Launching the ADempiere Application

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Table of Contents{{#if: Getting Started| | Getting Started }}{{#if: InstallComplete| | InstallComplete }}{{#if: | | [[{{{4}}}]] }}{{#if: | | [[{{{5}}}]] }} | Launching the ADempiere Application{{#if: Logging In to the Client| | Logging In to the Client }} ⇒

The ADempiere Application runs as a client that communicates with the ADempiere Application Server. It can run on the server, on a remote machine or via a web interface. This article describes how to install the client software and launch the client application.


Before running the client, ensure the the ADempiere Application Server is running on the Server computer. See Launching the Application Server for details.

Each client/remote computer will need to have Java installed Visit to download and install the latest version.

Note.gif Note:

The Client software is automatically installed on the Server as part of the Server Install process. Depending on your operating system and installation process, you can access the Client software on the Server from a shell directly (<Adempiere_Home>/utils/RUN_ADempiere.bat/sh) or via a system menu or desktop shortcut. You can also use the process described below.

Accessing the Application Server

To access the ADempiere Application Server from a browser, point your browser to your server URL (http://<your server name, IP or URL>:<your port number>/admin e.g. http://myservername:8080/admin)

Adempiere Home.png

Running ADempiere as a Web Application

The ADempiere Client can be accessed as a web application from the application server. The server page lists several methods:

  • ADempiere ZK webUI - contributed by Posterita
  • ADempiere old UI HTML (alpha) (alternative)
  • Web Based Point of Sale (POS)
Note.gif Note:

While functional, these interfaces are not as actively supported in release 3.6.0 as the Java Clients.

Installing the ADempiere Client

To install the ADempiere client on a remote computer, you have two options:

  1. Web Start
  2. Local Install

Option 1: Web Start

The WebStart option automatically makes sure that the client computer will use the latest version. This is very handy in large installations as you will only need to update the software on the server and all the clients will automatically update their local copies the next time the client is launched.

  • From the Application Server web page, click on the WebStart button and you will see the WebStart Dialog:
Webstart download progress.jpg

  • You may need to associate the jnlp file which the WebStart uses with the appropriate java application. If so you will see a window like the one below. Click on "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.":
Webstart jnlp file.jpg
Note.gif Note:

If you mis-associate the jnlp file with another application, the WebStart functionality won't work. You can change the association in your control panel.

  • Then you will see the Security window. Click on "Always trust content from this publisher.":
Webstart digital sig.jpg
  • The very first time the application starts, you will see a license dialog.
Webstart license.jpg

Note.gif Note:

In windows, the Web Start installs a menu link in your start menu. You can restart the application by clicking this link. The next time you start the application by clicking on Web Start, the application will check for a newer version on the Application Server and automatically download it if it exists. After downloading the application will start automatically.

Option 2: Local Install

A local install makes a local copy of the client software that is not automatically updated. In order to perform the Local Install:

  • click on the zip link and
    • extract the file content to a local directory.

Refer to the Manual Installation Instructions for your operating system as the installation process is similar to the installation of the server software. Specifically, you will need to set the following system environment variables:

  • PATH

Start the ADempiere Client

Start the ADempiere Client via the script RUN_Adempiere (.bat or .sh) . Then you will see the ADempiere Login window:

Move on to Logging In to the Client for log in instructions.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you did not set the environment variables, you might receive an error message with the JAVA_HOME or ADEMPIERE_HOME variables as not been set.


  • Set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to your java installation directory e.g. C:\jdk1.5.0_05
  • Set the ADEMPIERE_HOME system environment variable to C:\Adempiere


  • Set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre if that's where your java is.

For Debian based systems do this to check

   ls -l /etc/alternatives/java 

Use this command

   export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre    

You can also set this in ~/.bashrc so it is set on each login.

  • Set the ADEMPIERE_HOME system environment variable to /opt/Adempiere if that is the local directory you unzipped to.
  • Make the shell script that starts Adempiere client runable, by giving it the eXecute attribute for All users.
 chmod a+x /opt/Adempiere/
  • Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ADEMPIER_HOME%\lib; to your PATH system environment variable.