2nd European ADempiere Conference Day2

From ADempiere
Revision as of 06:14, 24 June 2009 by Mark o (Talk) (Workshop ADempiere: Suggestions for Quality Assurance)

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Discussion of Project Strategy

Workshop Libero Manufacturing

Workshop given by Victor Perez - e-evolution Translation done by Mario Calderón

Step by Step Workshop for Libero: File:ManufacturingWorkshop CORREGIDO.pdf

Presentation of the ADempiere implementation of Schaeffer AG

Presentation give by Kai Schaeffer and Karsten Thiemann

Workshop Localization

Workshop given by Carlos Ruiz - globalqss

Workshop Enduser Problems

Workshop given by Kai Schaeffer - Schaeffer AG

Workshop Feature Demand and Availability

Workshop given by Norbert Wessel - metas consult GmbH

Workshop ADempiere Base Language

Workshop given by Mark Ostermann - metas consult GmbH and Tobias Schöneberg - metas consult GmbH

Presentation of Baselanguage Work done in Team of ADempiere Deutschland e.V.: File:Baselanguage 20090623.pdf

Workshop ADempiere: Suggestions for Quality Assurance

Workshop given by Tobias Schöneberg - metas consult GmbH and Mark Ostermann - metas consult GmbH

Presentation of Suggestions for Quality Assurance in ADempiere Bazaar with TestNG, EasyMock, PMD, Emma and Plugin in Hudson: Quality_Assurance_Suggestions_20090622.pdf