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Revision as of 00:39, 17 January 2011 by Tobi (Talk) (Timeframe for the Switch to Mercurial)

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Timeframe for the Switch to Mercurial

As anounced, we are switching the main line of development from Subversion (SVN) to Mercurial (HG) today. In order to make the process of migrating less disruptive, contributions and branches will be usable until the end of April. Here are the concrete steps that will lead us from SVN to HG:

  1. On friday, janunary 14th (today!): HG becomes the main line of development.
    • Tony will perform the last conversion at Saturday morning of his time (around 21:00 - 22:00 GMT). At the same time, we declare "trunk" as read-only. After this time, trunk and release will be a "dead end". That means, changes made to trunk and release will be ignored.
    • Tobi 07:39, 17 January 2011 (UTC) Done
  2. On wednesday, january 19th there will be a "switch day" from 08:00h GMT (for Europe, Asia, Australia) and 14:00h GMT (for America), where we will be online in IRC to answer questions and support people in getting started with mercurial and creating a local clone of the man development line under eclipse.
  3. On tuesday, february 1st, we will drop /trunk and /release from the SVN repo
  4. On wednesday, april 20th, there will be another "switch day". This time we will provide support for those that still have trouble migrating their contribs and/or branches from SVN. The times will be the same as for the first switch day (8:00 resp. 14:00 GMT).
  5. On monday, may 2nd, we will finally drop the SVN repo. We will create a mirror of it, zip it and add the zip file to the download area, just in case someone needs it.

During the whole time, we will try our best to answer all questions about mercurial as quickly as possible.

Best Regards
Tobias Schöneberg
on behalf of the PMC

Introduction to HG