environment.Business analysis issues such as defining the organization's information needs,identifying data sources, and analyzing the current and desired quality of data.Also Business analysis issues Define the business analysis issues and the information needed to meet the strategic business goals by stating the high level information requirements for the business.For More Info Click Here.

Balanced Scorecard

In Progress.


In Progress.

Querying, reporting, and charting

In Progress.

Knowledge Mgmt

In Progress.


In Progress.

Digital dashboard

In Progress.


In Progress.


                                  RoadMap In Progress
Now i am focusing on editing the proper Roadmap for Integrating Adempiere with Pentaho Open BI 
Suite.So the Adempiere map will be uploaded soon.