European ADempiere Conference Day1

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Adempiere Conference Day 1

Short introduction of everbody present on the conference, including companies implementing adempiere.

When being asked what does Posterita expects from this conference, Alexander Tsang replied that Posterita would like Adempiere Bazaar to set up the right framework, the right value exchange mechanisms to reconciliate all the different individualistic and selfish goals towards a single objective. This should allow all the stakeholders along the value chain to benefit and even entice more contributors to the Adempiere Bazaar.

Idalica is a business consulting company (well known to adempiere council), adempiere is critical for idalica, more then half of the customers depends on adempiere. Recently, Idalica has been implementing Adempiere implementation at a rythm of one each month (new clients).

Italian company, implementing adempiere in italia.

German company, which was watching compiere but like a lot of people they had a problem with the closed nature of compiere, they switch to adempiere because it was more open.

Compiere was a probem, and most are happy that adempiere exists.

Generally speaking a lot of companies were unhappy with compiere, and that could explain why adempiere know such a high uptake.

Some funny remarks from Timo, regarding the code, duck tape and trolls.

Metas Consult, see the community feels like coming home.

Carlos Ruiz did had some visa problems, which explain why he isn' t here.

Some details regarding lunch, bbq (at Kai's place).

10 minute break

Libero E-evolution

Manufacturing Libero - E-evolution (Victor Perez - translation by Mario Calderon) There was a gap in manufacturing software in south-America which is why they developped libero on top of adempiere/compiere. Manufacturing with material requirements based on bill of materials. Material requirement planning build using existing modules of adempiere, workflows for actionlist (preconfigured steps). Overview of how libero plugs into adempiere.

Demo of libero Bill of materials is not the BOM of adempiere, but rather a new and better BOM suited for manufacturing.

Multiple Projects

Java Open Business / Jikibloom

Is an italian company which support and uses open source software for SME companies. Is being sponsored by Sun Microsystems. Jikibloom integrates a number of opensource projects, compiere being one of them. They also translated many projects so that they are suitable for use in Italy, including VAT (required in the EU). Jikibloom is compiere, SugarCM, Pentaho, Zimbra, Asterik, Hylafax, OpenOffice, Jboss, PostgreSQL, ... They want to integrate adempiere into this suite also. Downside of their approach are the various licences.


Speaking for Openbravo is Jordi Maes, Openbravo is yet another fork of compiere, although they follow a web based approach. A fork had happened in 2003 mostly because of Compiere didn't want to follow a web based approach. Openbravo got funded in 2005, and now they are some 70 people working for Openbravo. Openbravo does use a modified version of the MPL based license (like compiere). This also allows Open Bravo to put some restrictions as to the usage of logo and name. A Demo of openbravo is available on the big big internet. In september they will start developping Openbravo Green. To achieve this goal Openbravo has published an API, the main reason to do this is to open up their development process, looks like the inherited some bad things from compiere also. Openbravo Green is a complete rewrite of the application, although still using an application directory.


Implementation in Financial Company

Talk session given by Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov, he has implemented adempiere in a financial company, by using adempiere as a framework on which he builds new functional/financial modules. The company didn't have an ERP system, they were mostly compiling reports with Excel, one report took 3-4 hours to complete. The company did had very specific requirements for their reports, like the statement of accounts which is an overview of all transactions made on that account.

Trifon has modified the Payment window of adempiere to fulfill the requirements, and also hide some tabs of the window.

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