ADempiere becomes first open source production grade ERP th

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ADempiere becomes first open source production grade ERP

With the release of ADempiere MayDay (ADempiere Release 320) today, ADempiere is now the first true open source ERP with production grade quality.

The focus of this stable version was three fold, according to a project spokesperson:

1. Fix a large number of bugs inherited from the original fork

2. Evolve the solution to resolve product dependencies on proprietary or close products and/or services

3. Enhance the product functionality

The inventory of new features developed in the last 8 months that support the above objectives include:

- Fully GPL compatible software

- PostgreSQL and Oracle XE ports

- Jasper Reports integration

- WAN port

- Migration scripts allowing upgrades to any new ADempiere version

- Basic plug-in architecture based on 2pack

- Integration of openXpertYa POS

- Integration of jfreechart for dashboard display

- itext+JPedal integration to serve PDF

- Tango icons

- Several free language packs

- Online Help Manual and Tutorials

- Easier release of patches and customizations

- Hundreds of performance and functional improvements

- Hundreds of bug fixes

The codename MayDay for such a premier delcared stable version coincides with its release date, May 1 which is celebrated throughout the world as Labour Day. Carlos Ruiz, Head of the Commit Committee in explaining its SOS connotation, "It is also a release that may help many organizations to find a way out from the self defeating and lock-in world of proprietary and so called commercial open source ERP providers in the market".

ADempiere is currently used in production in companies all around the world and they are supported locally by an extensive array of service providers ( ).

The MayDay release is ready for download in the project SourceForge web site: