Why Adempiere

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Why Adempiere

Adempiere is a robust and stable solution as it is proven by the hundreds of its implementations around the world. However there are a set of differences with proprietary world class erp's that make Adempiere unique.

  • Adempiere is based on Open Standards so it does not lock you in to a vendor
  • Adempiere is an Open Source solution. This means that when Adempiere is deployed, the complete sources for the solution are installed in your server. If you want to verify that is a key differential just ask any proprietary vendor to install the sources of their product
  • Adempiere customers have complete freedom over the sources, they can be installed in further sites, they can be distributed, copied or modified as needed. No constraints at all
  • Adempiere can not be bought, merged or stopped. Many ERP customers have seen in dismay how the ERP they used dissapeared as a product of an acquisition (read the related news on People Soft, JD Edwards, BAAN, Siebel to mention just some recent examples)
  • There is a world wide network of independent implementors so you have more than one company/person around the corner to help you implementing Adempiere
  • Adempiere is developed by a community of highly specialized volunteers, there are no marketing expenses to sell Adempiere. These two facts mean that you are noy paying for R&D nor Marketing. You only pay for the add value services required to improve your business. This makes the value/cost ratio of Adempiere the highest in the industry.